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Post-Doctoral Position in France: Neuropsychology and brain imaging in adolescents at risk for addiction


Neuropsychology and brain imaging in adolescents at risk for addiction

A post doctoral position is open  in the Research Unit Inserm CEA U797 around january 2008 for up to 4 years.

The candidate will take part in a multicenter European Community project investigating adolescent subjects at risk for alcohol abuse and other addiction and mental disorders, with brain imaging and genomics.  He will be in charge of neuropsychology and psychometry assessments, as well as brain imaging acquisition and analyses (sMRI and fMRI).  

The candidate should be experienced in Neuropsychology and/or psychiatry and will interact with PhD students and as well as engineers and clinicians from the clinical departments associated with the project. Experience in MR brain imaging is welcome.

The selected candidate will have the chance to learn and further develop solid computational and analytical skills in integration of brain imaging techniques and neuropsychology within the framework of cerebral maturation in healthy and patients. The position is open at 45K€ / year.

The research Unit INSERM - CEA U797 is located near Paris (France), and affiliated to the INSERM (National Institute for Health and Medical Research), the CEA (Atomic Energy Commission), the Paris-sud university (Orsay), and the Paris 5 University.          

It involves a team of physicians and researchers trained to investigate juvenile or adult healthy subjects and patients with psychiatric disorders and genetic conditions for more than fifteen years. It also includes engineers experienced in brain image transfert, storage and analysis. The INSERM - CEA U797 Unit is a partner of a brain imaging Institute ( including a brain imaging research platform where 3 PET tomographs and one 1.5T MR imager are available. The institute includes a new brain imaging research platform with high-field MR research facilities located in the immediate vicinity, where a 3T Siemens trio and a 7T MR Siemens magnet are available. A database including (sMRI) brain images of several hundred of patients with various psychiatric conditions is available.

Also, the INSERM-CEA Unit U797 has dedicated research facilities within: -1/ the Pediatric Radiology Department at Necker pediatric hospital, Paris (Pr F Brunelle, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris), a department experienced in brain scanning young patients or healthy children and adolescents; and -2/ within the Adolescent Medicine department, Cochin hospital, Paris (Dr I Ferrand, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris), a new department devoted to psychological and medical evaluation of adolescents.

To apply for this position, please send a cover letter, a CV including a list of publications, and the names and electronic addresses of two mentors willing to provide a recommendation letter to:

Peggy Murray
Senior Advisor
Office of the Director
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
National Institutes of Health
5635 Fishers Lane Room 2013
Rockville, MD 20852-7003

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please, feel free to forward this announcement to anybody who might be interested.





Prepared:  December 11, 2007




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