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Bathymetry of
Lake Erie & Lake Saint Clair

view large jpg image of Lake Erie bathymetry.

This new bathymetry provides a detailed look at the lake floor topography and serves as a GIS base layer for many applications.

Products available:

  • Create a custom grid of Lake Erie and Lake Saint Clair bathymetry
  • A 3-D full color poster (26x50 inches) of Lake Erie and Lake Saint Clair at one meter contour interval [PDF Preview (7.5 Mb)]
  • A full color wall-size poster (3x6 feet) of Lake Erie and Lake Saint Clair [PDF Preview (3.7 Mb)] [JPG Preview (400 Kb)]
  • A full color mini-poster (11x17 inches) of Lake Erie and Lake Saint Clair [JPG Preview (15 Kb)]
  • A full color poster (22x27 inches) of the bathymetry of Western Lake Erie [JPG Preview (650 Kb)]
  • A CD-ROM containing the digital data and downloadable images of the lakes [Online Preview]

NOAA Scientists Receive IAGLR Chandler-Misener Award

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