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Advisory Council Subcommittee Review of Extramural Research Portfolio for Neuroscience and Behavior, May 11-13, 1998, Washington, DC




Training and Career Development


Acute Actions of Ethanol on Specific Neural Targets
Lipid/Protein Interactions
Program Portfolio
Program Portfolio

Molecular and Cellular Adaptive Responses to Chronic Ethanol Exposure Neuroadaptation

Program Portfolio


Behavioral Effects
Neuroadaptive Behavioral Effects
Adolescent Period
Program Portfolio


Cognitive and Behavioral Studies
Mechanisms of Alcoholic Behaviors
Human Neuroendocrine Studies
Sleep Studies
Program Portfolio


Neuropsychological Studies
Neuroimaging Studies
Neurophysiological Studies
Program Portfolio


A: Subcommittee for Review of Neuroscience and Behavior Portfolio
B: Experts in Neuroscience and Behavior
C: NIAAA Program Staff
D: NIAAA Staff, Representatives from other NIH Institutes, and Guests




The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism's (NIAAA) Subcommittee for the Review of the Extramural Research Portfolio for Neuroscience and Behavior met on 11-13 May 1998. The charge to the Subcommittee was to examine the appropriateness of the breadth, coverage, and balance of the neuroscience and behavior research portfolio, identifying research areas that are well covered and others which are either under-investigated or which otherwise warrant significantly increased attention. The Subcommittee was asked also to provide specific advice and guidance on the scope and direction of the Institute's extramural research activities in the neuroscience and behavior area.

The Subcommittee for the Review of the Extramural Research Portfolio for Neuroscience and Behavior consisted of two NIAAA Advisory Council co-chairs and an advisory group of 18 individuals. Fifteen of these individuals have demonstrated expertise in alcohol-related areas and three individuals have demonstrated expertise in non-alcohol-related areas (see Appendix A).

The review process was initiated by having experts (see Appendix B) in neuroscience and behavior prepare written assessments of the state of knowledge, gaps in knowledge, and research opportunities. NIAAA program staff (see Appendix C) presented the current extramural portfolio, categorized into the areas of basic neuroscience research, molecular adaptive responses, neuroendocrine system, studies of the acute and chronic effects of alcohol in animals and in humans, cognitive/behavioral/structural deficits in humans, and training and career development. All information was shared with experts, selected NIAAA staff, and the co-chairs and advisory group before the meeting.

A summary of FY97 awards in neuroscience and behavior is detailed below.

Neuroscience & Behavior Percentage to Total



 Research Project Grants




(in thousands)








Research Centers




30 %

Research Careers





Research Training










*Seven of 14 centers have neuroscience and behavior components; five of these estimate > 50% is invested in neuroscience and behavior.

NIAAA Neuroscience and Behavior Awards


No. of Awards

FY97 (percentage)

Basic Neuroscience
      Research Project Grants(RPGs)
      Research Careers



Molecular Adaptive Responses
      Research Project Grants
      Research Careers



Neuroendocrine Systems
      Research Project Grants
      Research Careers



Acute and Chronic Behavioral Effects of Alcohol
      Research Project Grants
      Research Careers

      Research Project Grants
      Research Careers







Cognitive/Behavioral/Structural Deficits in Humans
      Research Project Grants
      Research Careers



 On 11-13 May 1998, experts and NIAAA program staff made abbreviated presentations of their material followed by discussion among all of the participants, including representatives from other NIH Institutes and guests (see Appendix D). After completing this process, the co-chairs and advisory group, with input from the experts, delineated the following list of research priorities, in order of importance.


  1. Increase emphasis on mechanisms associated with various models of neuroadaptation (sensitization, tolerance, dependence, withdrawal, recovery), at multiple levels of analysis, i.e.,molecular, cellular, and whole animal, including human and nonhuman primates.

  2. Emphasis on new genetic techniques that have great potential for understanding the effects of alcohol on brain and behavior. Techniques include transgenics, knockouts, knockins, antisense oligonucleotides, tissue-specific expression, and viral-mediated genetransfer. Enhance development and availability of these genetically altered animals may have to be subsidized by NIAAA.

  3. Increase emphasis on delineating the cellular and molecular mechanisms of neuropathophysiology and neuropathology resulting from exposure to ethanol. This should be accomplished in areas of the brain previously demonstrated to be highly sensitive to the effects of ethanol, e.g., hippocampus, frontal cortex, cerebellum, accumbens, hypothalamus, and ventral tegmental region.

  4. Some of the research questions in neuroscience and behavior require collaborations by experts in a number of different disciplines. Moreover, involving the best and most appropriate scientists often requires inter-institution collaboration. Consequently, NIAAA is encouraged to use whatever funding mechanism(s) that will facilitate such collaborative studies.

    Other areas mentioned, in order of importance included:

  5. Support multisite, prospective longitudinal studies designed to examine vulnerability and protective effects of alcohol on brain and behavior. Specified individuals should be examined longitudinally with the techniques of imaging, electrophysiology, and neuropsychology. Alcohol, other drugs, and neuroendocrine challenges should be conducted when ethically appropriate.

  6. Effects of ethanol on intracellular signaling systems is under represented in the portfolio, especially given the recent explosion of information on intracellular signaling.

  7. Increase the number of animal neurobehavioral phenotypes studied, e.g., animal analog of impulsive or disinhibited behaviors, and their interactions with alcohol.

  8. Develop and enhance availability of new imaging techniques, with consideration of a dedicated imaging center.

These areas of importance were derived from a list of 22. The remaining 14 are listed by topic without regard to priority.

General Considerations

  • There should be an increased emphasis on training in the neurosciences, especially mentored training.
  • Develop and increase availability, at reduced cost, of alcohol-related ligands and reagents.
  • NIAAA should assist investigators in gaining access to alcohol-related investigational new drugs.
  • Develop an informatics type of database for alcohol research, including information on molecular, cellular, genetic, behavioral, and pathologic effects of alcohol. Each database would be designed to provide information in a format that would be useful to investigators addressing specific and complex questions.
  • Enhance support for alcohol-related neuroendocrine research at all levels of analysis. Representative topics include responses to stress and alcohol/neuroendocrine/immune interactions.
  • Dose-response relationships are particularly informative. It is noted that the effects of moderate doses of alcohol on the CNS are under investigated, particularly in animal models and humans.


  • Effects of ethanol on lipid-protein interactions should be emphasized, while effects of ethanol on lipids alone are of more limited value. Particular importance should be placed on the identification of proteins with reasonable sensitivity to ethanol that can readily be studied in the presence of different lipids.
  • Develop a program for the structural analyses of ethanol/protein interactions, including molecular modeling as well as physical measurements. This could be accomplished by establishing dedicated groups with equipment and facilities or by supplementing existing grants to allow incorporation of structural initiatives.

Animal Models

  • Increase utilization of nonhuman primate models, including studies of the effects of alcohol on adolescent and aged animals.
  • Increase support for neurobiological studies of acute and chronic alcohol exposure in adolescent animals.

Human Studies

  • Establish an alcoholic brain bank, perhaps by supplementing an existing bank. Accurate information on diagnoses and current drug use and concomitant medical conditions are essential. Antemortem brain structure/function studies would be valuable.
  • Studies of alcohol-related nosology and concomitant comorbidity with other psychiatric and brain disorders, including dementia, would be informative.
  • Increase emphasis on alcohol and sleep research.
  • Studies of neurobiological factors associated with relapse are important.

Additional gaps in knowledge and research opportunities were determined by experts in each of the areas covered and are listed in the text of the report.

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(Walter A. Hunt, Ph.D.)

This overview will provide information on overall programmatic balance of the portfolio, with all analyses based on awards made in FY97. Specific aspects of the portfolio will be presented in other reports. The overall portfolio currently consists of 121 grants at a total cost of $21,677,142. The balance of neuroscience grants to behavior grants is almost equal. Most of the research funded is basic research, with very little of the portfolio considered applied research. Those few grants that are applied research relate to the development of medications at the preclinical or early clinical level.

About 80% of the grants, representing 77% of the awards, used animals and 20% used humans, representing 23% of the awards. About 70% of the grants were in vivo studies, representing 68% of the awards. Animal and human studies represent 62% of the grants, with molecular and cellular studies reflecting the remainder in approximately equal amounts.

The following list of priorities represents common themes among various initiatives.

  • Identify relevant targets of ethanol in the brain;
  • Identify neural circuits underlying the behavioral effects of ethanol;
  • Determine what neurobiological actions of alcohol are responsible for its acute and chronic behavioral effects;
  • Determine how the effects of alcohol on the brain and behavior contribute to the development of alcoholism;
  • Determine neurobiological and behavioral factors that render adolescents more vulnerable than adults to abuse alcohol and become alcoholic;
  • Develop prototypic compounds for potential therapeutic development.

The last recommendation evolves from the need to translate basic research findings into clinical applications. To that end, a Medications Development Working Group was recently formed to determine if research findings from basic preclinical work could provide a basis for developing potential agents for clinical trials to treat alcoholism. A short-term goal is a workshop to bring together individuals from academia, industry, and government to build bridges among the groups, review the process by which compounds are developed into drugs for clinical trials, and solicit ideas about how NIAAA can help facilitate this process.

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(Walter A. Hunt, Ph.D.)

Training of new investigators is supported through several mechanisms, depending on the educational level and experience of the applicant. Much of the program is based on individual fellowships and training grants. The remainder of the program supports scientist development awards at different levels of experience.

Overall Training Program

Forty-six competitive and noncompetitive awards were funded in FY97. Of those, 19 were individual fellowships, 10 were training grants, and 17 were scientist development awards. Thirty awards supported neuroscience research and 16 supported behavioral research.

Individual Fellowships: The balance between predoctoral and postdoctoral awards is fairly even, with a slightly greater number for predoctoral awards. Based on NIH policy, the commitment to individual fellowships relative to training grants should be at least 15% of the available funds. In FY97, the figure for NIAAA was 19%.

