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ITA.DOC.GOV >> Goodgovernance : Good Governance Program

Private-Public Partnerships:

The GGP promoted the establishment of private sector led working groups in program countries and assisted them in the development of private-public sector partnerships and short, medium, and long-term action plans. Program countries included: Armenia, Azerbaijan, El Salvador, Georgia, Guatemala, Honduras, Kazakhstan, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, and Uzbekistan.


The GGP trained over 2,000 private sector representatives from program countries. The GGP provided four intensive, Train-the-Trainer Programs: three focused on business ethics with trainees hailing from Russia, the Newly Independent States, and Latin America, and one with a corporate governance focus for Russian participants. Trainees from the train-the-trainer programs have subsequently provided training to hundreds of individuals in program countries and developed corporate codes of conduct, corporate ethics and compliance programs.


The GGP has produced and continues to make available a number of publications, including:

  • Business Ethics: A Manual for Managing a Responsible Business Enterprise in Emerging Market Economies (available in English, Russian, and Spanish)
  • The Russia Corporate Governance Manual
  • Handbook on Commercial Dispute Resolution in the Russian Federation
  • Basic Guidelines for Codes of Business Conduct

Click here to access all GGP publications.

Business Ethics Pacts:

In four program countries (Georgia, Nicaragua, Panama, and Paraguay), the private sectors, with support from the GGP and in cooperation with the government and civil society, have developed Business Ethics Pacts. These Business Ethics Pacts contain general ethical principles to which signatories must abide and a series of actions that signatories agree to take in concert with other local organizations to promote transparency in the marketplace. In Paraguay, the program has developed an independent non-profit organization and brand, PEC, (Pacto Etico Comercial or Business Ethics Pact) which is working to establish enforcement mechanisms. Currently, they require signatories to attend training and provide financial records to show compliance with Paraguayan law and tax requirements.

Public Awareness Campaign:

While all GGP program countries have undertaken efforts to raise awareness on the importance of a transparent and predictable marketplace, the Business Ethics Working Group in Guatemala has developed a coordinated public awareness campaign, called ProEtica that includes advertising, radio spots, and the development of a website. Furthermore, the ProEtica campaign won a 2007 Effie award in the non-profit category. Effie awards are handed out to the best and most effective publicity campaigns.


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Good Governance Program Logo

Business Ethics: A Manual for Managing a Responsible Business Enterprise in Emerging Market Economies
Handbook for Commercial Dispute Resolution in Russia

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