- National Predictive Service Group (NPSG) Meeting -


Meeting Notes



Location: Desert Research Institute – Reno, Nevada

Meeting Dates: May 15-16, 2003


Members Present:


Members Absent:




Meeting Agenda Topics:

1)      Welcome and Introductions

2)      Mission and Objectives

3)      Group Focus and Team Business

4)      Defining the desired future condition of predictive services

5)      Relationship and Coordination with other groups

6)      Questionnaire findings

7)      Short and Long Term Strategies

8)      Miscellaneous Updates

9)      Other Topics


Thursday Notes - 5/15/2003




This was the first meeting of the National Predictive Services Group (NPSG) after the charter for the group was updated and signed by the National Interagency Coordination Center Manager (for the National Coordinators).  The purpose of the meeting was to organize, discuss group business and protocols, determine our relationship and coordination needs with other groups, discuss the mission and strategy for the predictive service program, review a set of questionnaires that were mailed out to help evaluate the program, and have the opportunity to get updates from other on-going efforts. 


Gerry Day helped to facilitate the meeting and Tom Wordell agreed to take notes.  The first thing the group did was to review the Charter mission and objectives.


Agenda Item:  Charter Mission and Objectives 


An open discussion was held around program leadership:


ACTION ITEM:  Neal Hitchcock agreed to develop a draft organizational leadership diagram for the group, which will then be routed for comments/revisions prior to being accepted by the chair.


Review of Charter – section by section


Gerry provided some background on why the charter was developed with some corrections and additions from Tom and Bill. 


Section IV – Purpose

The primary focus of this section was to determine customer requirements and understand the decision environment so a suite of “standardized” products could be developed.  The PS Group function was to provide a forum and some coordination during the developmental phase while encouraging innovation by the various geographic areas. 

·        Kim reiterated the importance of determining end user needs. 

·        Neal brought up one the danger of presenting menus – e.g. spiraling expectations


Section V – Membership

·        Gerry provided a brief overview of what positions were established and how the members were selected. 

·        Bill expressed the importance of having the group advisors at each of our meetings and conference calls to keep the conduits open between the NPSG, NICC and NMAC.  He felt this could help avoid some of the frustrations that some of the other working teams are feeling right now.


Section VI – Organization

·        Gerry pointed out the importance of working with the Intell and Fire Weather working groups so we are all on convergent paths.  Our relationship with those groups needs to be clearly delineated and conveyed to those groups.


-Note:  Once an organizational leadership diagram and the vision/strategy for predictive services has been developed, then the group will define relationships and roles with the sub-working groups.


Section VII – Cooperation and Coordination

·        No Comments


Section VIII – Meetings

·        The Group anticipates needing to meet 3 to 4 times per year.  There were concerns expressed over costs for travel and per diem so they don’t become a barrier for folks like Chip and Bill.


Section IX – Responsibilities

·        Gerry provided an overview of each position

·        No additional comments


Section X – Charter Amendments

·        No comments


Agenda Item:  Group Focus and Team Business

The group agreed on the following recommendations


Meeting Logistics and Management – Needs & Considerations


The group agreed a facilitator who is not a member of the group would be required. The group would prefer to have the same facilitator at all of our meetings for at least a 2-year period (with concurrence from their supervisor).  The Chair (and vice chair) will investigate and the Chair will make the selection for the group.  Suggestions include:


The group agreed that protocols are needed for who will do this, what notes will be taken and how they will be formatted. The Chair and vice chair will review some example note formats and decide on what format will be used (List who attended, topics addressed, summarized discussion, recommendations, document decisions made, etc).  Copies of the notes would go out to group electronically after the meeting.  The group would prefer to have someone identified to attend the meetings and conference calls to take notes. The Vice Chair will make final selection on note-taker. Suggestions include:

Note: Stephanie Becker agreed to be group note taker for next two years.



ACTION ITEM: The chair will collect suggested formats on decision documents and topic abstracts.  The chair will then make a decision and develop the format the group will use for future meetings.


The group spent some time developing the following table in an attempt to delineate and understand the relationship with other groups or entities.


Group / Entity

Type of Relationship

-Information (I)

-Coordination (C)

-Decision (D)

National Coordinators


GACC Center Managers

I, D

MAC Groups (NMAC / GMAC / Sub Geo)


(*)  Intell and Met Working Groups


NWCG Working Teams

I, C

Local Units (Fire fighters, etc)


Agency Administrators




Fire Directorate (Nat’l / Regional / State / Local)

I, D



Fire Weather Program Mgrs / Fire Wx Mets


NASF Representative


Geographic Area Boards / NWCG




External Affairs / PAO




            (*) = sub-groups under Predictive Service Group


ACTION ITEM:  Neal will develop a decision flow diagram on how issues are brought into the group and routed to various other entities in order to reach decisions


The group agreed to make decisions using a consensus model.  This means that:



The group agreed on the following protocols:


ACTION ITEM:  Heath Hockenberry agreed to develop and incorporate an NPSG link on the NICC webpage he is developing at NIFC. 




