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Featured Events Archive

August Archive

EAA Airventure - Oshkosh EAA Airventure - Oshkosh
Many people don’t realize that NASA contributes significantly to commercial aviation safety and technology improvements. This year, EAA will commemorate five decades of NASA's aeronautics and aerospace achievements.
Oshkosh, WI
July 28–August 3, 2008
Total Eclipse of the Sun Total Eclipse of the Sun
On August 1st, 2008 there will be a total solar eclipse of the Sun, and NASA will be there in China bringing you the excitment! We have set up a special web site specifically for this event; including podcasts, articles, videos, and of course a live webcast on August 1st!
August 1, 2008
ESPN Summer X Games ESPN Summer X Games
Did you know that NASA technology is used to improve athletic performance and increase personal safety? Join NASA at this summer’s X Games to learn more.
Los Angeles, CA
Jul 31, 2008 - Aug 03, 2008
Centennial Challenge - Regolith Excavation Centennial Challenge - Regolith Excavation
Humans are returning to the moon and this time we’ll actually live there. The Regolith Excavation Challenge promotes the development of new technologies to excavate lunar regolith. Excavation is a necessary first step towards lunar resource utilization, and the unique physical properties of lunar regolith make excavation a difficult technical challenge.
San Luis Obispo, CA
Aug 02, 2008
NASA Exploration Trailer State Tour of Iowa NASA Exploration Trailer State Tour of Iowa
NASA’s Exploration Experience begins with a simulated visit to the moon where explorers will build a lunar outpost and touch an actual moon rock. Visitors will also explore a virtual model of the moon, interacting with the lunar surface to learn about NASA’s research and future plans for exploration. The second section of the exhibit features a hexagonal, interactive theater that introduces visitors to NASA’s plan of returning to the moon in new vehicles currently being developed to create a working environment that will help ensure safer, more effective future exploration into the solar system. Highlighted are NASA-inspired technologies that have led to the improvement of the quality of life on Earth.
August 13 -28, 2008
Mars Society Conference Mars Society Conference
Highlights of the convention will include the latest results from the Phoenix Mars Landing mission, Spirit, Opportunity, Mars Express, and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter missions now exploring the Red planet, as well as reports on the historic four-month Mars mission simulation at the Flashline Mars Arctic Research Station on Devon Island, 900 miles from the North Pole, and the seventh season of the Mars Desert Research Station. There will also be extensive political discussions and planning meetings on how we can make use of the current fluid political situation to turn NASA's space policy into a real exploration initiative that can get humans to Mars in our time.
Boulder, CO
August 14-17, 2008
NASA 50th Ohio Gala NASA 50th Ohio Gala
Join Ohio's aerospace community for a black tie celebration of NASA's 50 years of inspiration, innovation and discovery. We will be privileged to be joined by many of Ohio's astronauts that evening.
Cleveland, OH
August 29, 2008

July Archive

Smithsonian Folklife Festival Smithsonian Folklife Festival
NASA at the Smithsonian Folklife Festival will showcase the role that the men and women of NASA have played in broadening the horizons of American science and culture, as well as the role that they will continue to play in helping to shape the future by stirring the public imagination.
Washington, DC
June 25 - 29, 2008
July 2 - 6, 2008
National Education Computing Conference (NECC) National Education Computing Conference (NECC)
NASA Education exhibitors will demonstrate how to access NASA resources to K-16 educators and technology coordinators. STS-118 will also be highlighted.
San Antonio, TX
June 29 - July 02, 2008
National Education Association (NEA) Expo National Education Association (NEA) Expo
The NEA is America's oldest and largest organization committed to advancing the cause of public education. NASA Education will be highlighting STS-118 at the conference as well as ways to access NASA Education resources and information online.
Washington, DC
July 1 - 6, 2008
International Mars Sample Return Conference International Mars Sample Return Conference
An International Conference co-hosted by ESA and CNES in cooperation with NASA and the International Mars Exploration Working Group (IMEWG).
Paris, France
July 9 - 10, 2008
International Farnborough Air Show International Farnborough Air Show
NASA's Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate is hosting a booth to highlight 50 years of NASA's contributions to aviation, and to spotlight current research efforts to make air travel more safe, efficient and environmentally friendly.
Farnborough, UK
July 14 - 20, 2008
Preparing for the Year of International Astronomy in St. Louis, MO NewSpace 2008: Creating the Future or Living in the Past
Washington DC
July 17 - 19, 2008
NLSI Lunar Science Conference NLSI Lunar Science Conference
Conference sessions are structured to report on recent results and anticipate future opportunities for lunar science. Presentations on elements of education and public outreach are included to better understand how lunar exploration can be used to stimulate public interest in space exploration and improve science literacy.
NASA Ames Research Center, CA
July 20 - 23, 2008
Planetary Science Summer School Planetary Science Summer School
An intensive one-week team exercise learning the process of developing a robotic planetary mission concept into reality through concurrent engineering.
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA
July 21 - 25, 2008
Aeronautics Interactive Gallery. EAA Airventure - Oshkosh
NASA will be celebrating its 50th anniversary at the EAA AirVenture - Oshkosh, an international gathering place for aviation enthusiasts.
Oshkosh, WI
July 28 - August 3, 2008

