Your Local SBA



District Director
U.S. Small Business Administration
Maine District Office


Maurice L. Dubé was named the district director of the U.S. Small Business Administration's Maine District Office on July 1, 2007.  Moe is responsible for the administration of the SBA business loan portfolio; the approvals of SBA guaranty loans for start-up and expansion of business; the oversight of the Maine Small Business Development Center network, a technical assistance provider; the coordination of Maine's SCORE chapters, a volunteer organization that provides free business counseling, and oversight of the Women's Business Center at Coastal Enterprises, Inc., SBA's official women's business center in Maine.

Moe has worked for the SBA in various capacities since transferring to the agency in 1987.  He began his SBA career as a liquidation loan officer in the SBA's Maine District Office before moving to the business development division, where he was promoted to assistant district director for business development and later, to deputy district director.  His last assignment before relocating to Maine was district director of the SBA's Massachusetts District Office.  He also served as district director of Eastern Missouri's district office in St. Louis.

Prior to his service with SBA, Moe worked for the Maine Department of Labor before taking a position with the Internal Revenue Service in Northern Virginia, in 1974, later moving to Maine.

A Maine native, he served in the U.S. Army, military intelligence branch from 1968 to 1970, and retired from the U.S. Coast Guard Reserves with the rank of Lieutenant in 1994.  He graduated from St. Dominic High School in 1967.  He is a 1973 graduate of Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, with a B.A. in French and secondary concentration in English literature.  He has since completed extensive studies in accounting and business at the University of Maine in Augusta.

Moe is married to the former Anita Moulin, a fellow Bates graduate, class of 1973, who is a French and Spanish language teacher at Livermore Falls High School.  They have two adult sons in graduate school; St. John's College in Santa Fe and at Université de Montréal.  They reside in Lewiston.