Agenda Topic:  Misc. Updates & Reports: CEFA Review - Tim Brown


Tim briefly discussed a virtual reality “cave” DRI has proposed for funding from the DOD.  He also discussed highlights from the CEFA review that took place the week prior to this meeting.


Tim presented an overview of some of the projects DRI has been working on and how the contract with the BLM was established.


The findings/recommendations of the CEFA review panel were:


A summary of the CEFA Review will be compiled and distributed to the group in the next several weeks.



Friday Notes - 5/16/2003


Election of Chair and Vice-Chair


Chair: Gerry Day was elected to serve a two-year term

Vice Chair:  Tom Wordell was elected to serve a two-year term and then assume Chair


Agenda Topic:  Questionnaire Findings


The group presented the findings from their questionnaire surveys. 


ACTION ITEM:  Tom agreed to consolidate responses and email a draft out to group for review prior to getting the information out to the user community.


Gerry asked the group to write down the three most important themes they felt came from the questionnaire surveys so the group will know what to focus on.  These should provide guidance in order for the group to focus their time and energy and initiate agenda items for the next meeting.


ACTION ITEM:  Gerry to summarize and route the “important themes” to the group.



Budget and Funding Issues


Neal thought the group should articulate what funding we need and describe what tangible items and products will be generated from our program.  He didn’t think we should limit our goals for requesting a budget, even in a declining budget environment. 


Both Neal and Gerry thought we should be ready when there are funding opportunities.  They felt the budget request should tie back to our vision and strategy in how we interface with user groups and provide useful, well-integrated products to the field. 


Gerry would like to find an equivalent process to JFSP for tapping into money for research and development of operational-based products.  Neal said he would look into this and get back with the group.


Gerry wanted to know what Rusty’s ideas were for a National Fire Weather Center and if this concept could be done in a true cooperative, collaborative interagency approach.  Rusty agreed to discuss this later during the meeting.


Gerry expressed concern about ensuring an adequate infrastructure at the GACC level to support the PS mission and expectations.


Eric brought up the aspect of all-risk and how support for these events are impacting time and energy at all levels within the coordination system.


Bill thought we should develop a list of products that are currently available, those that are being developed and will be available to everyone in the future and those that need to be developed.


Neal suggested we contact Mike Hilbruner to look into the links with the research community to help develop a better link between our needs and their research efforts.


Gerry thought we should tap the existing skill base we have at the GACCs now to help determine future research efforts.  He felt we needed to be able to recognize and facilitate research opportunities. 


Neal said we needed to prioritize our research needs so we have a manageable program.


Rick thought homeland security both has needs that we could possibly contribute to and use as funding opportunities.  Gerry and Neal were cautious with this approach and wanted to make sure we don’t out-run our headlights. 


Gerry thought we needed to determine how we decide what are our budgetary needs are going to be and how we will allocate those funds.


Heath thought we should develop a short and long-term project list to help determine what we should fund.


Rick also brought up the fact we may want to consider funding some training needs.


Tom discussed what short-term funds were available for this Fiscal Year through NICC and wanted input from the group on how they felt the funds should be allocated.


The group decided to develop a list of projects/efforts they felt should be considered.  These were then categorized into short and long-term projects to determine which would be available for funding this year.


Project/ Entity


Type of Project

Short or Long Term

Who is responsible to do write up

Update Cheetah program


Tom Wordell

Initiate a Phase II for the experimental 14-day Fire Danger forecast product

Short Term

Tom Wordell

Long Range/Climate forecast training for PS employees

Short Term

Rick Ochoa

Hiring fire analyst at each GACC

Long Term

Rick Ochoa

IT System support with data which feed products (Analysts, GIS, Web design, programmers, fire danger/fuels developmental needs, etc)

Long Term

Gerry Day

Develop national system that utilizes PSA, key weather stations, critical fire business thresholds, etc.

Long Term

Rick Ochoa

Develop RAWS MOS equations (bridge funding)

Short Term

Heath Hockenberry


Long Term

Heath Hockenberry


Long Term

Heath Hockenberry

Corporate Web Pages

Long Term

Rick Ochoa


Short Term

Rusty Billingsly

R&D for fire danger/fuels classification/operational (pre-positioning decision support) products

Long Term

Tom Wordell


ACTION ITEM:  A short paragraph will be written for each item identified above by the person identified and submit to Tom Wordell by July 1, 2003 who will compile and re-distributed.  Make sure the write ups include what factors need to be considered to determine what gets funded – such as:


**Where is it on the NPSG priority list?                 **How much does it cost?

**What’s the cost of not doing this?                                    **Are there other alternatives?

**What are the benefits and who will it affect?


-Is there IRM approval?                                            -Is there a developed business case?

-Is it national or geographic area in scope?                        -It is new or improved?

-What is the life cycle?                                              -How long will it take to implement?

-Are there other sources of funding?                        -Is it a cooperative project?

