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Fausto Cattaneo

Computational Scientist, MCS
Senior Fellow, CI

Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Bldg. 221-D244
Argonne IL, 60439

Phone: (630) 252-7160
Email: cattaneo at

[personal website]


Dr. Cattaneo's is interested in the theory of strongly dissipative nonlinear systems. His work has included analytical and numerical studies on the theory of hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic turbulence, studies of the nonlinear development of instabilities in stratified, and in magnetized fluids. He is interested in homogenization theory with particular emphasis on the problem of turbulent transport of scalars (both passive and active) and of magnetic fields, and the possible extension of turbulent
transport theory to reacting flows. He has carried out several studies in dynamo theory, with particular emphasis on its generalizations to fully nonlinear regimes, and their possible applications to the problem of the origin of cosmic magnetic fields. Currently, Dr. Cattaneo is working on the hydromagetic stability of accretion discs and cylindrical Couette flows and the problem of turbulent angular momentum transport in rotating systems. He has also done extensive work in the theory of compressible flows, the theory of convection in strongly stratified layers and the coupling between compressible turbulence and acoustic waves.

Dr. Cattaneo is also interested in numerical modeling and high performance computing. Specifically the development and implementation of efficient algorithms and computational environments for large scale scientific computing.

U.S. Department of Energy The University of Chicago Office of Science - Department of Energy
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