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Region 5 Fire Prevention, Education, & Awareness

  • 2005 Fire Prevention Accomplishment Report »» This report represents the creativity, efficiency, and committment Fire Prevention personnel from California demonstrate each day.

  • FireSafe Council LogoFireSafe Councils »» The California Fire Safe Council's mission is to preserve and enhance California's manmade and natural resources by providing leadership and support that mobilizes all Californians to protect their homes, communities and environment from wildfires.

  • FireWise Logo FIREWISE »» This web site contains educational information for people who live or vacation in fire-prone areas of the United States. It was designed to acquaint YOU with the challenges of living with wildland fire.

  • Smokey Bear with shovelSmokey Bear »» Smokey Bear has been a member of our families since 1944. The purpose of the Smokey Program is to create and maintain public awareness, through the image of Smokey Bear, about the need to prevent unplanned, human-caused wildland fires.

  • Forest Service Shield1957 Report of Fire Task Force to the Chief »» This 1957 report was submitted to the Chief of the Forest Service by a task force including W.R. Moore, V.A. Parker, C.M. Countryman, L.K. Mays, and A.W. Greeley. This report marks the origin of the 10 Standard Firefighting Orders, 18 Watchout Situations and of the research into and use of fire behavior knowledge in wildland firefighting. This report was also a milestone in the development of both the Incident Command System (ICS) and National Advanced Resource Technology Center (NARTC). NARTC has since evolved into the National Advanced Fire and Resource Institute (NAFRI).

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USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.