South-Central California Coast TRT

Puget Sound link

Willamette / Lower Columbia River Basins link

Interior Columbia link

Southwestern Washington Coast link

Oregon Coast link

North-Central California link

Soutth-Central California link

California Central Valley link

Technical Recovery Team:
South-Central California Coast

This recovery domain is located in the NMFS Southwest Region. Please visit the Southwest Region site, for recovery planning information.

Listed ESUs in the South-central California Coast TRT

SteelheadSouth - central California Coast Steelhead
ESU map (pdf)

Southern California Steelhead
ESU map (pdf)

Salmon pictures used in the NMFS Salmon ESA Pages are used with permission from Nature Discovery, Copyright © 1996. Salmon photos are used with permission from E.R. Keeley, © 1998-1999.

last modified 02/08/2008