Only one of the awards is for a potential clinical researcher. Four involve neurotransmitter receptors, three use genetic approaches, two study ontogenetic differences in the effects of alcohol, three examine the motivational effects of alcohol, four on the central control of alcohol reinforcement, one on stress and neurosteroids, and two are minority predoctoral fellowships.

Training Grants: The ten training grants support 55 slots for 21 predoctoral and 34 postdoctoral trainees. The relative balance between neuroscience training slots and behavioral training slots is 26 to 31. Three grants educate trainees in using genetic approaches to discover the mechanisms underlying actions of alcohol on the brain, four deal with basic neurochemical mechanisms, two with neurotoxic actions of alcohol, one with brain imaging, and three with behavioral studies. Two training grants primarily use human subjects.

Scientist Development Awards: Of the 14 grants, most were mentored awards, and almost half were to junior, mentored investigators. All of the mentored awards support investigators in neuroscience research. Only two awards support investigators in clinical research. Most of the these investigators study basic actions of alcohol on neurotransmitter receptors or signal transduction systems. Two grants have behavioral components.

Recruitment and Future Directions

Recruiting efforts involve staff contacts with potential applicants at scientific meetings. In addition, site visits of NIAAA-funded training grants were undertaken to introduce trainees to the grant process and inform them about the benefits of individual fellowships and mentored scientist development awards. These visits resulted in increased applications but have been discontinued because of limited travel funds.

The training programs are fairly mature, with most mechanisms of training adequately represented. However, increased training of clinical investigators could provide an additional pool of needed scientists to pursue alcohol research with human subjects.

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Acute Actions of Ethanol on Specific neural Targets


Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (David M. Lovinger, Ph.D.)

  • A greater emphasis should be placed on describing alcohol-induced alterations in the molecular structure and dynamics of neural proteins that are sensitive to the effects of alcohol.
  • Analysis of relationships between alcohol sensitivity and protein domain structure should be encouraged in order to characterize the molecular sites of alcohol actions
  • Changes in protein function associated with exposure to alcohol are important to delineate.
  • It is important to determine alcohol effects on synaptic transmission using techniques that infer a pre- or post-synaptic locus of effect. Specific synaptic proteins should be identified.
  • A greater emphasis should be placed on discerning the effects of alcohol on the neuro-physiology of the ventral tegmental area, amygdala, hypothalamus, cerebellum, and prefrontal cortex. 


Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Steven N. Treistman, Ph.D.)

  • Increased emphasis on protein function as the measure of lipid perturbations will be informative.
  • The function of a particular protein should be well characterized before attempts are made to assess perturbations of function by alcohol. Ideally, this should include information in native membranes as well as in artificial bilayers.
  • Reasonable (physiological) concentrations of alcohol should be used in determining its effects.
  • Studies should be integrated across multiple levels of analysis:

a) target protein of known behavioral or physiological relevance to alcohol action should be selected;

b) effects of lipid perturbation and possibly modulation of lipid composition on the protein in its native environments should be determined;

c) target protein should be capable of being reconstituted into a simplified lipid environment for examining alcohol effects;

d) selection of a cloned protein permits expression studies in a variety of native membranes and enables mutagenesis studies.

Continue to study the significant role of lipids in the compensatory responses of cells exposed to alcohol.

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(Yuan Liu, Ph.D.)

In FY97, the NIAAA Basic Neuroscience Research Program funded 35 extramural grants for a total of $5.5 million. Of these, 30 were basic research project grants, and five were career development awards.

This program supports a wide variety of investigations that explore different effects of alcohol on the brain at multiple levels of analysis and employ a number of different neuroscience techniques. Several different molecular targets are being examined, as are different mechanisms hypothesized to underlie the actions of alcohol in the brain.

  • More than half of the total awards in the portfolio examine the acute effects of alcohol on the brain, about one-third study the chronic effects, and the remainder investigate both short- and long-term effects.
  • Only a few research projects study directly the mechanisms underlying various phases of alcohol-related problems, including tolerance and withdrawal, whereas the majority of projects study the direct interactions between alcohol and candidate targets.
  • About 80% of investigators utilize multi-disciplinary approaches, primarily a combination of electrophysiological and molecular biological techniques.
  • The number of grants by level of analysis - molecular, cellular, and neural circuitry - are detailed below. These categories are not mutually exclusive, as some investigators are studying the effects of alcohol at multiple levels.

Grant Distribution by Level of Analysis


No. of Grants








Neural Circuitry










  • Nearly 80% of the research teams use in vitro preparations. Among the projects studying molecular targets of alcohol, about 80% of the experiment use recombinant receptor-channel proteins.
  • Identifying the molecular targets and elucidating the mechanisms underlying the interactions between alcohol and these targets has been the research focus of more than half of the basic neuroscience research portfolio. The grant distribution by molecular target is summarized below.

Grant Distribution by Molecular Targets of Alcohol


No. of Grants


ACh Receptors



GABAA Receptors



NMDA Receptors



Glycine Receptor



5-HT3 Receptor



CA++ Channels



K+ Channels






  • Identifying the cellular targets of alcohol and their distribution in the brain is another challenge for alcohol researchers. Major areas of the brain that are under investigation by research projects supported by this program are listed below. (Note: some grants are counted more than once since they are studying multiple regions in the brain).

Grant Distribution by Studies of Brain Regions


No. of Grants














Mesolimbic System



> 4 Brain Regions









Molecular Level

Alcohol, unlike most other highly abused substances, does not act on a single specific target in the brain. Instead, it interacts with many targets, such as neurotransmitter receptors and voltage-gated ion channels on nerve cells. A major challenge confronting molecular studies is the lack of uniform effects of alcohol on various cell types in different regions in the brain. Several complementary working hypotheses address the cellular and regional specificity of alcohol. The first postulates that alcohol directly interacts with specific amino-acid residues or domains of the target proteins. The second proposes that expressions of particular receptor subunit combinations contribute to the different degrees of alcohol sensitivity in different neurons. A more recent hypothesis suggests that post-translational modifications, such as the phosphorylation status of a target protein, can determine sensitivity to alcohol.

Direct molecular Action Sites (8 grants) The majority of research projects within this category are attempting to identify the sites of alcohol action on target molecules, including voltage-gated CA++ and K+ channels and ACh, GABAA, NMDA, and glycine receptors. One working hypothesis is that alcohol alters channel kinetics, such as channel open time, channel closing time, and desensitization status of molecular targets. Other investigators study protein targets in their native environments. The vast majority use a combination of electrophysiological and molecular biological approaches to test alcohol effects on recombinant proteins expressed in Xenopus oocytes or transfected mammalian cell lines. Two research groups introduced a state-of-the-art approach - the chimeric receptor technique - to alcohol research. Chimeric receptors consist of complementary parts of two target proteins that give opposite responses to alcohol. By using a well-designed set of chimeras, the process of locating the sites of action can be significantly accelerated.

There has been a long debate over the question of whether lipid, protein, or the interface between them is the site of action of alcohol. Although increasing evidence suggests that membrane proteins are the direct targets, the role of the lipid environment in mediating effects of alcohol is likely to be important. Two projects are attempting to further clarify this challenging and confusing issue. Both projects use preparations that incorporate well-characterized protein candidates into a lipid bilayer. In this environment, each lipid component is known and can be individually manipulated.

Subunit Composition (8 grants) Both voltage-fated and ligand-gated channel proteins are composed of multiple subunits. The putative molecular structure of the superfamily of ligand-gated channels/neurotransmitter receptors is a pentamer consisting of five either identical or distinct subunits. It is evident that the number of possible combinations of subunits is quite large. In addition, an individual neuron can express multiple types of a given receptor, based on the combination of different subunits. When considering the many different regions in the brain, the patterns of expression of those subunit compositions can be exceedingly complex.

Currently, eight research groups supported by this program are testing the "subunit composition" hypothesis. The two major approaches that are investigating the structure-function relationship use either a) recombinant proteins produced in various expression systems or b) natural proteins expressed in intact neurons. Several research groups are taking advantage of some of the newest pharmacological tools. The binding selectivity to subunits of these agonists or antagonists appears to correlate with alcohol specificity of certain subunits. Other investigators are using different approaches, such as specific antibodies against the candidate subunits. A novel technique - the single cell RT-PCR method - has recently been introduced to alcohol research. This sophisticated method, when properly used, can identify the profile of the subunits at the mRNA level in an identified cell.

Protein Modifications (2 grants) Previous observations suggest that phosphorylation/dephosphorylation status of some target proteins, such as GABAA, NMDA, and 5-HT3 receptors, might be important for understanding the interactions between alcohol and these targets. Two research projects are exploring this hypothesis by applying a combination of electrophysiological, biochemical, and molecular biological techniques on recombinant receptors.

Cellular Level (7 grants)

Two projects are examining the effects of alcohol at the single cell level. One project is using the brain slice preparation and electrophysiological recording techniques to study the acute effects of alcohol. A second study is using both brain slice and in vivo preparations to explore the chronic effects of alcohol on the spontaneous activity of dopaminergic cells in the ventral tegmental area (VTA).

Most projects are focused at the synaptic level. For example, one investigator is using an in vitro NMDA synapse model to identify cellular mechanisms underlying the development of acute tolerance to alcohol. Another investigator is using both traditional and organotypic slice preparations to explore the alteration of voltage-gated Ca++ channels following acute and chronic alcohol exposure.

Several projects are investigating the effects of alcohol on synaptic plasticity. One project is testing the hypothesis that subcortical inputs to the dentate gyrus mediate the acute actions of alcohol on both short- and long-term plasticity in hippocampus. Another project is exploring a possible role for the amygdala in mediating the acute effects of alcohol on synaptic plasticity. One study uses hippocampal activity-related spatial memory as a model system to test the effects of alcohol on different age groups of animals.

