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United States Department of Transportation - www.dot.gov


Promoting Booster Seat Use

Know the Facts About Booster Seats

Learn From Others — Challenges and Lessons Learned

Reach Out to All Populations

State and National Resources

Additional Reading

Appendix A

Appendix B

Exhibits (Booster Seat Demonstration Projects)
  • Booster Seat Promotion Program, Nassau County, New York
  • "Give Kids a Boost" Campaign, Phoenix, Arizona
  • Booster Seat Education Program—"Alex Gets a Boost Before Blast Off," Houston, Texas
  • Protecting Older Child Passengers—Rural, Bismarck, North Dakota
  • Promoting the Use of Booster Seats Among Young Families in King County, Washington

    State and National Resources

    Many State and national organizations are committed to promoting booster seat use. Contact them directly and visit their web sites to find out information on the following topics:

    • Booster seat materials for specific audiences
    • Loaner, voucher, and coupon programs for the distribution of booster seats
    • Ways to participate in national booster seat promotional activities
    • Other general information about the promotion of booster seat use

    A good place to start is your State’s CPS program. You can find a list of State CPS contacts on the NHTSA web site. For your convenience, appendix B contains a list of NHTSA Regional Offices, State Highway Safety Offices, and contact information for the Governors Highway Safety Association.

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