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SCORE Supplemental Instructions for Form PHS 2590

(For Noncompeting Continuation Grant Applications)

General Information

Progress reports to continue support of a Public Health Service (PHS) grant must be submitted to NIGMS 2 months before the beginning date of the next budget period using PHS 2590 (forms and instructions are available at In addition to the PHS 2590 instructions, follow the guidelines below to prepare the progress report. All progress reports must be submitted to the centralized mailing address:

Division of Extramural Activities Support, OER
National Institutes of Health
6705 Rockledge Drive, Room 2207, MSC 7987
Bethesda, MD 20892-7987 (for regular or US Postal Service Express mail)

Bethesda, MD 20817 (for other courier/express mail delivery only)

Phone: 301-594-6584

Submit the completed, signed original progress report and one copy (with required signatures).

Note that this is a change in business process. Progress reports should no longer be submitted directly to the NIH awarding component.

Grantees access a Web site hosted by the NIH Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration to determine which progress reports are due. The site located at Grantees are responsible for periodically checking the list, which is updated on/around the 30th of each month. In addition to this Web site, e-mail reminders are sent to the PI.

For grantee institutions and PIs registered in the eRA Commons, the progress report due information is available in the Commons Status system. Commons-registered institutions and PIs also have access to pre-populated face pages for the 2590 Progress Report via Status. For more information on the Commons, see

For additional information review the instructions of PHS Form 2590 at

Specific Instructions

I. Streamlined Non-Competing Award Process (SNAP):

To submit the progress report use SNAP to avoid the submission of a detailed continuation budget. SNAP instructions can be found at Follow SNAP instructions except in the following parts:

  • Provide in tabular form the answers to the following questions (see suggested sample format Table 9):
    • Has there been a change in support of key personnel since the last reporting period?
    • Will there be, in the next budget period, a significant change in the level of effort of key personnel from what was approved for this project?
    • Is it anticipated that an estimated unobligated balance (including prior year carryover) will be greater than 25% of the current year’s total budget? If answer is yes provide the required explanations.

      NOTE: If the SNAP procedures can not be used, PHS 2590 budgets (Form Pages 2 and 3) must be submitted for the Overall program plan (administrative budget and total overall budget) and for each of the individual projects.
  • Item 6. Human Subjects, and Item 7. Vertebrate Animals. Provide in tabular form the status and dates of approvals (see suggested sample format Table 10).
  • Other Support. Provide in tabular form for all SCORE participants, including the PD (see suggested sample format Table 11).

II. Progress Report Format:

  • Provide a brief summary highlighting the project’s progress toward the completion of the research plan and the PI’s developmental plan during the current reporting period (limit: 2 paragraphs)
  • Research Progress 
    1. Reinstate the research goals and objectives and indicate progress made on each

      Goal 1:
      Specific Aim 1:
      Progress Made During this Reporting Period:
    2. Provide a list of peer-reviewed publications acknowledging MBRS SCORE support
    3. Provide Targeted/Planned Enrollment Tables and Enrollment Report Format Page, if applicable (for additional information, refer to the PHS 2590 instructions).
    4. Personnel Report: A Personnel Report of all employees supported by the project funds must be submitted using PHS 2590 Form Page 7.
  • PI’s Developmental Progress:
    1. Reinstate the goals and objectives of the Developmental Plan and indicate progress made on each

      Goal 1: Progress Made Including Activities Completed and Outcomes Achieved During this Reporting Period
    2. 2. PIs of the SCORE Pilot Project (SC2) Awards must describe the activities and outcomes of the mentorship component
  • Checklist Page:
    The checklist page is required only if there is a change in performance site that will affect facilities and administrative costs and/or if program income is anticipated. Only one Checklist Page (Form Page 6) is required for each non-competing SCORE grant renewal application.
  • Important Note:
    Incomplete, non-compliant or late progress reports will not be accepted by Program and may delay the issuance of a noncompeting award.
This page last updated December 15, 2007