Background Information

Although the average distance from Earth to the sun is a whopping 149,600,000 km, careful observation from the Earth reveals a surprising array of visible features. The most conspicuous and best known feature is the sunspot.

Sunspots were first observed by Chinese astronomers more than 2,800 years ago. With the invention of the modern optical telescope during the early 1600's, sunspot observations became more common. Galileo not only observed sunspots, but inferred from the movement of the sunspots that the sun rotated. He observed that sunspots occur in groups, and also noted that they occur in two bands above and below the sun's equator.

It was not until 1843 that the next significant development towards understanding sunspots occurred. A German pharmacist, whose hobby was astronomy, discovered that sunspots occur in cycles: the number of sunspots increases, the decreases in an eleven year cycle.

We now also know that the sun has a magnetic field much like the magnetic field that surrounds a bar magnet. This general magnetic field gradually reverses polarity during each sunspot cycle, like the north and south poles of a bar magnet are switched when the magnet is turned end over end. The result is that the sun has a 22 year magnetic cycle, as well as an eleven year sunspot cycle. Furthermore, sunspots themselves have strong magnetic fields that reverse after each eleven year cycle to conform to the 22 year magnetic cycle.

In fact, sunspots are hugh magnetic field bundles that break through the surface of the sun. These magnetic fields create cooler, darker regions, which we see as sunspots. The dark center of the sunspot is called the "umbra." The light area around the spot is the "penumbra." Refer to Figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1. Umbra/Penumbra.
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Sunspots occur in groups and have many possible shapes: round; oval; oblong; raindrop; and almost every other shape in-between. Frequently sunspots occur in pairs. The two spots have opposite magnetic polarities, like the north and south poles of a horseshoe magnet.

Spots grow in clusters over several days or weeks, then gradually disappear. In the early years of a sunspot cycle, sunspots tend to be smaller and form at higher latitudes, both north and south. As the cycle proceeds toward the maximum number of sunspots in the eleven year cycle, the spots generally become larger and form closer to the equator. During the maximum period of the sunspot cycle, spots form at latitudes of 10 - 15o.

As the number of sunspots increases during the sunspot cycle, so does solar activity. Sunspots are sources of solar flares, the most violent events in the solar system. In a matter of minutes, a large flare releases a million times more energy than the largest earthquake.

Sunspots and the resulting solar flares affect us here on Earth. In fact, the more we learn about sunspots and solar flares, the greater their influence on Earth appears to be. Solar flares emit radiation that includes x-rays and ultraviolet rays, charged particles called protons and electrons, and powerful particles with no electric charge, called neutrons.

This radiation surge may damage electrical power systems, interfere with telecommunications, wreck high-tech ship navigation systems, harm an astronaut in space, or create the spectacular aurora (Northern and Southern lights). In 1989, Quebec suffered a blackout because a transformer was destroyed by the charged particles from a solar flare. If astronauts had been either outside a space station or on the Moon's surface in September, 1989, they would have received a lethal dose of radiation. Passengers flying on the Concorde supersonic jets would have received the equivalent of a chest x-ray without being aware of their exposure.

Exposure to radiation from solar flares occurs without our being aware of it. Fortunately, a sudden surge in radiation on Earth caused by a solar flare may be predicted by an increase in the number and complexity of sunspots. Scientists at the Space Environment Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado conduct research in solar-terrestrial physics and develop techniques for forecasting solar activities. Also, they provide real-time monitoring and forecasting of solar activity. The Space Environment Services Center is the national and world warning center for disturbances that can affect people and equipment in the space environment.

Although solar forecasters use sophisticated satellite and computer technology to improve space weather monitoring and analysis, researchers continue to observe sunspots using the same centuries old technique developed during the time of Galileo. Simply aim the telescope at the sun, project the magnified image onto a surface, and draw the spots.

In this exercise, you will use techniques similar to those that solar observers use to record data based on sunspot observations at the Space Environment Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado.

Procedure - Part A

    Refer to Figure 10.2 - Boulder Sunspot Observation - March 11 and 12, 1989.
    Note that groups of sunspots are identified together with only one number.
Figure 10.2. Boulder Sunspot Observations.
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  1. Locate sunspot number 5397 on the March 11, 1989 diagram.

    Place an "X" at its estimated center. To find the center, use the grid on Figure 10.2 to estimate the longitude of the eastern-most sunspot and the western-most sunspot. Subtract these two longitude, then divide by two and add the result to the lower longitude line. This number is the center of the sunspot group's longitude.

  2. Repeat the procedure in No. 1 for March 12, 1989.

  3. Locate sunspot number 5398 on the March 11, 1989 diagram.

    Place an "X" at its estimated center.

  4. Repeat the procedure in No. 1 for March 12, 1989.

  5. Estimate the latitude for sunspot number 5397 on the March 11, 1989 sunspot diagram. Record your estimate in Table 10.1. Repeat this procedure for sunspot number 5398.