 Neural Circuitry Level (3 grants)

Research at the neural circuitry level has not yet been intensively studied. Investigators supported by this program have recently developed several novel methods that are further extensions of the traditional extracellular single-unit recording techniques. One uses a multi-electrode, single-unit recording apparatus that can perform simultaneous recordings of neuronal activities from different areas of a defined neural circuit during a specific behavioral paradigm. This allows the analysis of spatial/temporal pattern changes of neuronal firing related to alcohol-induced behaviors. Another new method combines in vivo microdialysis with electro-physiological and behavioral techniques. This provides a means of locally delivering alcohol and other pharmacological agents to individual neurons, simultaneously recording neuronal activity, and collecting neurotransmitters released from the same neuron in real-time, during ongoing behaviors.


    Molecular Level

        Direct Action Sites

  • Emphasize less-studied molecular targets (e.g., serotonin receptors, peptide neurotransmitters, neurotransmitter transporters);
  • Identify action sites of alcohol at the level of single amino acids;
  • Examine channel kinetics of target proteins at the single-channel level;
  • Study well-characterized protein targets in a known lipid environment.

        Subunit Composition

  • Emphasize studies of natural receptors in intact neurons, rather than focusing specifically upon recombinant receptors;
  • Identify subunit composition profiles by

-single cell RT-PCR

-subunit-specific antibodies;

  • Characterize role of subunit composition as mediators of alcohol's effects by

-antisense techniques

-inducible knockout, tissue-specific knockout techniques.

Protein Modifications

  • Examine a larger variety of protein kinase pathways;
  • Investigate the role of protein phosphorylation and alcohol interactions, using phosphorylation, state-specific antibodies and genetically engineered animals;
  • Explore mechanisms other than phosphorylation modifications.

Cellular Level

  • Investigate mechanisms of alcohol's actions on neuronal firing rate at molecular and cellular levels;
  • Determine the effects of alcohol on synaptic transmission (e.g., neurotransmitter release statistics and quantal efficiency, presynaptic modification, postsynaptic regulation);
  • Characterize the effects of alcohol at integrated levels (e.g., interactions between excitatory and inhibitory receptors at single cell and pathway levels);
  • Study the effects of alcohol on synaptic plasticity, using methods such as minimal stimulation, stimulation-induced miniature potential, and quantal analysis;
  • Identify effects of alcohol on synaptic plasticity at locations other than hippocampal NMDA-dependent LTP (e.g., non-NMDA-dependent hippocampal LTP, cerebellar LTD and LTP, and synaptic plasticity in other areas of the brain, including the mesolimbic system, basal ganglia, thalamic relays, neocortex).

Neural Circuitry Level

  • Use single or multiple single-unit recordings in behaving animals to associate effects of alcohol directly to behavior;
  • Use combinations of neurochemical (e.g., iontophoresis, microdialysis, and voltammetry) and electrophysiological recordings in behaving animals to associate neurochemical and neurophysiological events with alcohol-induced behaviors;
  • Encourage utilization of sophisticated optical recording techniques and voltage-sensitive and CA++ sensitive dyes in brain slice preparations to study the activity of large neural networks under the influence of alcohol, as well as studies of intrinsic optical activity using the newest computer algorithms coupled with modern photorecording techniques;
  • Use computational modeling methods in combination with physiological and behavioral empirical studies to explore how neural circuitry synchronizes functions during alcohol-induced behaviors.

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Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Catherine Rivier, Ph.D.)

  • Despite the involvement of CRF in many alcohol-related disorders, and the fact that this peptide appears to be a reinforcer of drug abuse, the number of studies supported by NIAAA that investigate its synthesis, release, and effects on endocrine function in general, and the HPA axis in particular, is quite low.
  • A greater emphasis should be placed on studies investigating the functional interactions between CRF and neurotransmitters involved in drug-seeking behavior, reinforcement, and relapse.
  • Exposure of adult mice with a conditional null mutation for the CRF or CRF receptor gene to alcohol would provide valuable information.
  • Exposure of pregnant dams lacking the CRF or CRF-R1 gene to alcohol could provide useful information on the endocrine, behavioral, autonomic, and immune pathologies observed in FAS.
  • Studies of the functional interactions between alcohol and nitric oxide/carbon monoxide, and with NF-KB are important.
  • A good model of isolated cells (either primary culture or immortalized cells) that produce CRF is needed.
  • The development of potent CRF antagonists that are long-lasting and receptor specific should be encouraged.
  • NIH-distributed reagents for the measurement of plasma ACTH and corticosterone levels in rodents are urgently needed.
  • It would be useful to have access to different strains of alcohol-preferring rats and mice.

(Sam Zakhari, Ph.D.)

In FY97, the neuroendocrine portfolio consisted of 14 grants totaling $2.1 million. With the exception of one human study, all remaining 13 grants study alcohol effects on the endocrine system using experimental animals. Of the 14 grants, five focus on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis, five on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal (HPG) axis, two on the endocrine regulation of immune function, one on hormonal regulation of alcohol metabolism, and one on enkephalin gene expression.

Twelve of the 14 grants are categorized as basic research while the remaining two are considered applied research. Two grants focus on response to stress, and all 14 grants study alcohol at the cellular and molecular level.

Studies on the HPA Axis (5 grants)

Alcohol and Stress: Interactive Effects Prenatal ethanol exposure elicits HPA axis hyper-responsiveness and compromises immune integrity in adult male and female rats.

Alcohol-Interleukin Interactions on the HPA Axis Prenatal exposure to alcohol perturbs HPA responsiveness to interleukin-1 beta by blunting the ACTH response in immature (3 week) male and female rats, but conversely produces a potentiating effect when these same animals reach adulthood.

Alcohol Effects on Opiomelanocortinergic Regulation Under non-stressful conditions, moderately high BALs temporarily activate the HPA axis, with concomitant activation of the forebrain opiomelanocortinergic neuronal system.

HPA Axis and Alcoholism The HPA dynamics is different in nonalcoholic people with a family history of alcoholism (FHP) versus nonalcoholic subjects without a family history of alcoholism (FHN).

Alcohol and Neuroendocrine Function - Oxytocin Expression Alcohol inhibits the secretion of oxytocin which may play a role in the development of tolerance to alcohol. Oxytocin secretion is reduced during acute intoxication, but not during alcohol withdrawal. Chronic alcohol administration inhibited oxytocin secretion in male, but not female rats.

Studies on the HPG Axis (5 grants)

Pubertal Alcohol is Disruptive to Male Reproduction Acute alcohol administration to 35-day-old (prepubertal), 45-day-old (mid pubertal), or 55-day-old (late pubertal) male rats caused depression of testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels in the two older groups; Naltrexone co-administered reversed the testosterone, but not the LH depression. Chronic alcohol administration to male rats (45 and 55 days old) that were subcutaneously implanted with a pellet of Naltrexone two days before being offered a liquid diet containing ethanol (36% of total calories) for 14 days showed similar effects.

Alcohol Testicular Effects Alcohol decreased testosterone secretion and testicular interstitial fluid formation in rats. This effect is not mediated by endogenous opioids or nitric oxide.

Ethanol and Female Rodent Reproduction A single dose of ethanol given to female rats nearly obliterated serum proestrum LH levels, and serum estradiol and progesterone levels fell to half of the control values.

Neuroendocrine Effects of Alcohol on Puberty In vivo and in vitro investigations have demonstrated that insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) is crucial to the onset of puberty in females, and that ethanol impedes the physiological responses of the brain and ovary to IGF-1. Ethanol-induced depression of LH release arises from a decrease in prostaglandin E2 formation. Leptin also induces the prepubertal release of LH; peripherally administered leptin reverses the depressed LH secretion by ethanol. Alcohol also perturbs the nitric oxide/nitric oxide synthase (NO/NOS) system at specific phases of the reproductive cycle during puberty, consistent with a role in ovulation and luteal formation.

Alcohol and Hyperprolactinemia The human disorder, gynecomastia, observed in some alcoholic men, and which arises from elevated plasma levels of the pituitary prolactin hormone (PRL) is being studied in a rat model. Studies focus on elucidating the cellular mechanisms (presumptively involving inhibition of TGF-B1 in the pituitary) of hyperprolactinemia.

Studies on Endocrine Regulation of Immune Function (2 grants)

Immunosuppression in a Binge-Drinking Model A single high dose of ethanol in the mouse produces peak corticosterone levels reaching 10-times basal levels. Humoral immune function was suppressed, expression of IL-1B, IL-2, and IL-4 were compromised in the spleen, and resident B-cell population was reduced. RU486 (a glucocorticoid antagonist) reversed the suppressed antibody and cytokine responses. Exogenous administration of corticosterone mimicked some, but not all, of the effects produced by a high dose of ethanol, suggesting that additional components are contributing to the immunosuppression produced by high-dose ethanol administration.

Natural Killer (NK) Cells and Binge-Drinking Ethanol suppresses basal and induced NK cell activity. The suppressed NK activity arises partly via a glucocorticoid-based mechanism, and partly to the perturbation of the balance between Th1 and Th2 cells.

Studies on Endocrine Regulation of Ethanol Metabolism (1 grant)

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) suppresses ADH transcription in hepatocytes, possibly explaining the higher ethanol elimination rates in women. The suppression of rat liver ADH activity by DHT was associated with a decrease in ADH protein.

Studies on the Effects of Ethanol on Enkephalin Gene Expression (1 grant)

The ultimate goal of this grant is to study the role of enkephalins in alcohol-seeking behavior. The immediate focus is on the mechanism by which members of the steroid-retinoid receptor superfamily modulate expression of the preproenkephalin gene.


More research is encouraged in the following areas:

  • alcohol and neuroimmunomodulation;
  • role of peptides in alcohol intake;
  • alcohol and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid axis;
  • alcohol and growth hormone.

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Molecular and Cellular Adaptive Responses to Chronic Ethanol Exposure


Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Paula L. Hoffman, Ph.D., A. Leslie Morrow, Ph.D., Tamara Phillips, Ph.D., and George R. Siggins, Ph.D.)

  • It is important to establish the relationship between observed and neurochemical/ molecular changes after chronic ethanol treatment and the occurrence of neuroadaptive events, i.e., tolerance, dependence. Studies are needed that are interdisciplinary and translational - studies at the molecular/cellular, brain slice and whole animal levels, as well as human studies.

