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Annual Solar Thermal Collector Domestic Shipments
Table 2.1    xls   pdf   format     Solar Thermal and Photovoltiac

Table 2.1� Annual Solar Thermal Collector Domestic Shipments, 1997-2006
Solar Thermal Collectorsª (Thousand Square Feet)
1997 7,759
1998 7,396
1999 8,046
2000 7,857
2001 10,349
2002 11,004
2003 10,926
2004 13,301
2005 14,680
2006 19,532
Total 110,852
a Total shipments minus export shipments.
Notes: Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding. Total shipments include those made in or shipped to U.S. Territories.
Source: Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-63A, "Annual Solar Thermal Collector Manufacturers Survey."