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Clarification of Work/Rest Guidelines

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July 12, 2004

To: Chair, NWCG
From: Chair, S&HWT; Chair, FEWT (previously Chair, IBPWT); Chair, IBPWT
Subject: 2004 Work /Rest Guidelines

The recently approved NWCG Work/Rest Guidelines have been included in the 2004 Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook and other appropriate NWCG documents.

We have learned that, as geographic areas attempt to apply the guidelines, some are interpreting them differently than others, leading to inconsistent applications and possible frustration with resources that are assigned from one geographic area to another.

Therefore, after reviewing these differing interpretations as well as the guidelines language, we feel that an additional clarification memo from NWCG to the field is necessary.

The intent of the guidelines is to manage fatigue, while at the same time providing flexibility for Incident Commanders and Agency Administrators managing initial attack, extended attack, and large fires. Split shifts are often required in the latter types of incidents. The guidelines are designed to ensure that for every two hours of work or travel, one hour of time off should be provided within a 24-hour period. It doesn’t matter when the 24-hour period starts, but it must be consistent for each subsequent 24-hour period. Within this context, all time recorded on the clock would count towards the hours of work (“work”); all time off the clock would count towards the hours of time off (“rest”). Time off the clock (“rest”) includes meal breaks taken.

Any time that exceeds the guidelines (in excess of 16 hours of work or travel within a 24 hour period) must be documented, along with appropriate mitigation actions taken.

If you have any questions, contact Paul Broyles/S&HWT, 208-387-5226; Tory Henderson/FEWT, 208-387-5348; or Hallie Locklear/IBPWT, 208-387-5166.


/s/ Paul Broyles /s/ Tory Henderson /s/ Hallie Locklear


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