    Examples: Studies of synaptic neurophysiology and neural circuitry

    • after chronic ethanol exposure, using techniques to separate pre- and postsynaptic changes. Use of models such as slices and explants, with intact neurophysiology; use of animal models to observe neuronal ensemble activity.

    • Molecular mechanisms of changes in receptors/ion channels after chronic ethanol treatment; subunit composition, post-translational modification, receptor localization.

    • Functional importance of changes in gene expression for neuroadaptation; focus on gene expression in neural circuits that affect pharmacological responses to ethanol.

    • Studies of the interconnections among various signal transduction systems that influence cell survival, differentiation and responses to stress and other external stimuli, and the importance of these systems for neuroadaptation to ethanol.

  • It is necessary to determine the relationship between tolerance or sensitization to the reinforcing/aversive effects of ethanol and ethanol intake. A corollary is whether tolerance or sensitization to the reinforcing effects of ethanol do, in fact, develop.
  • Increased emphasis should be placed on the application of simple (e.g., invertebrate) models, that have been used to study learning and memory, to the study of ethanol-induced neuroadaptation (tolerance and dependence).
  • Neuroadaptation after moderate drinking (events taking place in the brain during the transition from moderate to abusive drinking) should be explored. Biochemical and behavioral studies of the effects of the full range of alcohol-doses/concentrations should be carried out, to determine thresholds for neuroadaptive effects of ethanol, and J- or U- shaped dose-response curves.
  • Tools are needed to study neuroadaptation, including genetic models such as transgenics, knockouts, selected lines, recombinant inbreds and congenics, in order to test hypotheses of mechanisms of neuroadaptation and identify genes involved in these processes. Animal models should also include non-human primates for behavioral studies.
  • Emphasis should be placed on application of discoveries regarding molecular and neurochemical mechanisms of neuroadaptation to ethanol to the treatment/intervention arena.


Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Fulton T. Crews, Ph.D.)

  • It is important to determine the region-specific neurotoxic effects accompanying extended alcohol exposure as well as those accompanying withdrawal.
  • Although the loss of white matter has been documented to accompany chronic alcohol exposure, there has been relatively little research into mechanisms.
  • It is recommended that a human alcoholic brain bank be established in the United States.
  • Although women represent approximately 25% of alcoholics and may suffer greater pathology, they have been understudied. Moreover, data regarding the role of gender might provide important fundamental insights into mechanisms of brain damage.
  • A significant gap in knowledge is the relationship between acute excessive stimulation of neurons by glutamate and delayed neuronal death.
  • Why specific brain regions are particularly sensitive to chronic alcohol exposure is an important question that needs to be answered.
  • Oxidative stress is increased in brain by alcohol and is often postulated to contribute to brain damage. There are, however, relatively little data for or against this hypothesis.
  • An important area of research is to determine the role alcoholic brain damage plays in the progression to alcoholism, recovery from alcoholism, and other behaviors associated with alcoholism. Understanding the relationship of neuropathology to behavioral pathology is essential and fundamental to improving prevention and treatment. 

(Robert W. Karp, Ph.D.)

In order to identify the primary effects of chronic alcohol exposure, investigators studying neuroadaptation and neurotoxicity have examined alcohol-induced molecular changes in cellular components. Some of these studies can be performed in intact animals, thereby permitting correlation with alcohol-induced changes in systemic neural function and behavior. Other studies can be performed only in cultured cells. While studies in cultured cells provide information about some molecular processes that can't be assayed in intact animals, it is often difficult to evaluate their behavioral significance. Moreover, for some measures that can be made both in cultured cells and whole animals, different changes are observed in these two experimental systems. For this reason, many investigators try to confirm cellular observations in intact animals whenever possible.


NIAAA supports a number of studies, most of them in intact animals, of molecular changes associated with withdrawal from chronic alcohol exposure. The largest group of these studies is directed at GABAA receptors, focusing on changes in brain-regional distribution and pharmacological properties (including interactions with neurosteroids), and the underlying causes of such changes. The second largest group of studies focuses on similar issues related to NMDA receptors. Other studies examine 5-HT receptors and their downstream signaling (especially their relationship to anxiety during withdrawal), non-NMDA glutamate receptors, fos-like immunoreactivity, mechanism of upregulation of voltage-gated Ca++ channels, and free radical accumulation due to oxidative stress. Of the 11 projects in this category, four include studies on cultured cells.


NIAAA supports studies of a variety of molecular changes induced by chronic alcohol exposure in various types of neuronal cell lines. While the precise relationships of these changes to alcohol-induced physiological changes in animals are not yet understood, they could potentially be related to tolerance or dependence. These studies include heterologous desensitization of signaling from purine receptors, intracellular translocation of protein kinase A, global changes in gene expression, and the normal physiological role of a phosducin-like protein, whose levels are raised in response to chronic alcohol exposure.


Most of the studies of molecular changes associated with neurotoxicity involve a combination of experiments on both intact animals and culture cells. The largest group of such studies focuses on alcohol-induced changes in brain-regional distribution of neurotrophic factors and their receptors, the role of neurotrophic factors in protection from alcohol-induced disruption of calcium homeostasis, and the mechanism of enhancement of neurotrophin-induced neurite outgrowth by alcohol. The second largest group of studies is directed at NMDA receptors, focusing on changes in brain-regional distribution and pharmacological properties, underlying causes of such changes, and changes in downstream signaling (especially induction of nitric oxide synthase). A small group of studies is concerned with alcohol's enhancement of pro-oxidant-induced membrane lipid peroxidation and changes in gene expression. Finally, individual projects study, variously, the mechanisms of alcohol-induced changes in the levels and/or activities of the Na-Ca exchanger and metabotropic glutamate receptors.

Molecular Neuropharmacology (FY97)


No. of Awards


























Oxidative Stress










The projects described above study molecular changes induced by alcohol in intact animals and/or cultured cells. Alcohol-induced molecular changes can be correlated with behavioral and physiological changes in animals, whereas molecular changes in cultured cells cannot be directly correlated. Investigators typically hypothesize that the molecular changes they observe actually mediate particular behavioral and physiological changes. Since chronic alcohol exposure induces a multitude of molecular, physiological, and behavioral changes, correlative evidence is insufficient to prove that a particular molecular changes mediates a particular physiological or behavioral change. Emphasis should be placed on experiments in which an investigator specifically blocks either the alcohol-induced molecular change under study, or the function of the molecule whose disposition is changed by alcohol, and then observes whether this intervention also blocks the behavioral change under study. Alternatively, the investigator can induce the molecular change by some means other than alcohol treatment, and observe whether the behavioral or physiological change still occurs. Only about one fifth of the projects described above attempt to perform such an intervention.

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Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Kathleen A. Grant, Ph.D.)

  • The initiation of alcohol seeking needs additional exploration with new paradigms using animals models. There is also a lack of studies investigating the possibility of protecting the individual from the development of alcohol-seeking behavior.
  • Additional studies are needed to characterize the interrelationships among oral self-administration of alcohol and preference conditioning studies.
  • Studies are needed to understand the apparent differences between rats and mice in sensitivity to alcohol's rewarding effects in the place-conditioning paradigm.
  • Combine sophisticated neuroscientific procedures with sophisticated behavioral procedures.
  • As candidate genes become identified and gene products known, there will be a need to have ligand development to target potential sites of action in rats, monkeys, and humans.
  • Increase the use of monkey models for noninvasive imaging procedures related to alcohol abuse. Monkeys are important models because of their compliance in drinking excessive quantities of alcohol, neuroanatomy, brain size, complex behavior, neuroendocrine system, and longevity.
  • Cloning techniques of nuclear transplantation from adult monkey cells should at least be given thoughtful consideration. Such approaches could be used to address the genetic basis of complex behavioral responses associated with the development of alcohol abuse and alcoholism.
  • Gender differences in the behavioral neuroscience of alcohol using animal models is understudied.
  • The role of stress in alcohol's behavioral effects requires more sophisticated approaches.
  • Depression is a risk factor that animal models in alcohol abuse have not addressed extensively.
  • The age at which individuals start regular, heavy use of alcohol has recently been reported to predict the occurrence of alcohol dependence. The macaque monkey has at least a 12-month adolescent phase, which allows a window of opportunity to design appropriate experimental manipulations.
  • The concurrent use of alcohol and other drugs of abuse has received limited attention.


Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Friedbert Weiss, Ph.D.)

  • A systematic research effort at the behavioral, neurochemical, cellular, and molecular levels will be needed to identify and characterize neuroadaptive changes and homeostatic disturbances during protracted withdrawal, and to determine their motivational significance in appropriate models of alcohol-seeking behavior and relapse.
  • It is essential to develop new, or modify existing animal models of self-administration suitable for the longitudinal monitoring of neuroadaptive or homeostatic changes during the development of chronic alcohol drinking and over the course of withdrawal and intervening periods of abstinence.
  • Effective procedures or models are needed that permit investigation of behavioral plasticity such as the development of associations between alcohol's subjective rewarding effects and relevant environmental stimuli that may trigger relapse during abstinence.
  • It is important to examine the role of stressful stimuli on the reinstatement of alcohol-seeking behavior at different stages of the protracted abstinence phase and to determine whether vulnerability to relapse becomes exacerbated with repeated withdrawal and abstinence episodes.
  • Research strategies need to be developed to identify neural or molecular mechanisms mediating the switch or transition from nondependent social drinking to a state of dependence.
  • There is a need to better model various aspects of alcoholism in laboratory animals. This includes, in particular, voluntary drinking models that promote spontaneous and persistent intake of high alcohol concentrations or volumes without prior need to induce dependence. Such models will represent an important step toward the need for studying critical issues such as the mechanisms underlying the switch from nondependence to dependence, and the reinforcement contingencies that maintain alcohol consumption in dependent individuals.
  • There is a need to study neurotransmitter circuitries and interactions mediating ethanol reward in the dependent and post-dependent state. While there is increasing evidence that the acute reinforcing actions of ethanol depend on multiple neurochemical systems and their interactions, little, if anything is known about these mechanisms in dependent individuals. In this context, it will also be beneficial to incorporate multiple systems approaches in medication development efforts and to examine the therapeutic efficacy of combinations of relevant pharmacological agents.
  • It is important to clarify the role of dopamine in alcohol reinforcement. This need involves both a better understanding of mechanistic questions such as, for example, how ethanol activates mesolimbic dopamine transmission, and a better understanding of the precise role of dopamine in various aspects of ethanol-seeking behavior.
  • An important emerging issue is the role of sensitization in ethanol reinforcement, genetic preference, and dependence. In particular, the following questions will require clarification: (1) does ethanol sensitization augment the reinforcing efficacy or potency of ethanol; (2) does ethanol sensitization promote a heightened motivational state with increased ethanol-seeking behavior ("craving") without necessarily altering the reinforcing efficacy of ethanol; (3) is ethanol sensitization a correlate of aversive or side effects of repeated ethanol intoxication; and (4) if so, is ethanol sensitization negatively linked with ethanol preference or vulnerability to abuse?
  • It is important to better understand the mechanisms of kindling or sensitization of withdrawal seizures at the molecular, cellular, and biochemical levels. This includes efforts to define sensitization of psychological components of withdrawal (e.g., anxiety, affective changes), to characterize possible changes in the subjective perception of ethanol's intoxicating actions (i.e., ethanol's discriminative stimulus effects), to determine whether multiple ethanol withdrawal experiences alter the reinforcing properties of ethanol, and to examine potential changes in susceptibility to ethanol neurotoxicity and associated cognitive impairments. Finally, it is important to examine whether conditioning factors contribute to the kindling phenomenon.
  • The field would benefit from the development of genetic models of alcohol-seeking behavior selected on the basis of motivational measures such as operant responding or even progressive ratio performance during dependence.


