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Findings is an NIGMS magazine highlighting the research of NIGMS-funded scientists. It also includes brief capsules of cutting-edge studies and a crossword puzzle containing words used in the stories. You can now download slide kits that reinforce the scientific information presented in the two main stories of each issue. View list of all the downloadable free slide kits.

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March 2008
Profiles of Atul Butte, a doctor-scientist who uses computers to re-classify diseases, and Peggy Goodell, a researcher who pursues the properties and uses of stem cells. 
September 2007
Profiles of Luisa Ann DiPietro, a dentist-immunologist who studies wound healing, and Stephen Eubank, a physicist who studies social networks. 
March 2007
Profiles of Drew Endy, a synthetic biologist who blends engineering, biology, and computer programming to find out how life works, and Cynthia Otto, a veterinarian who studies sepsis, a dramatic, full-body reaction to an injury or illness. 
September 2006 
Profiles of Chiara Cirelli, a neuroscientist who studies the basic biology of sleep, and Yuri Lazebnik, a cell biologist who studies cell fusion and cancer. Plus, frogs fight cancer, vitamin B12 lessons, multiple sclerosis marker, and more.
Cover of Findings, March 2006 March 2006
Profiles of Neil Kelleher, a chemical biologist who uses "top-down" mass spectrometry to weigh proteins, and Mavis Agbandje-McKenna, a structural biologist who studies how viruses infect cells. Plus, bone glue, brain effects of anesthesia, chicken eggs, and more. 
Cover of Findings, September 2005 September 2005
Profiles of Dyann Wirth, a geneticist who works with researchers throughout the world to study malaria, and David Baker, a computational biologist who custom designs computer software to predict the three-dimensional shapes of proteins. Plus, virtual reality pain relief, ginseng science, stress and DNA, and more. 
Cover of Findings, March 2005 March 2005
Profiles of Andrés García, an engineer who studies cell stickiness to create new biomaterials that can heal bones and other body tissues, and Hilary Godwin, a chemist who studies the chemistry of lead poisoning. Plus, natural insect repellant, needle-free injections, healing bone marrow, and more. 
Cover of Findings, October 2004 October 2004
Profiles of Bonnie Bassler, a bacterial geneticist who studies how bacteria communicate with each other, and Ram Sasisekharan, a biological engineer who studies sugar molecules called carbohydrates. Plus, hot flashes, 1918 flu, anthrax, and more. 
Cover of Findings, February 2004 February 2004
Profiles of Gene Robinson, an entomologist who studies honeybee behavior, and Serrine Lau, a toxicologist who studies the role of genes in the body's response to chemical exposure. Plus, hearing flies, food poisoning, cancer fingerprinting, and more. 
Cover of Findings, September 2003 September 2003
Profiles of Maggie Werner-Washburne, a biologist who bridges biology and mathematics in her quest to track the activity of thousands of genes at the same time in living cells, and Daniel Sessler, an anesthesiologist whose fundamental questions about the way the body controls its temperature have led to major health improvements for surgery patients. Plus, high-risk babies, natural de-icer, healing wounds with air, sticky embryos, and more. 
Cover of Findings, February 2003 February 2003
Profiles of Brad Goodner, a biologist whose college students help him study the genetic secrets of bacteria that can infect both plants and humans, and Dorothee Kern, a biophysicist and former professional basketball player who studies enzymes using NMR spectroscopy. Plus, biofilms, vitamin C and skin, cocaine antidote, and more. 
Cover of Findings, September 2002 September 2002
Profiles of Baldomero Olivera, a biochemist who studies how the venom of marine cone snails may be used to treat pain, and Elaine Bearer, a pathologist who is fascinated by how cells in the body move around and change their shape. Plus, cancer-zapping sugar, predicting flu strains, misspelling DNA, natural bacterial shield, and more. 
Cover of Findings, March 2002  March 2002
Profiles of Terry Gaasterland, an expert on artificial intelligence who is getting computers to learn how to read the language hidden in our DNA, and Hobart Harris, a physician-scientist who is trying to solve the molecular mysteries behind a deadly body-wide infection called sepsis. Plus, preventing muscle loss, fruit flies for health, juicing up medicines, fingerprinting anthrax, and more. 
 Cover of Findings, September 2001 September 2001
Profiles of Geoffrey Chang, a biophysicist whose an electron density maps reveal not only the atomic skeleton of a protein but also a work of beauty and perfection, and Angelika Amon, a molecular biologist whose basic research into how cells grow and divide is making important inroads toward understanding the problem of birth defects. Plus, new tricks for old drugs, post-trauma infection in men, exhausted T-cells and arthritis, artificial placenta, and more.
Cover of Findings, February 2001 February 2001
Profiles of Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado, a biologist who uses glow-in-the-dark fluorescent labels to study cells in flatworms, and Laura Kiessling, a chemist whose tailor-made molecules are shedding light on cell "stickiness" and possible treatments for inflammation and other illnesses. Plus, breath tests for cancer patients, souped-up artificial skin, fish oils and aspirin, bacterial slime and cystic fibrosis, and more.

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This page last updated September 8, 2008