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Research on Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding, sometimes called "nursing," can be a convenient and inexpensive way for a mother to feed her child. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Policy Statement on Breastfeeding, women who don't have health problems, like HIV, should exclusively breastfeed their infants for at least the first six months of life. AAP suggests that women try to breastfeed for the first 12 months of life because of the benefits to both mother and baby.

If a mother stops breastfeeding before the child is a year old, then she should feed her infant iron-fortified, commercially available formula. Health care providers advise women not to give their infants cow's milk until the child is at least a year old.

Breastfeeding offers many benefits to the baby. For instance, breast milk provides the right balance of nutrients to help an infant grow into a strong and healthy toddler. Some of the nutrients in breast milk also help protect an infant against some common childhood illnesses and infections, such as diarrhea and certain lung infections.

Some recent NICHD-supported research also suggests that breast milk contains important amino acids, protein building blocks, that help an infant's brain develop. Specifically, researchers discovered that two amino acids present in breast milk, which are currently not added to infant formula commercially available in the United States, may help infants to increase their cognitive skills. Infants who were fed formula with the two amino acids added scored higher on intelligence tests than infants whose formula lacked the nutrients. Further research is now underway to see whether adding these amino acids to infant formula is safe in the long-term. For more information on these and other findings, read the Institute's news releases about breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding also benefits the mother. In response to the baby's sucking, the mother's body releases a hormone that makes the uterus to contract. Many mothers also reap emotional benefits from breastfeeding because of the closeness of this interaction with the baby. Many societies and cultures also encourage mothers to breastfeed, which can offer support to a new mother.

Even though breastfeeding is a natural process, it's not always easy. Many health care providers suggest that women work with a lactation counselor or lactation specialist to learn how to breastfeed and to learn what is involved with breastfeeding. Many health centers, clinics, and hospitals have lactation counselors on staff. Ask your health care provider for more information about getting help with breastfeeding. Even with help, though, some women still have trouble breastfeeding.

In certain situations, health care providers advise a woman not to breastfeed. For instance:

  • A woman with certain health conditions, such as HIV or active tuberculosis, should not breastfeed because she risks transmitting the infection to her infant through her breast milk.
  • Women who actively use drugs or do not control their alcohol intake, or who have a history of these situations, may also be advised not to breastfeed.
  • Certain medicines, including some mood stabilizers and migraine medicines can also pass through the breast milk and cause harm to the infant.
  • Women with certain chronic illnesses may be advised not to breastfeed, or to take special steps to ensure their own health while breastfeeding. For example, women who have diabetes may need to eat slightly more food while they breastfeed, to prevent their blood sugar levels from dropping.
  • Women who have had breast surgery in the past may face some difficulties in breastfeeding.

If you have any health conditions, or you are taking any medications or over-the-counter supplements, you should discuss breastfeeding with your health care provider. The National Library of Medicine provides patient information about breastfeeding.