Puget Sound and the Olympic Peninsula TRT

Puget Sound link

Willamette / Lower Columbia River Basins link

Interior Columbia link

Southwestern Washington Coast link

Oregon Coast link

North-Central California link

Soutth-Central California link

California Central Valley link

Recovery Implementation Technical Team and Technical Recovery Teams:
Puget Sound and the Olympic Peninsula

There are two active technical recovery teams in the Puget Sound domain: the Puget Sound Steelhead Technical Recovery Team (PSSTRT), and the Puget Sound Recovery Implementation Technical Team (PSRITT). Both teams work in coordination with the Pacific Northwest Recovery Implementation Science Team (RIST). The PSSTRT is tasked with identifying population structure and developing biological viability criteria for Puget Sound steelhead. The PSRITT is providing recovery implementation technical support for Puget Sound Chinook and steelhead, Hood Canal summer chum, and Lake Ozette sockeye. The PSRITT also works closely with the Puget Sound Partnership. The original Puget Sound salmon TRT was formed in April of 2000, and was phased out in early 2008 with the formation of the PSRITT. Documents from all three technical teams are or will be available on this page.

Listed ESUs/DPSs in the Puget Sound Domain

Chinook salmonPuget Sound Chinook
ESU map (pdf)
Chum salmonHood Canal Summer Chum
ESU map (pdf)
Sockeye salmonOzette Lake Sockeye
ESU map (pdf)
SteelheadPuget Sound steelhead
ESU map (pdf)

Salmon pictures used in the NMFS Salmon ESA Pages are used with permission from Nature Discovery, Copyright © 1996. Salmon photos are used with permission from E.R. Keeley, © 1998-1999.



PSSTRT and PSRITT meetings are open to the public; however there will be very limited opportunity for the public to provide feedback during the meetings. For locations and times of meetings, or questions about recovery planning in general, send email to Jeff.Hard@noaa.gov (PSSTRT) or Norma.Sands@noaa.gov (PSRITT).

  • The next meeting of the PS RITT will be August 21 from 10am to 3 pm at the King County Natural Resources building at 2nd and Jackson, Conference room 3-d on the third floor.
  • The first meeting of the PSS TRT will be March 18, 10am-4pm at Montlake 370W

Meeting Notes

Archived Puget Sound salmon TRT meeting agendas and notes

Members & Affiliations

Puget Sound Steelhead TRT

George Pess Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Bob Hayman Skagit River System Cooperative
Jeff Hard Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Robert Kope Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Ed Connor Seattle City Light, Environmental Affairs Division
Anne Marshall Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Jim Myers Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Gino Lucchetti King County Dept. of Natural Resources and Parks
Brad Thompson U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Puget Sound Recovery Implementation Technical Team

Eric Beamer Skagit River System Cooperative
Phil Roni Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Kirk Lakey Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
Ken Currens Northwest Indian Fish Commission
Kit Rawson Tulalip Natural Resources
Mary Ruckelshaus Northwest Fisheries Science Center
Norma Sands Northwest Fisheries Science Center
William Graeber Washington Department of Natural Resources, ret.

Puget Sound salmon TRT (2000-2007)

Ken Currens - Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission

Jim Doyle - USFS, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest

Bob Fuerstenburg - King County Department of Natural Resources

Bill Graeber - Washington Department of Natural Resources

Kit Rawson - Tulalip Tribes

Mary Ruckelshaus - NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Norma Sands - NMFS, Northwest Fisheries Science Center

Jim Scott - Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

last modified 08/15/2008