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Northwest Fisheries on the Radio

Radio Archives

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Press Releases
NWFSC in the Spotlight
Print Media

Fishy Smell (Don't Ask, Don't Smell).
(10/31/07, Isla Earth Radio Series) NWFSC's scientists are studying how stream runoff pollution affects salmon olfaction. listen to the audio clip

Science Podcast: 2008 AAAS Annual Meeting Stories
(2/16/08, Science Podcast) Nat Scholz discusses how mixtures of chemical contaminants such as pesticides are affecting salmon behavior. listen to the audio clip

Protectors of Puget Sound: Dr. Usha Varanasi, NW Fisheries and Science Center.
(12/4/07, Puget Sound Voices, KSVR FM) Usha Varanasi discusses the role that Northwest Fisheries Center has in the protection of the Puget Sound region. listen to the audio clip

Surrogate fish could save endangered brethren.
NPR Radio. October 16, 2007. John Nielsen. listen to the audio clip

Our Big Backyward: The Impact of Humans.
(9/5/2007, KUOW 94.9) Nat Scholz was interviewed about the impact of contaminants on salmon in urban creeks. listen to the audio clip

Columbia River Salmon Tag Found In New Zealand Bird.
(8/17/07, Oregon Public Broadcasting)John Ferguson discusses how a Columbia River fish tag may have ended up in a birds stomach in New Zealand. listen to the audio clip

Warning system speeds word of toxic algae
(3/22/07, Earth and Sky Radio)

Vera Trainer discusses a new rapid detection method for early identification of toxic algae. listen to the audio clip

Scientists Share Research on Puget Sound Orcas
(4/5/06, KUOW 94.9) Mike Ford discusses the key factors in the population decline of Southern Resident Killer Whales. listen to the audio clip

Troubled Waters: The State of the Sound
(1/9/06, NPR Morning) Usha Varanasi was interviewed about the current health of Puget Sound.

Plankton Go Missing Along the Coasts.
(7/12/05, NPR-All Things Considered)

Bill Peterson was interviewed about Ocean conditions and low levels of plankton off of the west coast. listen to the audio clip

last modified 06/11/2008

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