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A summary of revisions that contain policy change as well as new and updated direction follows by chapter for the Interagency Incident Business Management Handbook. Responsibilities have been added or clarified and exhibits have been updated to reflect policy changes and updates.

The IIBMH will be available for order from the Great Basin Cache in 8.5” x 6.5” format. A full size (8.5” x 11”) version will be available for print from the web at: or

Chapter 10 – Personnel

  • Clarifies hiring units are responsible for designating the appropriate agency hiring official for casual hires. (11.2)
  • Clarifies disposition of the Single Resource Casual Hire Information Form. (11.2)
  • Provides reference to obtain information on social security, federal and Updates information re: hiring of casuals in accordance with the AD Pay Plan.
  • Clarifies the guidance re: meal breaks.(12.6)
  • Clarifies pay provisions re: sickness, medical treatment and the biweekly and maximum earning limitation. (12.8)
  • Provides additional guidance re: hazard pay for flying. (12.9-3)
  • Adds the positions of Emergency Support Function 4 (ESF4) and Primary Leader to the exempt Support Function list.(12.11a)
  • Adds the positions of Communication Technician and Dispatcher to the Non Exempt Logistics Function List. (12.11a)
  • Updates the exempt/nonexempt list with ESF4 and EMT positions. (12.11a)

Section 13.6 – Exhibit 01

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Section 13.6 – Exhibit 02 - 21

  • Updates general guidance re: OF-288 instructions for government employees including:
    • social security number requirements (Exhibit 08)
    • use of the THSP position code (Exhibit 08)
    • recording Guarantee and sick leave hours. (Exhibit 08)
  • Updates general guidance re: OF-288 instructions for casuals including:
    • social security number requirements (Exhibit 10)
    • Use of the THSP position code (Exhibit 10)
  • Provides updated form samples for the Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9, Single Resource Casual Hire Information Form and the Spanish Incident Behavior Form.
  • Provides test forms and instructions for the Emergency Incident Time Report, Conditions of Hire, and Payroll Deduction Authorization.

Section 15 – Personnel/Compensation for Injury/Illness

  • Significant changes were made in this section to clarify the appropriate uses of worker’s compensation claims (OWCP) vs. agency provided medical care (APMC). Guidance was also revised significantly regarding forms disposition to ensure compliance with OWCP and privacy act requirements.

Chapter 20 – Acquisition

  • Clarifies the casual hires are considered government employees under the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR). (20.01)
  • Clarifies policy regarding mirco-purchasing thresholds on emergency incidents. (24.1)
  • Clarifies guidance for EERA administration. (26)
  • Clarifies EERA payment procedures. (27)
  • Provides a matrix for Equipment and Method of Hire National Standards. . (Exhibit 01)
  • Provides test forms and instructions for Emergency Equipment Rental Agreement, Emergency Equipment Shift Ticket, Emergency Equipment Use Invoice, Emergency Equipment Fuel and Oil Issue. (Exhibits)

Chapter 30 – Property Management

  • Clarifies cardholder restrictions. (33)
  • Defines trackable property and specifies disposition. (34)
  • Clarifies that IMTs cannot authorize replacement of non-expendable or non-standard cache items. (35)
  • Provides a sample OF-289 Property Loss or Damage Report form. (38 Exhibit 03)

Chapter 40 – Incident Business Management Coordination

  • Clarifies the Agency Administrator may designate an Administrative Representative to monitor business management activities. (41)
  • Clarifies the outgoing IMT is responsibilities. (42)
  • Provides direction re: Incident Information Technology Coordination. (45)
  • Clarifies direction re: disposition of compensation for injury forms. (47 Exhibit 03)
  • Clarifies payment office procedures. (47 Exhibit 05)

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Chapter 50 – Interagency Cooperative Relations

  • Specifies that agreements between or among executive agencies or departments require statutory authority. (51.1-1)
  • Clarifies the process for State Fire Management Assistance. (52)

Chapter 60 – Accident Investigation and Reporting

  • Updates general direction for coordination of injury and accident reporting.

Chapter 70 – Claims

  • Clarifies direction for replacement of personal property. (72.4)

Chapter 80 – Cost Accounting and Reporting

  • Specifies standard component costs included in the I-Suite database are utilized by most agencies. (81.2)
  • Clarifies a cost share agreement should be prepared for multi-jurisdiction incidents where a decision has been made to share resource costs. (86)
  • Adds Supplemental Fire Suppression and Cost Share Agreement Template. (88 Exhibit 04)

Chapter 90 – All Hazard Incident Business Management

  • Provides general direction for all hazard response.

Tool Kit

  • Adds All Hazard Checklist and Extended Work Shift Authorization Sample (Contents)
  • Updates the Hazard/Environmental Pay Matrix.
  • Updates the Sample Operating Guidelines
  • Updates Emergency Facilities & Land Use Agreement
  • Provides a sample of Documentation of Length of Assignment Extension form

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