Opportunities (Linda P. Spear, Ph.D.)

  • Further research is needed to examine how sensitivity to various effects of alcohol differs in adolescents from other aged organisms, and to explore the neural mechanisms underlying these ontogenetic effects.
  • Research to examine the reinforcing efficacy of alcohol and other reinforcers during adolescence is particularly critical, given evidence for alterations during adolescence in forebrain regions modulating the reward efficacy of reinforcing drugs.
  • Stress effects on alcohol self-administration during adolescence should be examined, along with fundamental research examining the relationships among hormonal, behavioral, and neural responses to stressors throughout ontogeny.
  • In addition to further research examining normal brain function in adolescence, research is also needed to determine factors that trigger ontogenetic changes in brain function, alcohol sensitivity, and responsivity to stressors during the adolescent period.
  • It is critical to determine whether early exposure to alcohol increases the likelihood for later alcohol problems, and if so, why such early exposure should be so predictive.

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Animal studies, representing about $6 million, are focussed largely on neural mechanisms of sensitization, tolerance, dependence, withdrawal, relapse, and more recently the reinforcing and hedonic effects of alcohol that can lead to alcohol-seeking behavior and excessive drinking. Animal models have also been constructed to study innate neural and behavioral traits as well as the acute and chronic effects of alcohol on behaviors such as learning, memory, and aggression.

The animal portfolio has been divided conceptually into five broad scientific categories.

Category No. of Grants FY97

Basic Behavioral Models/Non-dependent



Neuroadaptive models/ dependence



Basic behavioral and dependence models



Adolescent Models



Methodology Development



Each broad category is further subdivided to provide a more detailed picture of the number and types of animal models being studied. This breakdown is based on the specific aims of each grant. Since a single grant may be investigating more than one paradigm or neurotransmitter system, a grant could be counted more than one time in this analysis. Therefore, the number of grants (not dollars) is tallied within a relevant parameter under each subcategory to reflect how many grants are studying a particular behavioral paradigm, neurotransmitter system, technique, etc.

Basic Behavioral Effects and Underlying Neural Circuitry with Limited Alcohol Exposure (Low to Moderate/Non-dependent)

1. Alcohol-Seeking Behavior/Hedonic Effects, Neural Circuitry, Neurotransmitters

Self-Administration: Operant Reinforcement, Two Bottle Choice (7 grants) Seven grants are investigating the neural circuitry and neurotransmitter pathways underlying excessive alcohol drinking using either operant self-administration paradigms or two-bottle choice. All seven grants use micro injection and/or microdialysis techniques to look at the regulation of the oral self-administration by various neurotransmitter systems in specific regions of the cortico-mesolimbic reward pathway.

Drug Discrimination (4 grants) Four grants are investigating multiple receptor mechanisms that mediate the discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol, i.e., the internal subjective effects that are reinforcing and maintain drinking.

Brain Stimulation Reward (2 grants) Reductions in brain stimulation reward thresholds are used to identify brain areas that mediate reinforcement after drug administration using selected lines of alcohol-preferring rats.

Plus Maze (2 grants) The Plus Maze is used to measure alcohol's anxiolytic effects in selected lines of alcohol preferring/nonpreferring rats.

Place Preference, Taste Aversion (3 grants) Three grants are studying the neural circuits and/or neurotransmitter systems mediating the hedonic or aversive properties of initial alcohol exposure using place and taste conditioning paradigms.

2. Tolerance/Acute Withdrawal

Place Preference/Aversion, Operant Self-Administration, Drug Discrimination ( 2 grants)

One grant is investigating whether ethanol's aversive effects are reduced and its hedonic effects are enhanced as tolerance develops to ethanol's hypothermic effects. A second project is investigating acute withdrawal 12-30 hours after a single high dose of ethanol, referred to as "ethanol delayed effect" (EDE) or hangover, and determining whether physiological and subjective effects of EDE are similar to phase shift effects associated with jet-lag or work shifts.

3. Environmental Factors, Taste, Gender

Operant Self-Administration (6 grants) Many social and environmental factors such as stress (social status), schedules of reinforcement, taste factors, and temperature influence the establishment of alcohol-seeking behavior. Four studies are investigating environmental factors in an operant reinforcement paradigm to evaluate reinforcing efficacy of ethanol alone or multiple reinforcers that differ in taste (ethanol vs. sucrose or ethanol vs. ethanol/sucrose). Two grants are examining gender differences, hormonal regulation, and effects of social status on operant self-administration of ethanol. One study is investigating the role of ambient temperature in altering ethanol's hedonic effects as measured by taste and place conditioning and self-administration.

Conditioned Stimuli, Incentive Motivation (3 grants) Previously neutral environmental stimuli can acquire motivational properties of a primary reinforcer (alcohol) that contribute to alcohol-seeking. These grants are examining the role of conditioned stimuli (previously neutral stimuli paired with alcohol) in reinstating or maintaining alcohol self-administration following extinction.

4. Acute/Chronic Brain and Behavioral Effects (4 grants)

Four grants are investigating the acute and chronic (nondependent) effects of alcohol on cognition and other behaviors, and their underlying neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, and/or neurochemical substrates.

5. Innate Behavioral Characteristics (disinhibition, challenge) (3 grants)

Three grants use selected rat lines (preferring/nonpreferring) to study innate patterns of behavior (disinhibition and electrophysiological parameters) that may predispose to alcoholism and their underlying neurobiological mechanisms.


Behavioral Paradigms/Phenotypes: More studies are needed in the areas of tolerance and acute withdrawal and development of temperament phenotypes.

Neurotransmitter and Brain Regions: More grants are needed to study additional sites in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus, and hypothalamus, and the interactions of the neurotransmitter NMDA, 5HT, and the cholinergic system.

Species/Gender: Only four grants are investigating gender differences as part of their specific aims. Since women are more susceptible to the toxic effects of alcohol and the menstrual cycle phase alters sensitivity of the subjective effects of alcohol, more studies are needed on the neural mechanisms of gender differences in the subjective and/or reinforcing effects of alcohol.

Neuroadaptive Changes in Neurotransmitters Mediating Ethanol-Induced Behaviors: Sensitization, Relapse, Dependence, Repeated Withdrawals

1. Sensitization (2 grants)

Sensitization is the opposite response to tolerance, i.e., the effects of the same dose of a drug become more pronounced with repeated exposure. Two grants are studying neuroadaptive changes underlying sensitization.

2. Dependence, Abstinence/Relapse Models, Neural Mechanisms

Dependence Models: Self-Administration, BSR, Incentive Motivation (2 grants) Two grants are examining models of dependence produced by repeated withdrawals from liquid diet or vapor inhalation. Both grants use microdialysis and/or microinjection techniques.

Prolonged Abstinence, Relapse, "Deprivation Effect" (3 grants) Three grants are exploring models of relapse in chronically exposed but not dependent animals. It has been shown that when abstinence is imposed after chronic exposure to ethanol, drinking patterns temporarily increase. This has been referred to as the "deprivation effect".

3. Long-term Effects on Brain and Behavior (1 grant)

One grant is investigating the neural mechanisms of memory impairments produced by long-term chronic exposure to alcohol.

4. Neurobiological Mechanisms of Protracted Withdrawal (1 grant)

One grant is exploring the role of 5HT in mediating the symptoms of ethanol withdrawal.


Behavioral Paradigms/Phenotypes: More applications are needed to develop models of dependence, craving, relapse, and withdrawal, as well as long- term neurobiological consequences.

Neurotransmitter Systems and Brain Areas: Because the cortico-mesolimbic-reward system involves complex interconnections among many structures in addition to the VTA, ACB, and "extended amygdala, more grants are needed to study all the relevant transmitter systems and their interactions in the cortico-mesolimbic reward system, including the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus.

Species/Gender: In that females have been shown to be differentially sensitive to alcohol's effects across the menstrual cycle, more studies are needed on gender differences in craving, development of dependence, and relapse.

Adolescent Period: Biological Basis for Vulnerability and Underlying Neurobiological Mechanisms

1. Neurobiological and Behavioral Mechanisms and Consequences of Adolescent Drinking

Self Administration and Neurotransmitters Systems (2 grants) Two grants are investigating whether characteristics of the dopamine and serotonin systems present in adults are also present in young animals and contribute to excessive drinking in the young. Both grants employ microdialysis, HPLC, and autoradiography procedures to determine if there are differences in regional 5HT and DA content, regional densities of 5HT1 and 5HT2 sites, and binding of 5HT1A and D2 sites in animals 15, 25, and 35 days of age. Brain regions of interest are the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, striatum, hypothalamus, accumbens, and olfactory tubercle. Both grants are using selected lines (P, NP, HAD, LAD) to compare phenotypic differences in these measures.

