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MARC Faculty Senior Fellowships (F33)

MARC Faculty Senior Fellowships are awarded to eligible faculty at minority institutions to give them the opportunity to update their research skills and/or move into new areas of research through a year-long period of intensive research in a state of-the-art research environment. An applicant must be a full-time faculty member in a biomedically related science or mathematics program for at least 3 years at the time of submission of the application. The candidate must have received the Ph.D. or equivalent degree at least 7 years before the date of application. The candidate must intend to return to the minority institution at the end of the training period. The applicant may request no less than one academic year (9 months) and no more than 2 years of support.

A stipend equal to the applicant's salary may be requested, but it should not exceed the stipend of a level 7 postdoctoral fellow (currently $51,036). If the award is for less than 12 months, the actual amount will be prorated by the length of the award. The applicant may also request an institutional allowance of $7,000 a year to be used for expenses directly related to the training. See the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, August 8, 2002 (PAR-02-145), or contact Dr. Adolphus Toliver at 301-594-3900. 

This page last updated November 28, 2007