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Division of Extramural Activities

The Division of Extramural Activities is responsible for the grant-related activities of the Institute, including the receipt, referral, and advisory council review of applications as well as grant funding and management. Its staff maintains an overview of the Institute's scientific and financial status and advises the NIGMS director and other key staff on policy matters and on the planning, development, and scientific administration of Institute research and training programs. The division recommends budget allocations for the various NIGMS programs. It also acts as a liaison with other components of the National Institutes of Health for activities relating to grant application assignments and foreign grants.

For more information about the NIGMS Division of Extramural Activities, contact:

Dr. Ann A. Hagan
Associate Director for Extramural Activities
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Institutes of Health
45 Center Drive MSC 6200
Bethesda, MD 20892-6200
(301) 594-4499

This page last updated October 20, 2007