Development of Tolerance/Sensitivity, Low-Dose Stimulatory Effect (3 grants) Three grants are looking at the presence of and/or ontogeny of ethanol responsiveness by measures of low-dose ethanol stimulation, acute and rapid tolerance to ethanol's sedative effects (sleep time), hypothermia, and suppression of startle, as well as differences in emotionality and cognitive functions (Plus Maze and Morris Water Maze learning). Three grants are using rodents and two are using selected lines (P, NP, HAD, LAD).

Environmental Factors and Consumption (free choice and operant responding (1 grant) One grant is examining the ontogeny of drinking after weaning (day 22 of age) and the effects of various factors on this development, such as housing conditions, taste aversion conditioning, and pharmacological interventions (fluoxetine, methylphenidate, and buspirone). Selected lines of rats are used (P, NP, HAD, LAD).

Long-term Behavioral Consequences of Adolescent Drinking (2 grants) Two grants are studying cognitive and emotional changes in adult animals from selected lines (P, NP, HAD, LAD) that were exposed to ethanol during adolescence, such as orienting to a novel environment, Plus Maze performance, and Morris Water Maze performance.

Early Experience and Later Response to Alcohol (3 grants) Three grants are investigating the effects of early exposure to ethanol on later responsiveness to alcohol. All grants use rodents, and one grant employs selected lines.


Behavioral Paradigms: This is a relatively new initiative in the portfolio. There is now evidence in humans that early alcohol exposure (especially during periods of early late childhood and adolescence) correlates with the development of alcoholism in adulthood. More studies are needed to develop paradigms of alcohol seeking (self-administration and drug discrimination) during the adolescent period to study the underlying mechanisms of ontogeny of alcoholism.

Neurotransmitters: Only one study is examining neurochemical markers of alcoholism vulnerability in selected lines of alcohol-preferring and nonpreferring rats. The neurotransmitter systems targeted are DA and 5HT. Clearly, studies of other neurotransmitter systems are needed, particularly their role in the initiation of alcohol-seeking behavior.

Species/gender: All four grants are using rats, two are using selected lines. Although two are studying both male and females, gender difference is not a Specific Aim. More studies are needed to examine gender differences. Furthermore, primate models are ideal because of their relatively longer adolescent period.

Medications Development

The underlying goal of NIAAA's basic neuroscience research grant is to understand the neurobiological mechanisms of alcohol's effect in order to develop treatments for alcoholism, particularly medications. However, for the grants discussed in this section, the focus of at least one specific aim is to test specific compounds, via systemic injection, for their ability to reduce drinking, prevent relapses, or reduce withdrawal symptoms.

1. Operant Responding and Free-Choice Consumption (4 grants)

Four studies are using self-administration paradigms (operant reinforcement paradigms and two-bottle consumption) to explore the effectiveness of several receptor antagonists as potential therapeutic agents for reducing alcohol intake.

2. Protracted Withdrawal (1 grant)

One grant is studying the effectiveness of various serotonergic compounds (buspirone, 5HT1A partial agonist; mianserin, 5HT2A/2C antagonist, methysergide, a nonselective 5HT antagonist; ICS 205-930, a 5HT3 antagonist) in blocking withdrawal symptoms as measured by drug discrimination and Plus Maze paradigms.


The most frequently studied compounds for reducing drinking are the opiate antagonists. Clearly, more candidates for potential therapeutic agents are needed drawing from all the relevant neurotransmitter systems. Another recommendation is that more standardized testing procedures for the potential agents be developed.

Methodology Development (2 grants)

One grant is establishing procedures to measure the effects of ethanol on carbohydrate metabolism and rates and synthesis of amino acid neurotransmitter (glutamate, GABA, and aspartate) in the brain of fully intact, conscious rats using 13C NMR spectroscopy. A second grant is developing an ultrasensitive mass spectrometric procedure for the analysis of neurosteroids in tissue samples and microdialysates of select brain areas of freely moving rats after acute and chronic ethanol administration and during withdrawal.

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Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Peter R. Finn, Ph.D.)

  • Research should be undertaken on the effects of early exposure to alcohol (pre-adolescent/adolescent) and the development of disinhibited traits using longitudinal designs.
  • It is important to conduct cross-sectional studies of the effects of alcohol challenge on disinhibited/impulsive behavior (and factors associated with such behavior), using multimethod measurements to capture the multidimensional nature of behavioral disinhibition and controlling for important sources of individual differences such as pre-existing disinhibited traits, family history of alcoholism (and antisocial behavior), drinking history, and level and limb of the blood alcohol curve.


Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (John H. Krystal, M.D.)

  • More emphasis should be placed on developing drugs that block the euphoric effects of alcohol.
  • NIAAA should assist investigators in gaining access to alcohol-related investigational new drugs.
  • Increased emphasis should be placed on studying the neurobiology of triggers for relapse to alcohol use, particularly alcohol-related cues; priming effects of alcohol consumption on subsequent drinking; and the interactive effects of stress (negative mood induction) and alcohol cues.
  • Alcohol research should more fully integrate functional neuroimaging techniques in order to facilitate the study of neural circuitry underlying craving and factors related to alcohol consumption.


Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Gary Wand, M.D.)

  • It is important to better understand the relationships between specific neurotransmitter input to hypothalamic CRH neurons as a function of family history of alcoholism and to estimate their relevance to vulnerability for alcoholism. More specifically, dose-response neuropharmacologic studies are needed that activate or block 5HT, GABA, and opioid input. It is important that physiological and behavioral responses be examined in these studies.
  • Relationships between HPA and alcohol-seeking behavior should be investigated. In rodent models, emphasis should be on relationships among CRH/cortisol states, mesolimbic neurochemistry, and alcohol-seeking behavior. In humans, there should be comparisons of the entire HPA axis between alcohol- and nonalcohol-dependent individuals as a function of family history of alcoholism.
  • It would be useful to determine (1) whether the magnitude of HPA axis activity during acute withdrawal predicts relapse rates; (2) if supplements with CRH, ACTH, and/or glucocorticoids during early abstinence decreases mood disturbances and attenuates relapse; and (3) whether effectiveness of opioid receptor antagonists in treating alcoholism relates to ability to stimulate HPA axis?
  • It is important to determine if individuals at increased risk for the future development of alcoholism have enhanced opioidergic sensitivity to alcohol exposure.
  • The effects of stress dampening by alcohol should be studied in a family-history design using the HPA axis as end-point measures.
  • Future studies should more clearly define the relationships between alcohol-associated alterations to HPA axis function and immune system function.


Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Cindy L. Ehlers, Ph.D.)

  • There is a clear need to increase funding in the area of alcohol and sleep.
  • It is important to determine if chronic alcohol intake produces prolonged sleep disturbances and increased risk for relapse.
  • It is not known what brain mechanisms underlie alcohol-induced sleep disturbances.
  • It would be valuable to determine the risk factors for sleep disturbance and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • It would be useful to investigate gender-related, alcohol-associated sleep disturbances.
  • It is important to determine if new therapies that target sleep disturbances can be effective in preventing relapse.


    Human studies, representing about $4.4 million, investigate the consequences of acute and chronic alcohol on cognitive and other behaviors, as well as the underlying structural changes associated with the behavioral deficits using state-of-art imaging technologies. The neural mechanisms of alcohol-motivated behaviors such as craving, have also been studied in humans, but to a lesser extent.

    Grants for studies of acute and chronic effects of alcohol in humans are detailed below.


    No. of Grants


    Acute Cognitive and Behavioral Effects



    Mechanisms of Alcoholic Behavior








    Acute Cognitive and Behavioral Studies

    1. Acute Effects of Alcohol on Stress Dampening Response/Aggressive Behavior (2 grants)

    Two grants are studying the acute behavioral effects of alcohol. One grant is examining the effects of alcohol on aggressive responding in women in a laboratory setting. The second grant is examining the ability of alcohol to reduce stress/anxiety using "stress dampening" techniques (i.e., alcohol's effects on the magnitude of physiological responses) and a "cognitive appraisal" model of stress and emotion.

    2. Innate Behaviors Antisocial Personality, Behavioral Activation/inhibition/Aggression

    (2 grants)

    Two grants are investigating the relationship between innate characteristics, such as antisocial personality and/or temperament (behavioral activation and inhibition), and alcohol-related behaviors (i.e., consumption and/or alcohol-induced aggression). One grant investigates the relationship between antisocial personality, alcohol induced-aggression, and serotonin function. The second grant is investigating the biobehavioral mechanisms (i.e., strength of the behavioral inhibition and activation systems) mediating the relationship between impulsive personality, disinhibited/antisocial personality, and alcohol abuse.


    There is a long history of research on the acute effects of alcohol on cognitive processes, but these studies have largely focussed on memory, divided attention, reaction time, and visuomotor skills. The currently funded research is investigating how alcohol's effects on cognitive processes may have a role in increasing drinking or other alcohol-related behaviors, such as aggression. More research is needed in other areas, such as alcohol's effects on executive functioning, a cognitive construct involving the cognitive regulation of behavior, and how that may increase drinking. More research is also needed on the role of temperament and/or personality characteristics in contributing to excessive drinking and/or other alcohol-related behaviors.

    Mechanisms of Alcoholic Behaviors

    1. Neurotransmitter and Neurohormonal Mechanisms: Behavioral Psychopharmacology

    (3 grants)

    Three grants are examining the role of neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in alcohol reinforcement and craving in alcoholics. One grant is studying the interactive contributions of noradrenergic and serotonergic systems to alcohol craving in detoxified alcoholics using cue reactivity paradigms. A second grant is evaluating the role of a glutamate antagonist (ketamine) at the NMDA receptor in producing subjective effects similar to alcohol. The third grant is studying opioidergic mechanisms of reinforcement for coexisting alcohol and nicotine use.

