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Statistical Engineering Division Seminar

The Euler-Lagrange Equations of Diffeomorphic Matching Methods: Applications to Computational Anatomy

Laurent Younes
Professor, Applied Mathematics and Statistics
John Hopkins University
Statistical Engineering Division Seminar
Thursday, March 29, 2007, 10:30-11:30 AM
Building 222, Room A264


We will discuss a general mechanism with which a particular form of gradient for matching functionals can be computed within a group of diffeomorphisms. This will be related to the Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Matching (LDDMM) algorithm which uses a geodesic length in groups of diffeomorphisms to control the amount of deformation. We will show how these problems induce a fundamental conservation equation, called EPDiff, which is defined along the geodesic. The conserved quantity, called the momentum, can be used as a way to characterize deformations of a given template. It provides a basic descriptor for statistical shape analysis.

NIST Contact: John Lu, (301) 975-3208.

Date created: 3/21/2007
Last updated: 3/21/2007
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