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Overall Award Summary

  • Since its inception in FY 1999, the NERI program has awarded 152 R&D projects conducted at 66 U.S. universities, 11 laboratories, 2 Government agencies, 40 companies, and 29 foreign organizations.
  • The new FY 2007 awards alone involve: 17 U.S. universities, 8 DOE laboratories, and 3 companies.
  • The 186 projects to date represent a NERI investment of approximately $185.4 million.

FY 1999 - FY2007
NERI Award Funding Summary
Total Funding: $185.4 Million

The NERI Award Lists below identify the awards and the corresponding lead and collaborative research organizations. The Award Information provides summary level information regarding the awards made in the given fiscal year.


Industry 17.1% Laboratories 37.4% Universities 45.5%
Program Links

Research Areas
------------------------------- R&D Awards
NERI Overall Award Summary
Participants List
NERI-C Awards
FY 2007 Awards
FY 2006 Awards
FY 2005 Awards
Solicitations & Announcements


FY 2007 Advanced Reactor, Fuel Cycle, and Energy Products Workshop for Universities


International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (I-NERI)


NERI Reports