    2. Neurotransmitter Mechanisms: Imaging Studies (1 grant)

    One grant is studying whether the DA system is abnormal in alcoholics, functional consequences of abnormalities, and effects of detoxification. Using PET imaging and multiple tracer methods, this grant is evaluating the DA system in alcoholics in two phases: the DA system at rest and during pharmacological activation.


    While many animal studies are investigating neural circuitry and neurochemical mechanisms of alcohol-motivated behaviors, such as reinforcement, few studies are exploring neurochemical mechanisms in humans. With the advent of new imaging technologies such as PET, and the discovery of ligands/and receptor agonists and antagonists, more studies are needed to investigate neural mechanisms of alcohol-motivated behaviors in humans.

    Effects of Alcohol on Sleep (1 grant)

    One grant is investigating whether disruption of sleep continuity and/or loss of slow-wave sleep leads to greater elevations in sympathetic nervous system activity in African American alcoholics, which in turn results in impaired immune function and increased risk for disease.


    Sleep disturbance is a common problem during withdrawal and abstinence which could contribute to relapse to drinking. More research is needed to understand the underlying neural mechanisms of sleep disturbances in abstinent alcoholics, and whether potential medications will ameliorate these sleep disorders.

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    Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Marlene Oscar-Berman, Ph.D.)

    • Additional research is needed to clarify the separate and combined roles of malnutrition and alcohol neurotoxicity to brain damage and functional impairments.
    • Additional studies would be useful on the enhanced susceptibility to alcoholism-associated deficits in women and the elderly.
    • Future research should include longitudinal or retrospective methods to evaluate the likelihood of subgroup vulnerability.
    • Specific evaluation of nonhuman animal models of alcohol-associated cognitive deficits should be encouraged.
    • It is important to establish uniform positive diagnostic criteria for subtypes of brain-impaired alcoholics (e.g., Korsakoff's syndrome versus alcoholic dementia); this can be approached most effectively with the aid of sophisticated neurological and neurobehavioral techniques.
    • Follow-up post mortem examination of brains of well-studied alcoholics should be encouraged for clues about neurotransmitter abnormalities, as well as analyses of injury at the cellular level.
    • Particular problems in need of future research effort include the following: neurobehavioral and brain functional/structural recovery with abstinence; extent of multimodal sensory and perceptual deficits; nature of the loss of emotional and motivational functioning among subgroups of alcoholics; specific contributions of frontal system dysfunction to alcoholic symptomatology.


    • Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (George Fein, Ph.D.It is important to determine which brain systems are most vulnerable to the morbid effects of chronic alcohol abuse.
    • What alcohol use-related factors influence brain morbidity secondary to alcohol abuse, including nutritional deficiency, number of episodes of withdrawal, development of tolerance, and role of pattern of drinking?
    • Other factors influencing brain morbidity secondary to alcohol abuse should also be studied, including, genetically transmitted vulnerabilities, gender, age, variability in brain functional reserve as measured by intracranial volume, adolescence, and comorbidity.
    • What are the mechanisms involved in recovery of the brain from the effects of chronic alcohol abuse?
    • Electrophysiological methods should continue to be used because of the advantages over other neuroimaging techniques in terms of temporal resolution, ease and cost-effectiveness of data acquisition, and the ability to collect data during the performance of complex cognitive tasks.
    • It is important to combine behavioral, structural, and functional measures of brain function.


    Gaps in Knowledge and Research Opportunities (Edith V. Sullivan, Ph.D.)

    • Even though alcohol abuse and dependence is prevalent in adolescents as well as older individuals, alcohol's adverse effects on the adolescent brain is unknown.
    • It is unknown whether adequate nutritional supplements improve the structural condition of the brain of alcoholics.
    • There is a paucity of data on the effects of alcoholism on the brains of women.
    • The mechanisms underlying morphological recovery are still unknown.
    • Increased emphasis should be place on in vivo metabolite imaging because of its possible utility in helping to define disease progress, assess efficacy of treatment, and track alcohol-related changes across the life span.
    • To examine the extent that tolerance may be genetically determine, it should be possible to use MRS to compare estimates of non-absorbed alcohol in nonalcoholics, low alcohol-consuming individuals who have a positive family history for alcoholism versus those with a negative family history.
    • Although the functional significance of brain volume loss in terms of the commonly observed alcoholism-associated cognitive behavioral deficits has been difficult to demonstrated, functional MRI (fMRI) has the potential to identify areas throughout the brain that are activated during performance of specific components of cognitive operations.
    • Diffusion anisotropy offers a potential metric for assessing the integrity of white matter throughout the course of alcoholism.
    • It would be useful to examine brain function and psychiatric comorbidity in alcoholics in a systematic manner.
    • It is important to determine whether, with abstinence, alcoholics whose brains show recovery of tissue volume are the individuals who also show improvement in their cognitive and motor abilities.
    • It needs to be established whether alcoholism-associated, brain-volume deficits are accompanied by predictable neuropsychological performance.
    • The question of gene-environment interaction with respect to apolipoprotein genotype and alcohol on the development of dementia and accelerated brain volume loss in alcoholics has yet to be addressed.
    • The extent to which the frontal lobes and cerebellum recover in structure or function remains unknown despite their importance to problem solving, contextual memory, and execution and learning of procedures.
    • Controlled studies of alcoholics who remain abstinent for years in comparison to those who drink for years are needed.
    • No quantitative in vivo studies have been conducted to examine, even cross-sectionally, potential alcohol-gene interactions on brain morphology. These studies are essential to determine the pattern and extent of potentially preexisting differences in individuals genetically predisposed to alcohol addiction compared with those not so disposed.

     (Ellen D. Witt, Ph.D.)

    Human studies, representing about $4.4 million, investigate the consequences of acute and chronic alcohol on cognition and other behaviors, as well as the underlying structural changes associated with the behavioral deficits using state-of-art imaging technologies. The neural mechanisms of alcohol-motivated behaviors such as craving, have also been studied in humans, but to a lesser extent.

    Grants for studies of cognitive/behavioral/structural deficits in humans are detailed below.

    Category No. of Grants FY97

    Brain Damage/ Cognitive/Motor Deficits



    Methodology Development



    Brain Damage, Cognitive/Motor Dysfunction: Affected Brain Areas, Contributions of Malnutrition, Influences of Polysubstance Abuse, Aging, Gender

    1. Neurobehavioral/Cognitive/motor Dysfunction (7 grants)

    Seven grants are investigating cognitive/motor deficits and their underlying neural substrates in chronic alcoholics and Korsakoff patients using neuropsychological, neurocognitive, neurophysiological, and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques.

    Motor Functioning (2 grants) Two grants are targeting alcohol's effects on the cerebellum. One grant uses Pavlovian techniques (delayed-classical conditioning tasks involving heart rate, GSR conditioning, eyeblink conditioning, and extinction) to dissociate structures in the medial temporal lobe (amygdala) and cerebellum in mediating associative learning deficits. The other is quantifying regional volumes of the cerebellar hemispheres and vermis with MRI, using a component-process approach to assess motor coordination and motor skill learning, and determining structure-function relationships between specific motor processes and regional cerebellar volumes.

    Attention, Memory, Executive Processes (4 grants) Two grants study attention and/or memory processes using cognitive tests. One grant is studying deficits in explicit and implicit conceptual memory in chronic alcoholic and Korsakoff patients. The second grant is evaluating cognitive efficiency (principally attention and memory) in subtypes of alcoholics classified on the basis of other substance use/abuse (marijuana, stimulants). Two grants are studying attention, memory, and executive functioning in conjunction with ERP and/or functional MRI (fMRI) to understand the underlying neural mechanisms of these deficits in alcoholics. One of the grants uses fMRI to study localized brain activation during performance of auditory and visual working memory tasks. The fourth grant uses ERP and EEG techniques to study attention and memory processes in abstinent alcoholics classified along several variables including Type I and Type 2 alcoholism, family history of alcoholism, as well as the relationship between antisocial behavior and neurophysiological characteristics.

    Affective (emotional) and Conative (intentional) Functions (2 grants) Two grants are investigating emotional and intentional abnormalities in chronic alcoholics (with and without Korsakoff's syndrome) and whether these changes are mediated by right frontal or bilateral frontal lobe pathology.

    2. Brain Metabolic Changes and Tolerance and Long-Term Abstinence (2 grants) One grant is using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), which allows noninvasive quantification in vivo of brain metabolites, to investigate the mechanism of alcohol-induced tolerance in humans. A second grant is using MRS to characterize the longitudinal course of metabolic changes (i.e., the ratio of visible choline (Cho) to the neuronal marker n-acetylaspartate (NAA)) in the brains of abstinent alcoholics.

    3. Effect of Aging and/or HIV on Cognitive Functioning in Alcoholics (5 grants)

    Alcohol and Aging (4 grants) One grant is using structural MRI, electrophysiology, and neuropsychological assessments to critically evaluate two opposing models of central nervous system effects of chronic alcohol abuse as they interact with age and gender. Three grants are continuations of ongoing research on the interaction between alcohol and aging. Two of these are investigating emotional, attentional, and intentional processes in alcoholics and age-matched controls to evaluate the ways in which the behavioral consequences of aging and alcoholism are parallel, divergent, and/or interactive. The fourth grant is a continuation of an ongoing longitudinal study of alcoholic and control women using MRI, ERP, and neuropsychological tests to identify cross-sectional patterns of sparing and loss, their interaction with age, and comparability to findings in alcoholic men.

    Alcohol and HIV (1 grant) One grant is examining the effect of alcohol consumption on neuropsychological function across stages of HIV infection.


    More research is needed in relating cognitive deficits produced by chronic alcoholism to excessive drinking and the inability to benefit from treatment.

    Methodology Development (1 grant)

    This grant is developing a method to induce and maintain a steady-state concentration of alcohol in the brain and blood while multiple dependent measures are assessed.


    Technologies which improve our understanding of the neural mechanisms alcoholism and improve treatment are encouraged.


