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Winter 2001


NIDCD Information Clearinghouse: Inside Winter 2001

page 1
Special Parents Section

page 2
New Directions in Health Communication

page 3
Clearinghouse Update

page 4
CHID Online: Database News

page 5
WISE EARS!®Update--Coalition Members

page 6
Calendar of Events

Inside Archives

NIH Pub. No. 00-4202

WISE EARS!®Update--Coalition Members

WISE EARS!<sup>®</sup>owl illustrationThe list of WISE EARS!®coalition members keeps growing. There have been many additions in recent months. To keep you up-to-date, here is the complete list of Government agencies, public organizations, business and industry, organizations that advocate for children and older Americans, and unions concerned with preventing noise-induced hearing loss.


National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Celebrating 20 years of research: 1988 to 2008