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National Wildfire Coordinating Group





Guides, Documents, Videos, and Other Resources

(Refer to the NFES Catalog Part 2: Publications for further details.)


Establishing Fire Prevention Education Cooperative Programs and Partnerships       NFES 2597
Fire Communication and Education NFES 2602
Fire Education Exhibits and Displays NFES 2603
Fire Prevention Education Team Leader Guide NFES 2979
Industrial Operations Fire Prevention Guide NFES 2598
Recreation Area Fire Prevention NFES 2601
Wildfire Prevention Conducting School Programs Guide NFES 1254
Wildfire Prevention Event Management Guide NFES 1253
Wildfire Prevention Marketing Guide NFES 1252
Wildfire Prevention and the Media NFES 1877
Wildfire Prevention Patrol Guide NFES 2570
Wildfire Prevention Strategies Guide NFES 1572
Wildfire Prevention Sign & Poster Guide NFES 2753
Focus on Wildfire Prevention: Profiling Four Programs that Really Work.  NFES 2376
Smokey Bear Pocket Planner NFES 2278

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