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Process Characterization: Overview and Impetus

Statisticians Collaborate with Researchers to Characterize Complex Processes NIST statisticians collaborate with other researchers throughout the NIST Laboratories and also with their industrial partners to characterize complex processes and to address measurement and standards aspects of physical science, engineering, and information technology. Together with subject-matter experts, NIST statisticians develop techniques for evaluating complex physical processes, complex production processes, measurement processes, for tying measurement processes to accepted standards, and for ensuring the quality of measurements.
Examples of Process Characterization Statisticians develop probabilistic models for physical processes and statistical models for combined uncertainty analysis. Current examples of process characterization include stochastic models for high-speed communications using optical fibers, new measurement methods for characterizing the complex permittivity of dielectric materials (widely used throughout electronics, microwave, communication, and aerospace industries), statistical models for polymer temperature and pressure measurement during fabrication, and characterization of high-speed oscilloscopes for use in optoelectronic device metrology, in nonlinear device metrology, and in high-speed digital circuit design.

Date created: 2/5/2002
Last updated: 2/5/2002
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