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Status Update

The U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) has assumed a broader role in the creation of GPO’s Federal Digital System (FDsys) through modifications of its contract with Harris Corporation. This change will allow GPO to manage all program responsibilities, the role of the master integrator. GPO now has more control and oversight of the program resources, schedule, and cost, while Harris Corporation maintains its significant role in the development of FDsys. In order to supplement resources GPO is bringing on additional subject matter experts from FAST, Documentum, and MITRE Corporation. The expected capabilities of FDsys have not changed and GPO’s focus remains on the first public release, targeted for late 2008.


FDsys will be implemented through a series of releases, with each release building upon the features of the previous release. There are multiple releases planned over the next two years, with beta testing occurring prior to each release. The initial public release is scheduled for late 2008.

Current Status

In September 2007 GPO began giving Proof-of-Concept demonstrations and responses have been overwhelmingly positive. A proof of concept is used to validate that the concept will meet stakeholder expectations. These demonstrations showcase content submission and processing, metadata creation, search functionality, and viewing content and metadata. You can view demonstrations of the Search (access) and Submission by downloading the links below.

Files must be played using Windows Media Player.

Search (access) Demonstration

Submission Demonstration

If you would like more information on the proof-of-concept demos contact the PMO at

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For more information, please contact the Program Management Office


Phone: 202.512.1080

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