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Employment Assistance and Opportunities
Department of Labor (DOL) One-Stop Career Centers

The Food and Nutrition Service encourages faith-based and community organizations to take advantage of the resources available to them through the Department of Labor’s One-Stop Career Centers.

A One-Stop Career Center is a site that offers federal, state and local education and training services in one location. These services range from self-service to more hands-on staff-assisted services.

At the integrated local One-Stop Career Centers, individuals can access high quality local information on available jobs, skill requirements, and training provider performance. All the One-Stop services are free.

If your organization is like many others, the needs of your community far outweigh your resources. If that is your situation, you may want to supplement your staff and volunteers by having your local One-Stop Career Center assist you with the employment needs in your community.

You can find the One-Stop Career Center near you by clicking here: http://www.servicelocator.org/ 

To learn more about One-Stop Career Centers and how they can enhance the services you offer at your organization click here: http://www.dol.gov/cfbci/employmentassistance.htm 

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