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National Medal for Museum and Library Service

Deadline for 2008: February 15, 2008

Program Contact for Libraries:
Michele Farrell, Senior Program Officer
Phone: 202-653-4656

Program Contact for Museums:
Christopher Reich, Senior Program Officer
Phone: 202-653-4685

Links to 2007 Medals Resources:

• January 14, 2008 Press Release
• Watch the Medals Highlights video
• Symposium podcasts
• First Lady Laura Bush's Full Remarks
• Anne Radice's Full Remarks
• 2007 National Medals Brochure (PDF, 1MB)
• Past Winners


Program Overview
The National Medal for Museum and Library Service (formerly the National Award) honors outstanding institutions that make significant and exceptional contributions to their communities. Selected institutions demonstrate extraordinary and innovative approaches to public service, exceeding the expected levels of community outreach and core programs generally associated with its services. The medal includes prizes of $10,000 to each recipient and an awards ceremony to be held in Washington, DC.

Qualifications and Criteria for Selection
The main qualification for selection is community service, as demonstrated by the institution's ongoing commitment, at every level, to its community.

Nominations should describe:
• The institution's goal in serving its community.
• The population served.
• How the community works together to achieve the goal.
• The outcome of this effort during the past two to three years.
• Projections for future efforts.

The National Museum and Library Services Board reviews the nominations and makes recommendations to the IMLS Director, who makes the final selection.

Public or private nonprofit institutions are eligible to receive this award. Nominated institutions must be open to the general public for at least 120 days per year and be located in the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, or the Freely Associated States in the Pacific. Federally operated institutions are not eligible for the medal.

When an institution receives a National Medal for Museum and Library Service, it becomes eligible for renomination only after 10 years have elapsed.

•  2008 Nomination Form
•  Previous Recipients
•  Publications

Nomination Information
An institution may be nominated by one of its own employees or by a member of the community with a special interest in the institution. If you are an employee of the museum or library you are nominating, please state your title. If you are a member of the community, please indicate your particular interest in the institution.

Your application must include all five parts:

A. Cover Sheet (page one of the Nomination Form)

B. Statement of Purpose/Mission Statement & Brief Institutional History
Provide the institution’s mission statement or statement of purpose as well as a brief institutional history (not to exceed one single-spaced page; no less than 12-point type).

C. Narrative
The nomination should address the following questions thoroughly and succinctly (not to exceed five single-space pages; no less than 12-point type). The jurors determining the pool of potential medal winners will focus closely on your answers to these questions.

1. What are the institution’s goals for community service? How do these goals reflect the institution’s mission and strategic plan? How do they reflect an assessment of the broader community’s learning or informational needs?

2. Describe the population groups/communities the institution is reaching through its community services and provide examples of the programs and services that have been developed for these communities. How are the programs and services evaluated to determine whether they are successfully meeting the needs of the audiences?

3. How does the institution work with other organizations within the broader community to provide programs and services and to play a leadership role?

4. How does the institution demonstrate sustained commitment to the community?

D. Institutional Financial Statements
Include a copy of your institution’s financial statements for the past two complete fiscal years. If at time of nomination your fiscal year is complete but not yet audited, please submit these unaudited figures and label as such.

If your institution is part of a larger organization (municipal government, university, etc.) do not include financial statements for the parent organization, only for the nominee.

E. Letters of Support
An institution may submit up to three letters of support with the nomination. These letters should come from community members who have direct knowledge of the institution’s community service. It is recommended that the letters come from different segments of the broader community served by the institution.

Nominations must be postmarked by February 15, 2008 to this address (no faxes please):

The National Medal for Museum and Library Service
Office of the Director
Institute of Museum and Library Services
1800 M St. NW 9th Floor
Washington, DC 20036-5802

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