NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratory

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Tornado Safety...
What you need to know NOW!

Listen to NOAA Weather Radio or commercial radio/television for tornado warnings and instructions. If you hear a "Tornado Warning" or a storm threatens, seek safety immediately in a pre-designated shelter or basement.


  • Abandon mobile homes, since they offer little protection even when tied down.
  • Go to a basement or interior room on the lowest floor (bathroom or closet without windows, under stairs). Get under a sturdy piece of furniture.
  • Cover yourself with a mattress or blanket

If you have time:

  • Put bicycle helmets on kids
  • Put on sturdy shoes
  • Find your purse/wallet and keys; keep them with you
  • Put infants in carseats
  • Put collars and ID tags on pets

DO NOT open your windows.

In a vehicle:

  • If the roads and traffic permit free movement, it is almost always possible to outrun a tornado.
  • If you can see the tornado and can tell which way it is moving, drive perpendicular to its movement.
  • If there is time, abandon your car and get into a permanent building.
  • DO NOT hide under overpasses - they provide no shelter and increases your danger.
  • Lie flat in a ditch (last-resort).


  • Find a culvert or cave.
  • Find something to hang onto.
  • Lie flat in a ditch.
  • Cover your head.

damaged home showing only the interior bathroom walls remaining

Tornadoes are possible in your area. Remain alert for approaching storms.

A tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar - take necessary precautions at once!

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