MIP XMLTestbed
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Date Created: 12/01/06

Last Modified: 04/05/07



This site hosts a number of XML parsing tools that can be used to remotely validate XML schema files against the W3C XML Schema standard, and XML data files against their corresponding XML schemas. Results are displayed on a single page for easy comparison.These two types of validation activities are separated into two services: Schema Validation and Instance Validation.

Please click on the links below to get started:

Schema Validation Service

Schema validation allows the user to upload their own schema file, or a zip file containing multiple schemas, and validate it against the W3C standard specification for XML schemas. If a zip file is uploaded, the user must specify the target schema file name in order for the tool to know where to begin validation.

Instance Validation Service

Instance validation allows the user to upload their own XML instance and validate its content with either their own uploaded schema, or from three publicly available schemas listed below.

Note that instance validation is one way to validate that an XML schema meets the requirements captured in an XML schema. If errors are encountered during instance validation, it may reflect problems in the XML schema.

Parsing Tools
Both of these validation services allow the user to select from a variety of parsers.  Currently, we are providing access to four XML parsing tools:

Emailing Results
The user also has the option of having the results directly emailed in XML format. The schema for this instance can be found here. Additionally, an example stylesheet is available for displaying the results in HTML and can be customized as the user wishes.