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Base Supply Center Initiative

In the wake of realignment throughout the Services, many military installations found themselves without an on-site office supply center. Seeing an opportunity to create retail jobs for people who are blind or have other severe disabilities in stores stocked with quality AbilityOne products, the AbilityOne Program stepped in.

Base Supply Centers (BSCs) are retail stores, predominantly on military installations, but occasionally within Federal office buildings, that are operated by AbilityOne Program-associated nonprofit agencies. Each BSC is added to the Committee's Procurement List as a AbilityOne "service" project, in accordance with 41 CFR, Chapter 51, which ensures that the establishment of a BSC helps accomplish the AbilityOne Program's employment mission.

Although the ability to operate a BSC may be added to the Procurement List for a specific location, the BSC does not become a required or mandatory source of supply by virtue of this action. Any BSC location that is a required source of supply for base personnel has been designated as such by the Base Commander, not by the Committee or by the Procurement List.

It is important to note that AbilityOne Program products are required for purchase, if they meet the Government customer's needs. BSCs are one of several authorized distribution sources for AbilityOne products. Commercial (non-AbilityOne) products are also available at the BSCs. A part of the value-added for the Government customers is the one-stop shopping that is afforded to by the availability of appropriate commercial convenience items. In fact, the Government customers expect to have such access to additional commercial business supplies, both on-site and through catalogs where applicable.

The Committee supports the BSC concept in terms of its two fundamental values to the AbilityOne Program: first, as an employment opportunity for people who are blind or severely disabled with increased emphasis on retail job opportunities; and second, as a distribution channel for AbilityOne products. It does not allow for the sale of products in BSCs to Government customers for personal use.

Host installations and government agencies have the primary responsibility for oversight of BSC contracted services. Oversight should be provided in the same manner as it is for other contracts - including other contracted services provided under the AbilityOne Program. For example, contracting officer representatives should be assigned to BSC contracts, periodic surveys of BSC pricing should be completed, and customer satisfaction surveys should be completed.

Click here for a list of AbilityOne-operated Base Supply and Office Supply Centers.





Seal of The Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled The Committee for Purchase From PeopleWho Are Blind or Severely Disabled
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