About FOIA
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) gives you the right to access any Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) record unless the information in the record is protected by one of nine exemptions and (1) disclosure is prohibited by law or Executive order, or (2) disclosure could result in harm to an individual, commercial entity, or the Government.
The Privacy Act (PA) provides safeguards against an invasion of privacy through the misuse of records by Federal agencies. In general, the PA allows citizens to learn how records are collected, maintained, used, and disseminated by the Federal Government. The PA also permits individuals to gain access to most of their personal information maintained by Federal agencies and to seek amendment of any incorrect or incomplete information.
If you are seeking general information about the FLETC, you may wish to visit the Site Map. The information you are seeking may be available via our web site. If it is not, you will need to submit a FOIA request to the FLETC. Our responsibility is to provide you with copies of the documents you are entitled to receive under the law. We want to work with you to achieve that goal.
Disclaimer: To the extent that anything included on this home page may be or could be construed as inconsistent with the law or Department of Homeland Security directives, the law and directives will control the FLETC's responsibilities under the FOIA.