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Molecular Biology Section, LCDB

Yoshihiko Yamada, PhD, Chief


The overall goal of the Molecular Biology Section is to understand the structure and function of extracellular matrix (ECM) and to elucidate the regulatory mechanisms of ECM expression. This research program has been characterizing the structures and functions of a number of ECM molecules and regulatory protein factors. It also studies the intermolecular interactions of ECM molecules. Members focus particularly on two areas, basement membranes and cartilage. They study the roles of basement membrane and cartilage components in normal development and disease in animal models. They have also been identifying bioactive sites on laminin. These studies are aimed towards developing reagents useful for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Recently, this research program has led the LCDB effort to initiate a new genome project with the goals of identifying and characterizing novel genes important for tooth and craniofacial development, and of defining the molecular basis of anomalies.


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This page last updated: July 25, 2008