CLDP | Commercial Law Development Program
CLDP | Commercial Law Development Program

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Competition Law in Egypt

On August 25, an Egyptian trial court rendered a landmark decision against nine cement companies for engaging in anti-competitive behavi…More

CLDP provides commercial law technical assistance to governments and private sectors of developing and transitional countries in support of their economic development goals. Our programs are demand-driven and customized to address priority issues for host governments and firms interested in doing business in those countries. CLDP's unique government-to-government approach helps improve legal and regulatory environments and develops sustainable professional relationships with US partners.

CLDP draws expertise from throughout the US Government, as well as leading professionals from the private sector and international organizations to implement our programs. Through workshops, on-the-job skills training and consultative tours in the US and abroad, CLDP helps lawmakers, regulators, judges, lawyers, and educators from host countries achieve their commercial law reform goals.

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Current Activities

Egypt, Middle East and Maghreb
The Interplay between the State, the Private Sector and the Public in Fostering an Effective Competition Culture in Egypt more

Egypt, Middle East and Maghreb
Consultations on Consumer Protection Law and Policy more

Tunisia, Egypt, Middle East and Maghreb
Presentations on the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program more