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2008 Awardees



moon picture

The Moon: Back to the Future
Art contest poster image
click on image to download poster

Due Date Extended to April 15, 2009

2009 Contest at a Glance:

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration invites high school and college students from all areas of study to enter, including the arts, industrial design, architecture, computer design, and the fine arts. Students are asked to submit their work on the theme:  Life and Work on the Moon. Artists are encouraged to collaborate with science and engineering students. Such collaboration is not required, but would help to ensure that the art is valid for the Moon’s harsh environment. Any full time student can enter, regardless of major or area of study.

Entries will be accepted in three categories:  two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and digital, including video. Entries will be evaluated not only on their artistic qualities, but also on whether they depict a valid scenario. Prizes include awards and exhibit opportunities. Entries are due no later than April 15, 2009.

Please direct any questions to Dr. Elizabeth Ward at

Download the short video animation Back to the Moon

Entries will be accepted in three major categories:  two-dimensional, three dimensional and digital.  Each category will have pre-determined size limits.

  • All entries are due no later than April 15, 2009 for College entries and April 15, 2009 for High School entries.

  • Cash prizes, certificates of achievement, and exhibit opportunities are planned.

  • We expect that winners will be announced in May of 2009.

  • All entries will initially be submitted digitally as 300 dpi jpeg images. 

  • An on-line gallery is planned for public viewing of the artwork.

  • Winners will be asked to ship their work to NASA for exhibit purposes.


NASA's New Lunar Electric Rover (LER) to participate in President's
Inaugural Parade

Why is NASA sponsoring this contest?
Once humans establish a presence on the Moon, the arts will be a desired facet of life there, as they are here on Earth. It is our intention to provoke non-science and engineering students to think about the science and engineering required to achieve the conditions suitable for humans to live and work on the moon.  It is also our intention to help the science and engineering communities appreciate valuable contributions from other communities, particularly the arts.   We hope to see outstanding student art work that will inspire this and future generations of explorers.

moon and earth image
Repairing a rover
moon base image
Entering a lunar outpost

mars image
Astronauts and robots working together
lunar lander image
Lunar Lander Touching Down on the Moon
moon image
Embarking on a Lunar surface mission

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Editor: Elizabeth Ward

NASA Official: Richard Antcliff

Last Updated: January 23, 2009

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