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Table of contents for NWCG Membership

NWCG Membership NWCG Board of Directors NWCG Chairperson NWCG Executive Secretary NWCG Working Team Representatives

NWCG Membership

As prescribed by the charter, as amended, the NWCG shall consist of one official or that official's representative from each of the following agencies, or offices, and two from the National Association of State Foresters (NASF).

Bureau of Indian Affairs logo. Bureau of Indian Affairs USDA Forest Service logo US Forest Service, Fire & Aviation Management
Bureau of Land Management logo Bureau of Land Management Federal Emergency Management Agency, U.S. Fire Administration logo Federal Emergency Management Agency, U. S. Fire Administration
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service logo U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Association of State Foresters logo National Association of State Foresters
National Park Service logo National Park Service   Fire Systems Research, U. S. Forest Service
      Intertribal Timber Council

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NWCG Board of Directors

U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service - Chair Brian McManus
National Association of State Foresters - Vice Chair Dan Smith
Executive Secretary Bonnie Bradshaw
Bureau of Indian Affairs Lyle Carlile
Bureau of Land Management Tim Murphy
National Park Service Tom Nichols
Aviation & Fire Management,
U. S. Forest Service
Karyn Wood
Fire Systems Research,
U. S. Forest Service
Mike Hilbruner
Intertribal Timber Council Jim Erickson
US Fire Administration Hugh Wood

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NWCG Chairperson

The Chairperson for each calendar year is elected from among the members at the September meeting of the proceeding year and may be reelected for one or more additional terms. A recorder, secretary, or other officers necessary for the functioning of the Group may be appointed by the Chairperson. Also the Chairperson may call and conduct meetings, establish working teams and submit Group recommendations to member agencies for action.

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NWCG Executive Secretary

The Chairperson may appoint an Executive Secretary to perform various administrative duties.   The duties would include:

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NWCG Working Team Representatives

A Working Team Representative (WTR), a member of the NWCG, is assigned by the NWCG Chairperson to each working team. The responsibility of the WTR is to provide continuing liaison in all matters concerning NWCG and working team business. It is essential. that WTR's attend working team meetings so that team actions can be fully interpreted to the Group during Group meetings and so that Group actions and concerns can be fully shared with working teams during their meetings.

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