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Congratulations from the CMLD!

JCC's First Quarter 2008 Most-Accessed Articles List Includes KU CMLD

KU CMLD Publications Appear on JCC's 2007 Most-Cited Article List

For details on these achievements and other CMLD news, click here.

The mission of the University of Kansas Center of Excellence in Chemical Methodologies & Library Development (KU CMLD) is to design and synthesize libraries that:
  • utilize new principles of scaffold design (and especially the incorporation of multiple scaffold cores into a single library)
  • are likely to have pharmacological activity based on sound drug design principles, and
  • are likely to have drug-like characteristics.

The work at the KU CMLD Center involves 15 researchers located at the University of Kansas, the University of Missouri-Kansas City, Iowa State University, the University of Minnesota and Deciphera Pharmaceuticals.

We've moved! Click here to view the KU CMLD Center's new home.