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Electroencephalographic (i.e., brain wave) tracings of the waveform P300


Electroencephalographic (i.e., brain wave) tracings of the waveform P300

Electroencephalographic (i.e., brain wave) tracings of the waveform P300 obtained from nonalcoholic (i.e., control) and alcoholic subjects in response to a visual stimulus. Each tracing represents a different location on the scalp. The horizontal scales represent time in milliseconds (ms).The vertical scales represent wave amplitude measured in micro volts (mV) of electrical potential. The data are statistically derived from 197 subjects and 61 scalp electrodes.

Source: Chorlian, D.B., et al. Measuring electrical activity of the brain. Alcohol Health & Research World 19(4):315–320, 1995. As corrected in Alcohol Health & Research World 20(1):5, 1996.

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Updated: October 2000

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