    Subcommittee for Review of Neuroscience and Behavior Portfolio


    Henri Begleiter, M.D., Ph.D.
    Department of Psychiatry
    Health Science Center at Brooklyn
    450 Clarkson Avenue, Box 1203
    Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098

    Catherine Rivier, Ph.D.
    The Salk Institute
    10010 North Torrey Pines Road
    La Jolla, CA 92037-1099

    Experts in Alcohol-Related Areas

    Ivan Diamond, M.D., Ph.D.
    Department of Neurology/Gallo Center
    San Francisco General Hospital
    Bldg. 1, Room 101
    1001 Potrero Avenue
    San Francisco, CA 94110-3594

    Adron Harris, Ph.D.
    Department of Pharmacology, C-236
    University of Colorado HSC
    4200 East Ninth Avenue
    Denver, CO 80262-0236

    Harold Kalant, M.D., Ph.D.
    Department of Pharmacology
    University of Toronto
    Medical Science Building
    Toronto, Ontario
    CANADA M5S 1A8

    George Koob, Ph.D.
    Department of Neuropharmacology
    The Scripps Research Institute - CVN-7
    10550 North Torrey Pines Road
    La Jolla, CA 92037 

    Ting-Kai Li, M.D.
    Indiana University
    School of Medicine
    Emerson Hall 421
    545 Barnhill Drive
    Indianapolis, IN 46202-5124

    Elias Michaelis, M.D., Ph.D.
    Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
    Malott Hall
    University of Kansas
    Lawrence, KS 66045-2505

    Oscar Parsons, Ph.D.
    University of Oklahoma HSC
    Rogers Building, Suite 410
    800 N.E. 15th Street
    Oklahoma City, OK 73104-4602

    Adolf Pfefferbaum, M.D.
    SRI International
    333 Ravenswood Avenue
    Menlo Park, CA 94025

    Bernice Porjesz, Ph.D.
    Department of Psychiatry
    Health Science Center at Brooklyn
    450 Clarkson Avenue, Box 1203
    Brooklyn, NY 11203-2098

    Herman Samson, Ph.D.
    Department of Physiology/Pharmacology
    Wake Forest University School of Medicine
    Medical Center Blvd.
    Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1083

    Boris Tabakoff, Ph.D.
    Department of Pharmacology, C-236
    University of Colorado HSC
    4200 East Ninth Avenue
    Denver, CO 80262-0236

    Maharaj Ticku, Ph.D.
    Department of Pharmacology
    University of Texas HSC
    7703 Floyd Curl Drive
    San Antonio, TX 78284-7764

    Nora Volkow, M.D.
    Department of Medicine
    Brookhaven National Laboratory
    Upton, NY 11973

    Gary Wand, M.D.
    Division of Endocrinology
    The Johns Hopkins University
    School of Medicine, Ross 850
    702 Rutland Road
    Baltimore, MD 21205

    Experts in Non-Alcohol-Related Areas

    Robert Freedman, M.D.
    Department of Psychiatry
    University of Colorado HSC
    Box C-268-71
    4200 East Ninth Avenue
    Denver, CO 80262

    ALIGPeter Kalivas, Ph.D.
    Department of VCAPP
    Washington State University
    Pullman, WA 99154

    Steven Paul, M.D.
    Lily Research Laboratory
    Lily Corporation Center
    893 Delaware Avenue
    Indianapolis, IN 46285


    Experts in Neuroscience and Behavior

    Marlene Oscar Berman, Ph.D.
    Boston University School of Medicine
    80 E. Concord Street, M-902
    Boston, MA 02118-2394

    Fulton Crews, Ph.D.
    UNC School of Medicine
    Center of Alcohol Studies, CB# 7178
    Thurston-Bowles Building
    Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7178

    Cindy Ehlers, Ph.D.
    The Scripps Research Institute - CVN-14
    10550 North Torrey Pines Road
    La Jolla, CA 92037

    George Fein, Ph.D.
    Department of Psychiatry
    University of California
    4150 Clement Street, 116R
    San Francisco, CA 94121

    Peter Finn, Ph.D.
    Department of Psychology
    Indiana University
    Bloomington, IN 47405

    Kathy Grant, Ph.D.
    Department of Physiology/Pharmacology
    Wake Forest University School of Medicine
    Medical Center Blvd.
    Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1083

    Paula Hoffman, Ph.D.
    Department of Pharmacology, C-236
    University of Colorado HSC
    4200 East Ninth Avenue
    Denver, CO 80262-0236

    John H. Krystal, M.D.
    Yale-VA Alcoholism Research Center
    Psychiatry Service (116A)
    West Haven VAMC
    950 Campbell Avenue
    West Haven, CT 06516

    David Lovinger, Ph.D.
    Department of Molecular Physiology
    and Physiology
    Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
    702 Light Hall
    Nashville, TN 37232-0615

    Leslie Morrow, Ph.D.
    UNC School of Medicine
    Center of Alcohol Studies, CB# 7178
    Thurston-Bowles Building
    Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7178

    Catherine Rivier, Ph.D.
    The Salk Institute
    10010 North Torrey Pines Road
    La Jolla, CA 92037-1099

    George Siggins, Ph.D.
    The Scripps Research Institute - CVN-12
    10550 North Torrey Pines Road
    La Jolla, CA 92037

    Linda Spear, Ph.D.
    Department of Psychology
    Center for Developmental Psychobiology
    SUNY - Binghamton
    Box 6000
    Binghamton, NY 13902-6000

    Edith Sullivan, Ph.D.
    Department of Psychiatry
    Stanford University
    333 Ravenswood Avenue
    Menlo Park, CA 94025

    Steven Treistman, Ph.D.
    Department of Pharmacology
    University of Massachusetts Medical Center
    55 Lake Avenue, N.
    Worcester, MA 01655

    Gary Wand, M.D.
    Division of Endocrinology
    The Johns Hopkins University
    School of Medicine, Ross 850
    702 Rutland Road
    Baltimore, MD 21205

    Friedbert Weiss, Ph.D.
    Department of Neuropharmacology
    The Scripps Research Institute - CVN-15
    10550 North Torrey Pines Road
    La Jolla, CA 92037


    NIAAA Program Staff

    Walter Hunt, Ph.D.
    Neurosciences and Behavioral Research Branch
    Division of Basic Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 402
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003

    Robert Karp, Ph.D.
    Neurosciences and Behavioral Research Branch
    Division of Basic Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 402
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003

    Yuan Liu, Ph.D.
    Neurosciences and Behavioral Research Branch
    Division of Basic Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 402
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003

    Ellen Witt, Ph.D.
    Neurosciences and Behavioral Research Branch
    Division of Basic Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 402
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003

    Samir Zakhari, Ph.D.
    Division of Basic Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 402
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-0799


    NIAAA Staff, Representatives from other NIH Institutes, and Guests

    Megan Adamson, M.D.
    Office of Collaborative Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 400
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-4354

    Faye Calhoun, D.P.A.
    Office of Collaborative Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 400
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-1269

    Mary Dufour, M.D., M.P.H.
    Deputy Director, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 400
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-3851

    Michael J. Eckardt, Ph.D.
    Office of Scientific Affairs, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 409
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-6107

    Joanne Fertig, Ph.D.
    Division of Clinical and Prevention Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 505
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-0635

    Richard K. Fuller, M.D.
    Division of Clinical and Prevention Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 505
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-1206

    Klaus Gawrisch, Ph.D.
    Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics
    12420 Parklawn Dr., Room 116
    Bethesda, MD 20892-8115
    Phone (301) 594-3750

    Thomas Gentry, Ph.D.
    Office of Collaborative Research, NIAAA
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone (301) 443-6009

    Enoch Gordis, M.D.
    Director, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 400
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-3885

    Daniel Hommer, M.D.
    Laboratory of Clinical Studies, NIAAA
    Building 10, Room 3C114
    Bethesda, MD 20892-1256
    Phone: (301) 496-7874

    Nancy Hondros
    Planning and Financial Management Branch, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 412
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-5733

    William M. Lands, Ph.D.
    Office of the Director, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 400
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-0276

    Ting -Kai, Li, M.D.
    Indiana University School of Medicine
    Emerson Hall 421
    545 Barnhill Drive
    Indianapolis, IN 46202-5124
    Phone: (317) 274-8495

    Burt Litman, Ph.D.
    Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics
    12420 Parklawn Dr., Room 116
    Bethesda, MD 20892-8115
    Phone (301) 594-3608

    Raye Litten, Ph.D.
    Division of Clinical and Prevention Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 505
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-0636

    Steve Long
    Office of Policy Analysis, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 405
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-2435

    Matthew McGue, Ph.D.
    Department of Psychology
    University of Minnesota
    Elliot Hall, Room N-218
    75 East River Road
    Minneapolis, MN 55455
    Phone: (612) 625-8305

    Antonio Noronha, Ph.D.
    Office of Scientific Affairs, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 409
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-7722

    Carrie L. Randall, Ph.D.
    Department of Psychiatry and behavioral Science
    Medical University of South Carolina
    171 Ashley Avenue
    Charleston, SC 29425
    Phone (803) 792-5200

    Norman Salem, Jr., Ph.D.
    Laboratory of Membrane Biochemistry and Biophysics
    12420 Parklawn Dr., Room 116
    Bethesda, MD 20892-8115
    Phone (301) 443-2393

    Jules Selden, D.V.M., Ph.D.
    Division of Basic Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 402
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-2678

    Martin K Trusty
    Office of Planning and Resource Management, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 412
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-4373

    Ernestine Vanderveen, Ph.D.
    Division of Basic Research, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 402
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-1274

    Kenneth Warren, Ph.D.
    Office of Scientific Affairs, NIAAA
    6000 Executive Blvd., Suite 409
    Bethesda, MD 20892-7003
    Phone: (301) 443-4375

    Forrest Weight, M.D.
    Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
    12420 Parklawn Dr., Room 118
    Bethesda, MD 20892-8115
    Phone (301) 443-1234

    Herbert Weingartner, Ph.D.
    Building 31, Room 1B58
    Phone: (301) 402-2996

Updated: April 1999

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