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Protein Structure Initiative Discovery Points to Drugs for Flu
August 25, 2008 • Rutgers University

An NIGMS-funded collaboration has revealed a key binding pocket for flu infection. Disrupting the interaction could treat flu.

New Web Portal to Advance Wide Range of Protein Studies
April 3, 2008 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

The Protein Structure Initiative has launched an online resource that will enable scientists from across biomedical disciplines to easily access a wealth of information about proteins.

Scientists Unveil Structure of Molecular Target of Many Drugs
October 29, 2007 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Scientists supported by two major NIH initiatives have captured the first structure of a human G protein-coupled receptor, one of a family of membrane proteins targeted by about half of today's pharmaceuticals.

Protein Structure Initiative Launches New Resources for the Scientific Community
November 6, 2006 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Now that the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) has established efficient pipelines for determining the three-dimensional shapes of proteins, it is creating new mechanisms for sharing the resources it has developed with the scientific community.

NIGMS Announces PSI Molecular Modeling Centers
August 10, 2006 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Two newly funded molecular modeling centers will develop computational methods for reliably predicting protein structures.

NIGMS Funds New Center for Molecular Modeling
July 20, 2006 • Burnham Institute

A new NIGMS-funded center will improve predictions of three-dimensional protein structures from raw genetic sequence. The center will unite scientists from the Burnham Institute in La Jolla and the University of California, San Diego. 

Scientists Take Snapshots of Enzyme Action
June 12, 2006 • Brookhaven National Laboratory

NIGMS-funded researchers have learned the structure and mechanism of an enzyme that eliminates drugs and toxic compounds from the body. Understanding these details could help reveal why such compounds are not always properly eliminated.

Discovery Could Help Fight Cystic Fibrosis Infection
June 9, 2006 • Argonne National Laboratory

NIGMS-supported scientists have solved the structure of a key protein involved in the infections that strike people with cystic fibrosis. The finding provides a possible drug target for fighting these infections.

Mini-Synchrotron Could Increase Access to Key Research Tool
March 2, 2006 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Scientists based in Palo Alto, California, have produced brilliant X-ray light from a device just a fraction of the standard size. The advance could transform numerous fields of biomedical research by vastly improving access to a key resource for studying the properties of molecules.

Biochemists Detect Proteins' Subtle 'Backrub' Motion
February 7, 2006 • Duke University

Biochemists have uncovered a new type of protein movement and dubbed it the 'backrub' motion. The team believes the subtle gyration influences proteins' activities in the cell.

New Approach Offers Proof of Principle for Studying Membrane Proteins
October 18, 2005 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Researchers led by Nobel Prize winner Roderick MacKinnon, M.D., of Rockefeller University have used yeast to express and obtain the structure of a mammalian voltage-dependent potassium ion channel—a type of membrane protein that helps transmit electrical signals into and out of heart and nerve cells.

Split Beamlines Can Double Research Capacity at Advanced Photon Source
August 19, 2005 • Argonne National Laboratory

Innovative Protein-Analysis Center Funded at Los Alamos
July 11, 2005 • Los Alamos National Laboratory

UW-Madison Awarded $20 Million Grant for Protein Research
July 11, 2005 • Wisconsin Technology Network

New $52.7 Million Protein Research Program
July 6, 2005 • Rutgers University

UW-Madison Scientists Receive $20 Million Award for Protein Study
July 6, 2005 • University of Wisconsin-Madison

Columbia University Takes Leading Role in Second Phase of NIH Protein Structure Initiative
July 5, 2005 • Columbia University Medical Center

Rutgers to Lead Project to Learn Protein Structures, Functions
July 5, 2005 • Rutgers University

$50 Million Grant Will Aid Studies of Protein Structures
July 1, 2005 • Argonne National Laboratory

Protein Structure Initiative Advances to Rapid Production Phase
July 1, 2005 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Awards Announced for Protein Structures
July 1, 2005 • Science Now

Protein Structure Initiative Advances to Rapid Production Phase
July 1, 2005 • Brookhaven National Lab

Scripps Research Institute-Based Center Awarded More than $50 Million by NIH in Massive Effort to Solve Protein Structures
July 1, 2005 • Scripps Research Institute

Einstein Researchers Receive Major Federal Grant to Decipher the Three-Dimensional Shapes of Proteins
July 1, 2005 • Albert Einstein College of Medicine

Structural GenomiX Receives $48.5 Million Award From NIH
July 1, 2005 • Structural GenomiX

Research of Proteins Draw Major Funding
July 1, 2005 • San Diego Union Tribune

Researchers Debut New X-Ray Resources for Studying Molecules
June 23, 2005 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

The Shapes of Life: NIGMS Project Yields More Than 1,000 Protein Structures
February 10, 2005 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

The Protein Structure Initiative, an NIGMS program aimed at determining the three-dimensional shapes of a wide range of proteins, has now determined more than 1,000 different structures.  These structures will shed light on how proteins function in many life processes and could lead to targets for the development of new medicines.

Scientists Develop Split Green for Tagging Protein
January 3, 2005 • Los Alamos National Laboratory

Energy Secretary Recognizes Project Management Awardees
August 17, 2004 • Department of Energy

Automated Science Speeds Solution of Human Genome Data
August 6, 2004 • Argonne National Laboratory

Brookhaven Lab Biophysicist F. William Studier Wins R&D 100 Award for a New Method that Simplifies Protein Production
July 28, 2004 • Brookhaven National Laboratory

Scientists Take 'Snapshot' of Molecular Tether for Anthrax and Staph Bacteria
July 19, 2004 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Argonne Scientists Determine Structure of Staph, Anthrax Enzyme
July 14, 2004 • Argonne National Laboratory

New Computational Tools to Aid in Protein Research
June 23, 2004 • Dartmouth College

Crystallographers Take Note: a Synchrotron Light Source for Your Home Lab
April 16, 2004 • Lyncean Technologies, Inc.

Robots Score Big with Protein Crystallographers
April 9, 2004 • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

'Crystal Engineering' Helps Scientists Solve 3-D Protein Structures
April 6, 2004 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Dazzling New Light Source Opens at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
January 30, 2004 • Stanford University

Protein Data Bank Opens New Era with Broader Support -- Nearly 24,000 Molecules and Growing, Accessible Collection Advances Biology
January 21, 2004 • National Science Foundation

Anthrax Toxin Structure Solved
April 2, 2003 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Protein Structure Initiative Center Maps Protein Universe
March 3, 2003 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

"Knot" to be Undone, Researchers Discover Unusual Protein Structure
November 26, 2002 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Protein Structure Initiative
October 3, 2001 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

NIGMS Protein Structure Initiative Announces New Members
September 28, 2001 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Structural Genomics: Inside the Cutting Edge
June 1, 2001 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

From Genes to Proteins: NIGMS Catalogs the Shapes of Life
February 20, 2001 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

NIGMS Structural Genomics Awards Scale Up Protein Structure Studies
September 26, 2000 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Ten Thousand Protein Structures: The First Goal of Structural Genomics
June 2, 2000 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

NIGMS Announces Initiative on Structural Genomics
June 23, 1999 • National Institute of General Medical Sciences

This page last updated August 13, 2008