OFCM Special Session

Atmospheric Transport and Dispersion Modeling Support for Homeland Security
(June 19, 2003 - Day 3 of DTRA/GMU Conference)

Theme: Improving and optimizing the capability of Federal agencies to support homeland security requirements for atmospheric modeling of the release from weapons of mass destruction through a shared understanding of National operational and research needs.

The Special Session Proceedings (PDF file 178KB)

  • Welcoming Remarks/Set the Stage
    Mr. Samuel P. Williamson, Federal Coordinator

Power Point
(284 K)
  • Invited Talk: Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD)/Improvised Nuclear Device (IND) Preparedness Activities
    Mr. Craig Conklin, Director, Technical Services Division, Office of National Preparedness, FEMA/DHS

Power Point
(57 KM)
  • Panel 1: Operational Requirements and the Current State of the Science
    Moderator: CAPT Frank Garcia, Jr., DOD/ODUSD (S&T)
    • Dr. Paula Davidson, NOAA/NWS
Power Point
(2.3 M)
    • Ms. Debbie Payton, NOAA/ORR (Mr. Mark Miller)
Power Point
(906 K)
    • Mr. Ronald G. Meris, DOD/DTRA
Power Point
(27.7 M)
    • Dr. Stephen A. McGuire, NRC
Power Point
(3.8 M)
    • Mr. William Petersen, EPA/NOAA
Power Point
(4.1 M)
    • Dr. Walter Chrobak, DOE
Power Point
      • TOPOFF Summary

Power Point
(3.1 M)
  • Invited Talk: National Research Council Report: "Tracking and Predicting the Dispersion of Hazardous Agents"
    General William Odom, USA (Ret.) (Hudson Institute)
    Dr. John Wyngaard (Penn State University)

Power Point
(2.1 M)
  • Panel 2: ATD Research Needs and Priorities
    Moderator: Dr. Walter Bach, USA/ARO
Power Point
(39 K)
    • Dr. Jay Boris, Navy/NRL
Power Point
(796 K)
    • Mr. Walter W. Schalk, NOAA/ARL
Power Point
(108 K)
    • Mr. John Pace, DOD/DTRA
Power Point
(214 K)
    • Ms. Jocelyn Mitchell, NRC
Power Point
(167 K)
    • Dr. David Bacon, SAIC
Power Point
(227 K)
    • Dr. Zafer Boybeyi, GMU

Power Point
(153 K)
  • Panel 3: Developing a Common Framework for Model Evaluation
    Moderator: Dr. Paul Try, OFCM/STC
    • Dr. Steven Hanna, GMU
Power Point
(184 K)
    • Dr. James Ellis, LLNL NARAC
Power Point
(1.2 M)
    • Dr. Jeffrey C. Weil, CIRES/CU
    • Dr. Priscilla A. Glasow, Mitre Corp, JEM Program's Accreditation Agent
Power Point
(1.2 M)
    • Mr. Bruce Hicks, NOAA/ARL

Power Point
(102 K)
  • Wrap-up
    Robert J. Dumont (OFCM)

Power Point
(36 K)
  • Special Session on Default Source Term Selection
    (This is the first of a series of discussions on default source terms within the OFCM Federal coordinating infrastructure. Federal agencies only by invitation)
    Moderator: Mr. Bruce Hicks, NOAA/ARL
Power Point
(46 K)