Oregon/Northern California TRT

Puget Sound link

Willamette / Lower Columbia River Basins link

Interior Columbia link

Southwestern Washington Coast link

Oregon Coast link

North-Central California link

Soutth-Central California link

California Central Valley link

Technical Recovery Team:
Oregon/Northern California Coast
(Columbia River to Punta Gorda)

Note: The Oregon/Northern California Coast Technical Recovery Team (ONCC TRT) covers two geographic recovery domains: the Oregon Coast (OC) and the Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast (SONCC) domains, each with one listed coho salmon ESU. TRT work is carried out by two main workgroups, one for each domain. Other workgroups will be appointed as needed. TRT workgroups are comprised mainly of TRT members, but may also include local experts who are not TRT members.

Listed ESUs in the Oregon and Northern California Coast Region

Coho salmon Oregon Coast (Domain) Workgroup:

Oregon Coast Coho
ESU map (pdf)

S. Oregon/N. California (Domain) Workgroup:

Southern Oregon/Northern California Coast Coho
ESU map (pdf)

Salmon pictures used in the NMFS Salmon ESA Pages are used with permission from Nature Discovery, Copyright © 1996. Salmon photos are used with permission from E.R. Keeley, © 1998-1999.



TRT and workgroup meetings are open to the public; however, public comment is reserved for the conclusion of the meeting. Time may be limited. Additional mechanisms for exchanging information with this TRT will be announced in the future on this website. For locations and times of these meetings, or questions about recovery planning in general, send email to NWFSC TRT Northwest.

Future meetings of ONCC TRT:

No future meetings are scheduled at this time

Minutes from ONCC TRT previous meetings

Oregon/Northern California Coast Coho Technical Recovery Team (Full Membership)

Thomas H. Williams (co-chair) - NOAA Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz

Peter W. Lawson (co-chair) - NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Newport

Walter G. Duffy - USGS California Cooperative Research Fisheries Unit, Humboldt State University

David Hillemeier - Yurok Tribe

Charles Huntington - Clearwater BioStudies, Inc

George Kautsky - Hoopa Valley Tribe

Thomas Lisle - US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station

Mike McCain - Six Rivers National Forest

Thomas Nickelson - Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Corvallis

Gordon Reeves - US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis

Mike Rode - California Department of Fish and Game

Thomas C. Wainwright - NOAA Fisheries, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Newport

last modified 08/04/2008