NOAA ESRL Physical Sciences Division  
Optical Remote Sensing Division
Principal Investigators
Dr. W. Alan Brewer
Example Data
HRDL deployed on a ship.
Example HRDL data.

High Resolution Solid State Doppler Lidar (HRDL)


  • High spatial temporal and velocity resolution wind profiles
  • Boundary layer turbulence and entrainment zone studies
  • Flux measurements
  • LES model initialization and validation
  • Temporally and spatially averaged measurements of divergence
  • Dual Doppler (future)
  • Water vapor DIAL (future)
  • Multi-platform operations: land, sea and (future) air

Field Projects:

May 2001  
  • Bahamas
April/May 2000 Bahamas
October 1999 Leon, Kansas
June/July 1999 tropical Western Pacific
  • Vortex '99
January 1999 Huntsville, Alabama
  • LIFT (Lidars In Flat Terrain)
August 1996 Champain/Urbana, Illinois
  • MBLEX (Marine Boundary Layer
April/May 1995 Pacific Ocean, off
Monterrey, California

Basic Parameters Measured:

  • Range resolved velocity profiles
  • Range resolved backscatter intensity

Typical Specifications

Wavelength 2.0218 µm (Fully eye-safe)
Pulse energy 1.5 mJ
Pulse rate 200 Hz
Frequency stability 0.2 MHz
Scan Upper hemisphere
Resolution Range Time Velocity
30 m 0.02 s (for 10 pulse average) 5 cm/s
Minimum range 0.2 km
Maximum range 2 - 9 km (typically 3 km)
Accuracy Not yet established
  • Environmental container for ship deployment
  • Aircraft operation feasible
  • Unique Tm:Lu,YAG diode-pumped, injection-seeded laser transmitter


Grund, C.J., R.M. Banta, J.L. George, J.N. Howell, M.J. Post, R.A. Richter, A.M. Weickmann, 2001: High-Resolution Doppler Lidar for Boundary Layer and Cloud Research. J. Atmos. Oceanic Tech., 18, 376-393.

Wulfmeyer, V., A. Brewer, A. Weickmann, R. Richter, J. Vanandel, J. Howell, C. Grund, M. Hardesty, and P. Hildebrand, "NCAR/NOAA high-resolution Doppler lidar for wind measurements and its potential for water-vapor differential absorption lidar." Book of Abstracts, Vol. 2, Fourth International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling, Snowmass, Colorado, September 1998, 341-343, 1998.

Wulfmeyer, V., W.A. Brewer, C. Senff, S. Mayor, R. Marchbanks, J. Howell, A. Weickmann, R. Richter, C. Grund, and R.M. Hardesty, "Performance and applications of the NOAA 2um High Resolution Doppler Lidar." NASA/CP--1998--207671/PT1, 19th International Laser Radar Conference, Annapolis, Maryland, July 1998, 573-576, 1998.

Grund, C.J., "Coherent Doppler Lidar for Boundary Layer Wind Measurement Employing a Diode-pumped Tm:Lu,YAG Laser," Coherent Laser Radar, 19, 1995 OSA Technical Digest Series, Optical Society of America, Washington, DC, 1995, 14 - 16.

Earth System Research Laboratory
Physical Science Division (PSD)
Environmental Technology Laboratory

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