-Which agency IT rules will it fall under?               -What type of support does it have?

-Is it research and development or an operational tool?

-Will it require a contract or be completed in-house?


** = Top five questions that need to be addressed

Gerry thought we should develop an issue paper that highlights the RAWS quality control responsibilities the assistant fire weather managers at each GACC has in their position descriptions. 


ACTION ITEM:  Rick Ochoa will lead the NICC predictive service group in developing an issue paper addressing what the responsibilities of the Assistant Fire Weather Manager at each GACC is with respect to RAWS data quality oversight. Once approved and signed by the NPSG chair, it should get routed out to the fire directors, center managers and NWS.



Next Meeting Dates:


Fall meeting:                 Primary week:              November 10-14

                                    Secondary week:          October 20-23


Winter meeting: Primary week:              January 20-23

                                    Secondary week:          February 2-6   



Agenda Item:  Misc. Update and Report:  NWS FY05 Fire Weather Initiative – Rusty Billingsly


Rusty presented an overview of an initiative for NWS.  It includes:



Agenda Item:  Misc. Update and Report:  AWIPS System Update – Heath Hockenberry


Heath discussed the IT business case that was developed for implementing an AWIPS system and data support required at each of the GACCs. 


Rick Ochoa suggested that Heath take the business lead for the AWIPS proposal.  The group concurred.  At this point a letter is needed that describes the need for supporting the project in order to get IT approval and the “go-ahead” for developing the full business case.  He felt if the NPSG supported the project, it would demonstrate interagency support.  Heath is planning to construct this letter in the next couple of weeks and get it back out the group for review.  The group will then review the letter and hold a conference call prior to approval/support so we understand whether AWIPS is a smart business move for the agencies and what the costs will be if we support implementing it or if we don’t implement it.  Heath will describe the caveats for viewing/sharing the information when he sends it out.  Once the NPSG (and other groups) gave approval, then Heath could route it up through Kim Christensen to Larry Hamilton.  Heath would also take the responsibility of drafting up the MOU that would be required for the project to go forward.  Tom McClelland will complete the IT needs.


Agenda Item: National Coordinators – Tactical Management of Shared Resources


Gerry led a discussion on how the daily coordinator conference calls should flow to allow us to deal with imminent threats and resource allocation decisions needed to mitigate it. 

Rick said he and Heath would attempt to coordinate as best they can with the GACCs so their summary falls in line with the geographic areas.  Rick said the Geographic Area meteorologists also have a responsibility to contact Rick or Heath if they know their local situation has changed. 


Kim expected the coordinators to do a quick round robin to indicate what actions they have taken or are anticipating in response to forecast fire weather and fire danger.


Gerry suggested that NICC discuss a “tentative” scenario for shared resources so the GACC Center Managers (GACMs) could critique it.


Kim thought Tom and Rick should start off the discussion and then have the GACMs explain how they feel before Kim responds with suggestions.

After discussing this topic, the group agreed the coordination calls should go as follows:

**NICC Manager will have final say in terms of nationally shared resource movement


Gerry explained how the PNW is going allocate resources based on a variety of factors they are assessing and predicting. 


ACTION ITEM:  Gerry will have Terry Marsha make a copy of the 10-Day Large Fire Potential Model and send it out the group.


Gerry felt we needed to close the loop with the vision statement.

Rick felt its something we need to do this summer


ACTION ITEM:  Rick, Tom, Bill and Eric will draft a vision and mission statement paper for the NPSG and will ship out a final draft by July 15, 2003.



Session Close Out


National Predictive Service Group – Action Item Tracking Table



Task #



Action Item


Page #









Develop a draft organizational leadership diagram for the group, which will then be routed for comments/revisions prior to being accepted by the chair.








Collect suggested formats on decision documents and topic abstracts.  The chair will then make a decision and develop the format the group will use for future meetings.



Gerry Day




Develop a decision flow diagram on how issues are brought into the group and routed to various other entities in order to reach decisions



Neal Hitchcock




Develop and incorporate an NPSG link on the NICC webpage he is developing at NIFC. 



Heath Hockenberry




Consolidate responses and email a draft out to group for review prior to getting the information out to the user community.



Tom Wordell




Write a short paragraph for each item identified in the Potential Funding Needs Table on page 9 of the May 2003 NPSG notes.  Submit to Tom Wordell who will compile and re-distribute. 



Various NPSG Members




Develop an issue paper addressing what the responsibilities of the Assistant Fire Weather Manager at each GACC are with respect to RAWS data quality oversight. Once approved and signed by the NPSG chair, it should get routed out to the fire directors, center managers and NWS



Rick Ochoa

& NICC Predictive Service Group




Task #



Action Item


Page #









 Make a copy of rationale Terry Marsha developed for identifying PSA fire danger levels and send it out the group. 



Gerry Day




Draft a vision and mission statement paper for the NPSG



Rick Ochoa

Tom Wordell

Eric Jager

Bill Plough