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The name of this group is the National Wildfire Coordinating Group, hereinafter referred to as the NWCG.


  • NWCG will provide national leadership and establish, implement, maintain, and communicate policy, standards, guidelines, and qualifications for wildland fire program management.
  • NWCG provides a forum in which issues, both short and long term, involving standards and program implementation can be coordinated, discussed, and resolved. Serves as a clearinghouse and provides a forum for discussion of short and long-term wildland fire management issues and initiates actions to improve coordination and integration of state, tribal, and federal wildland fire programs while recognizing individual agency missions.


Develops and maintains standards, guidelines, training, and certification in interagency wildland fire operations.
  • Implements the wildland fire program.
  • Participates with and responds to wildland fire policy and program guidance and direction.
  • Ensures strategic policy and program coordination between fire, resources, aviation, and other related program areas.
  • Participates in the development and supports the National Response Plan, as well as the National Incident Management System (NIMS) as required.

Guiding Principles:

  • Safety is the core value and consideration throughout all NWCG activities.
  • Wise and efficient use of funds is a high priority consideration in planning and implementing NWCG objectives.
  • Interagency communication, coordination, and cooperation are vital to the effective and efficient use of the nation’s wildland fire management resources. Actions are based on the collective needs and capabilities of the interagency community.
  • Effective wildland fire management is a result of leadership at all levels.
  • Trust and integrity are inherent to the success of NWCG. Deliberations are open and transparent.
  • Differences in member organizations’ responsibilities, missions, and capabilities are recognized and mutually respected.
  • Responding to change through a deliberative process and member accountability for all actions contributes to excellence.

Membership and Organization

Membership is limited to one individual organization representative, except the Forest Service will be represented by two representatives – one from Fire and Aviation Management and one from Fire Research.

Member Organizations:

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs
  • Bureau of Land Management
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • National Park Service
  • Forest Service, Fire and Aviation Management
  • Forest Service Fire Research
  • U.S. Fire Administration
  • National Association of State Foresters
  • Intertribal Timber Council

NWCG will include a Chair, Co-Chair, and Executive Secretary. The Chair and Co-Chair will each be elected from within the NWCG to serve a minimum term of two (2) years.

The Chair may establish working teams or other temporary ad hoc committees to carry out the functional work of the NWCG. The Chair for any working team shall be selected by a vote of the NWCG. Membership shall be invited from member organizations and other organizations having the expertise and interest in the particular subject matter. Working team reports and recommendations shall be submitted to the Group for review, approval, and further action.


The Chair may call and conduct meetings, establish working teams, and submit NWCG recommendations to member agencies and other entities for action, and sign NWCG correspondence. In addition, the Chair will represent the Group at Fire Executive Council Meetings, National Association of State Foresters Fire Committee Meetings, and other meetings and events as appropriate. When the Chair is absent from a Group meeting or incapacitated, the Co-Chair shall assume the full authority and responsibility of the Chair.

The Co-Chair is responsible for serving as Chair in his or her absence and for performing delegated duties.

Executive Secretary:
The Chair will designate an Executive Secretary from outside the NWCG membership. The Executive Secretary is responsible for recording the actions and decisions of the NWCG, for distributing and communicating information about the NWCG, and for keeping and securing permanent records of the NWCG. The Executive Secretary will assist the Chair with organizing and preparing for meetings.

Operating Principles, Guidelines, and Procedures
The NWCG shall have an operating plan to provide protocols and procedures for conducting NWCG business.

Meetings and Reports
The NWCG shall meet monthly or as necessary to conduct business. Quarterly meetings will be held at locations to be determined by the member organizations through their representatives. The Group shall also meet upon the call of the Chair at a location to be determined by the Chair. The Chair shall submit necessary reports and have minutes prepared for each meeting and distributed to the members.

Monthly meetings shall focus on program implementation. Three times annually, meetings shall focus on standards, guidelines, and training and certification issues in interagency wildland fire operations. A quorum for conducting business shall be a minimum of two-thirds of the members.

This Charter is effective on the date of approval of undersigned officials and shall remain in effect until revised or revoked by those officials.


Sinatures of Approvers


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