Quick Links To Typical Issues

Please note: Only select issues are depicted in this section of the Help Desk with a fixed number of links. If you don’t find an answer to your inquiry here or you want to see a full discussion of the issue, you may want to go back to the Table of Contents and approach your inquiry from a different perspective.

Agency Fees
Arbitration: Grievances-1, Grievances-2, Awards or Appeals, Access to Awards, Collective-bargaining
Arbitrator Roster
Bargaining in good faith
Bankruptcy of an Airline or Railroad
Benefits: airline, railroad, other employer, benefit protection
Collusion (between a carrier and union)
Craft-or-class (see section 9.0 of the NMB Representation Manual)
Decertification: representation, definition
Discrimination: age, civil rights, disability, equal pay, union rights
Duty of Fair Representation
Election of union officials
Employment Laws
Family and Medical Leave
Filing claims or charges
Filing a grievance
Filing a grievance "as an individual"
Grievances against: airline, railroad, other employer, union
Interference re union elections (see Section 17.0 of the NMB Representation Manual)
Internal union matters
Inter-union agreements
Layoff: airline, railroad, other employer, WARN
Legal advice
Medical Leave: airline, railroad, other employer, FMLA
Mergers - unions, for carriers (see Section 19.0 of the NMB Representation Manual)
Overtime: airline, railroad, other employer, FLSA
Pay Issues: airline, railroad, other
Pensions (see Retirement below)
Railroad Unemployment and Sickness Benefits
Ratification Voting (on new or amended Collective Bargaining Agreement)
Representation Elections: airlines or railroads, other
Retirement: Railroad, Social Security, ERISA, OWBPA
Rights as a union member
Right to form unions: airlines or railroads, other employers, unfair labor practices
Safety & Health: FAA, FRA, OSHA
Seniority disputes: airline, railroad, inter-union, other
Termination: airline, railroad, other
Unfair labor practices
Union affairs
Union certification or decertification
Union dues or Agency Fees
Voting: representation by unions, on union/management agreements, union officials, strikes
Wages: airline, railroad, other
Work hours: airline, railroad, other
Working conditions: airline, railroad, other (also see Safety & Health above)

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