Internal Audit Program

The Internal Audit Program is responsible for critically evaluating USIBWC programs and activities to ensure full compliance with federal laws, regulations, and sound business practices.  This requires planning, executing, analyzing, and reporting on the full scope of compliance and performance audit issues and in accordance with Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards.  Audit follow-ups are performed to ensure prompt and corrective actions are taken, to include implementation of audit recommendations, and to ensure controls are adequate in preventing recurrence of deficiencies.  The Internal Audit function serves as the focal point for monitoring actions related to external audits such as those carried out by the Department of State Inspector General and private audit firms.  The Internal Audit Program Manager serves as the audit liaison for the agency and submits final audit reports directly to the United States  Commissioner. Tony Chavez is the USIBWC Auditor and Internal Audit Program Manager; he may be reached at 915.832.4111.

The Internal Audit Program is a coponent of the Compliance Programs Office

EEO Data
Posted Pursuant to the No FEAR Act updated October 2006 Available in .pdf or html format.

Office of the Legal Advisor
Visit the U.S. IBWC's Legal Adivsor's page..

EEO Office  
View the U.S. IBWC"s Equal Employment Opportunity pages find out more about our EOO Program.

Office of the Commissioner
Visit the U.S. IBWC"s Commissioner's home page.