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Re: renderer obscures axes, labels, other data objects

Message from the sgt mail list.

Many thanks, Jason,

I tried out the 'modified draw method' suggested in the message you
referenced...it fails when more than one SGT Graph (curve) in the second
or subsequent JPane of a composite is desired, although it does cure the
no axes showing problem; also concealed were some SGT labels not
associated with the axes (title and footer labels).

I'm going to proceed by arranging for the JPanes to be slotted into
separate JPanels in the base application, maybe; if that doesn't work,
I'll probably try something akin to your solution.  Would you be willing
to share the code?


On Tue, 6 May 2003, Jason Baragry wrote:

> G'Day Eric,
> > 3.  When the JSim application puts two or more JPanes together (in
> > different cells/JPanels of the "plot page", the second and later JPanes 
> > have parts obscured:
> I also had this problem recently and I found messages in the mailing
> list archive where others had encountered the same problem.
> It appears SGT has a problem putting multiple SGT panes.
> I got around the problem by writing my own LayoutManager so
> I only needed one JPane with a type of grid layout. I noticed that
> somebody else got around the problem by modifying the draw
> method.
> http://www.epic.noaa.gov/java/sgt/mail/msg00080.html
> Hope it helps.
> cheers
> Jason


James Eric Lawson
Research Publications Editor
National Simulation Resource


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