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Overview of the Technology Advancement Program

For Southern California to achieve the federal and state clean air standards, we will have to reduce emissions from both mobile and stationary sources much further than can be expected with our current technologies.  Therefore, in 1988, the AQMD Governing Board established the Technology Advancement Office to expedite the development, demonstration and commercialization of cleaner technologies and clean-burning fuels. 

Cooperative Partnerships

The AQMD’s Technology Advancement Program uses cooperative partnerships with private industry, academic and research institutions, technology developers, and government agencies to cosponsor projects intended to demonstrate the successful use of clean fuels and technologies that lower or eliminate emissions.

Typically, this public-private partnership enables the AQMD to leverage its public funds with an average of $3 from outside sources for every dollar contributed by the AQMD.  Many of the advanced technologies funded though these public-private partnerships are now being commercialized in the South Coast Air Basin.

Types of Projects Funded

Mobile source projects have included development and demonstration of less-polluting automobiles, buses, trucks, construction equipment, boats, locomotives and other off-road vehicles.  This has been done though advancements in engine design, improved batteries, fuel cells (which convert fuel directly to electricity without burning it), and improved powertrains for electric vehicles.  Other projects involve adapting or designing vehicles to run on clean fuels (such as natural gas, propane, methanol and hydrogen), and developing the infrastructure needed to produce and deliver those fuels.

On the stationary source front, technology advancement projects have included a wide array of low-NOx combustion systems, low-VOC coatings and processes, and clean energy production systems including fuel cells, solar power, and other renewable energy systems.

The technical areas identified as the highest priority for the next three years include:

  • Fuel cells for transportation and power generation
  • Diesel alternatives
  • Electric and hybrid-electric technologies
  • Off-road applications of alternative fuel technologies
  • VOC reduction technologies for stationary sources
  • Infrastructure development

Funding of TAO Programs

One of the primary sources of funding for the AQMD’s Technology Advancement Program is the Clean Fuels Program.  This program was mandated by state law, and is funded by a $1 surcharge included in the annual vehicle registration fee for every vehicle registered in the AQMD’s four-county jurisdiction.

Another source of revenues is the Advanced Technology Fund, which is composed of monies received from the settlement of certain air pollution violations.  The program was established to help companies advance technology rather than simply pay a fine in certain enforcement cases.  

Implementation Programs

Even after technologies are successfully developed and demonstrated, they often need a boost to promote their commercialization and widespread use.  The Technology Advancement program uses a combination of regulations and incentives to promote the commercialization of clean technologies.  For example, the AQMD has adopted a series of fleet rules requiring owners of vehicle fleets to purchase clean-fueled vehicles when adding to or replacing their vehicles. 

There are a number of statewide incentive programs that encourage the transition to cleaner vehicles.  Examples of the statewide programs include:

A complete list of implementation incentive programs can be found by clicking on Implementation.

Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Committee (MSRC)

The TAO staff provide administrative assistance to this committee.