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Socioeconomics Program - SD

Socioeconomics Program

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SRKW Industry Social Survey

     Social scientists study the human species -- our behavior, our institutions, our relations to one another and to the natural world. In the context of fisheries, we seek a better understanding of the human values, actions, communities, and institutions that influence marine and anadromous fish, marine mammals, and other marine species and ecosystems in the Pacific NW. Our research provides data and tools that support NMFS and other agencies’ regulatory and management decisions, as well as contributing scientific work and information to the broader research community and the public.

The Socioeconomics Program in the Office of the Science Director conducts economic research on salmon, marine mammal, and other non-groundfish species and ecosystems, and sociocultural research spanning all marine species and ecosystems. Dr. Mark Plummer, Karma Norman, and Suzanne Russell are the program’s three social scientists. Mark focuses his economic research on habitat protection and recovery planning for salmon, and on ecosystem valuation for Puget Sound. Karma’s research emphasis is on the socioeconomic significance of Pacific Coast fishing to individual communities Suzanne concentrates on the socioeconomics of individual transferable quotas in West Coast groundfish fisheries and the marine mammal industry of the Puget Sound. The SD socioeconomics programs works with economists in the Fisheries Resource Analysis and Monitoring socioeconomic group, with social scientists at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, as well as with social scientists in the NMFS Northwest regional office.

Socioeconomics Program links:

NOAA Fisheries - Economics & Social Sciences Program
NOAA Fisheries - Community Profiling and Impact Analysis
NOAA Fisheries - Habitat Economics
NOAA Fisheries - Protected Species Economics Research
NOAA Fisheries Economics and Social Science Workshop, 2004

Socioeconomics Program image:

last modified 05/19/2008

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