  6. For sunspot number 5397, estimate its longitude on March 11, and again for March 12. Record these data in Table 10.1.

  7. Subtract the smaller longitude from the larger one to determine the distance it traveled between March 11 at 1620 UT (GMT) and March 12 at 1610 UT, approximately one day. Record the difference on Table 10.1.

  8. Repeat the procedure in Nos. 6 and 7 for sunspot number 5398.
Table 10.1. Sunspot Data - A.
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Questions - Part A

  1. Which sunspot group is closest to the sun's equator?




  2. What is the latitude of the northernmost sunspot group?




  3. Do both sunspot groups travel at the same speed?




    What does this suggest about the sun's rotation?




  4. Use Figure 10.2, the March 12, 1989 Boulder Sunspot Observation to predict where sunspot number 5397 will be at 1620 UT, on March 13, 1989. Place a " * " on the March 12 diagram for that location. Label the sunspot with its number. Repeat the process for sunspot number 5398. What is the predicted longitude for each sunspot group on March 13?




Figure 10.3. Questions Sheet - Part A
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Procedure - Part B

    Refer to Figure 10.2 - Boulder Sunspot Observation - March 11 and 12, 1989.
    Note that groups of sunspots are identified together with only one number.

    You will record sunspot information in Table 10.2 in much the same way that a solar observer records information for scientists to interpret.
Table 10.2. Sunspot Data - B.
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    The local serial number, the Space Environment Services Center serial number, and some information to be used as examples, or that is difficult to determine, has been entered in Table 10-2.

    (If your initial results do not agree with the observer's results, then try again...and again until you get it right.)
  1. Locate sunspot group number 5392. Count the number of spots in the group. Check Table 10.2 to see if your number agrees with the official number. If you total is the same, then you have counted correctly.

  2. Repeat the procedure in No. 1 for all sunspot groups and record your data in Table 10.2 under the column heading, "Number of Sunspots."

  3. If a sunspot stands alone, it is called "unipolar" and its magnetic class is "A." If there are two or more spots, then it is "bipolar" and its magnetic class is "B."

    Identify the magnetic class for sunspot group number 5392. If you identified number 5392 as "B," then you are correct.

  4. Repeat your observations, as in No. 3, for all sunspot groups and record your data in Table 10.2 under the column heading, "Magnetic Class."

  5. Use the latitude and longitude grid in Figure 10.2 to estimate the degrees of longitude covered by sunspot group 5392. Check Table 10.2 to see if your estimate agrees with the official estimate of extent.

  6. If your estimate for No. 5 is correct, then repeat the process in No. 5 for all sunspot groups and record your data in Table 10.2 under the column, "Extent."

  7. Place an "X" on the approximate center of each sunspot.

    To find the center, use the grid on Figure 10.2 to estimate the longitude of the eastern-most sunspot and western-most sunspot.

    Next, subtract these two longitude numbers, then divide the result by two and add this result to the lower longitude number. The final result is the center of the sunspot group's longitude.

  8. Now place an "X" on the approximate center for sunspot group number 5392.

    Check Table 10.2 to see if your estimate agrees with the observer's estimate of location.

  9. If your estimate is correct, then repeat the process in Nos. 7 and 8 for all sunspot groups and record your data in Table 10.2 under the column, "Location."

  10. Trace Figure 10.4, the USAF/NOAA Sunspot Area Overlay, onto a transparent plastic overlay or sheet of tracing paper.

  11. Place this transparency or tracing over any sunspot in group number 5392 to find the best fit. Read the number to the left of the best fit circle or oval. This is its area in millionths of a solar atmosphere.

  12. Repeat the process in No. 11 for each sunspot in the group. Then add the individual areas for each sunspot to find the total area for the sunspot group. Refer to Figure 10.5 for help in properly determining a sunspot and sunspot group area count.

  13. Check Table 10.2 to see if your total agrees with the official estimate of area.

  14. If you are correct, or completely understand the process but mis-selected the best fit circle or oval, then repeat the process in Nos. 11 and 12 for all sunspot groups and record your data in Table 10.2 under the column, "Area." Again, refer to Figure 10.5 for help in properly determining the count.

  15. Use the information in Table 10.3 to determine the type of sunspot for group number 5392. Check Table 10.2 to see if your chosen sunspot type agrees with the official type. If so, then you have correctly determined the type of sunspot.

  16. Repeat the procedure in No. 15 for all sunspot groups and record your data in Table 10.2 under the column heading, "Type."

Figure 10.4. USAF/NOAA Sunspot Area Overlay.
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Figure 10.5. Sample Sunspot Area Count.
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Table 10.3. Sunspot Classification Categories.
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Questions - Part B

  1. Which sunspot group contains the most spots?




  2. In this activity, are most sunspots unipolar or bipolar?




  3. What is the area in millionths of a solar hemisphere of the largest sunspot group?




  4. Which sunspot group is more likely to produce a geomagnetic storm?




  5. Describe the largest sunspot group using the information in Table10.3.






Figure 10.6. Questions Sheet - Part B
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Review the problem stated in the workstation screen graphic
at the top of this web page and write your conclusions here.

Figure 10.7. Conclusions Sheet
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