June Archive

International Space Development Conference (ISDC) in Washington, DC International Space Development Conference (ISDC)
The theme for ISDC 2008 is "The New Pace of Space." With NASA fully engaged in building the next generation of space exploration vehicles, and the commercial space sector beginning to test fly their new personal spaceships, we have entered the next Space Age.
Washington, DC
May 29-June 1, 2008
Preparing for the Year of International Astronomy in St. Louis, MO Preparing for the Year of International Astronomy
Meet with NASA representatives to learn how small businesses have leveraged NASA-developed technologies to create new markets and jobs. Learn how your business can participate in future opportunities.
St. Louis, MO
May 31-June 4, 2008
National Veterans Small Business Conference National Veterans Small Business Conference
In 1609, Galileo first turned his telescope to the heavens and revolutionized humanity's understanding of its place in the universe. In honor of the 400th anniversary of the astronomical telescope, the IYA will feature hands-on workshops and a three-day symposium to help educators, scientists, and anyone working in astronomy and space science outreach to prepare for the 2009 International Year of Astronomy.
Las Vegas, NV
Jun 01, 2008
GLAST Launch from Cape Canaveral, FL GLAST Launch
The Universe is home to numerous exotic and beautiful phenomena, some of which can generate almost inconceivable amounts of energy. Supermassive black holes, merging neutron stars, streams of hot gas moving close to the speed of light ... these are but a few of the marvels that generate gamma-ray radiation, the most energetic form of radiation, billions of times more energetic than the type of light visible to our eyes. What is happening to produce this much energy? What happens to the surrounding environment near these phenomena? How will studying these energetic objects add to our understanding of the very nature of the Universe and how it behaves?
Cape Canaveral, FL
No Earlier than June 11, 2008
STS-124 Launch STS-124 Landing
The STS-124 mission is the second of three flights components to complete the Kibo laboratory. The mission will include two spacewalks to install the new lab and its remote manipulator system. The lab's logistics module, which will have been installed in a temporary location during STS-123, will be attached to the new lab.
Kennedy Space Center, FL
June 14, 2008
Space: A Journey to Our Future Space: A Journey to Our Future
"Space: A Journey to Our Future" highlights current projects in space exploration -satellites, space telescopes, living in space- and provides a glimpse to future human space travel. The most advanced interactive displays and state-of-the-art projection and audio technology are used to bring the story to life. This traveling exhibit, developed by Evergreen Exhibitions, is presented at the National Air and Space Museum courtesy of NASA on its 50th anniversary.
Washington, DC
Jun 14, 2008 - Jan 2009
Ocean Surface Topography from Space Mission Ocean Surface Topography from Space Mission
OSTM will provide a minimum of 3 years measurement of global ocean surface topography to improve our understanding of ocean circulation, global sea-level change, and open ocean tide models.
Vandenberg, CA
Jun 15, 2008
NASA Day on the Hill NASA Day on the Hill
Members of Congress will have an opportunity to meet with NASA representatives and to view exhibits that describe the Agency's missions and contributions to improving life on Earth.
Washington, DC
Jun 18, 2008
Summer Balloon Classic Summer Balloon Classic
You're invited to help celebrate NASA's 50th Anniversary.
Dallas, Fort Worth, TX
Jun 20, 2008 - Jun 22, 2008
National Space and Missiles Symposium National Space and Missiles Symposium
The NSMMS is the premier forum for system engineers, designers, scientists, and managers concerned with the critical challenges of materials and processing for space and missile technology.
Henderson, NV
Jun 23, 2008 - Jun 27, 2008

May Archive

Alan Shepard Freedom 7 Project Mercury This Month in NASA History
May is a particularly exciting month in the history of human exploration including the first launch of two monkeys into suborbital flight in 1959, President Kennedy's commitment in 1961 to land a man on the Moon by the end of the decade following Astronaut Alan Shepherds successful launch on Freedom 7, and the launch of Skylab in 1973 that became the home to three crews during 1973-1974.
Digital Learning Center. Celebrate NASA's 50th Anniversary With the Digital Learning Network (DLN)
As part of NASA's 50th anniversary celebration, the DLN will inspire students across the country with a five-part series highlighting the contributions of each NASA Center to a specific topic in NASA history. Each live webcast will allow participants to submit questions to NASA representatives focused on NASA's past, present and future efforts of space exploration.
• May 13 - Go Flight!
• May 14 - Astronomy: Bringing the Past to Light
• May 20 - Advancements in Aeronautics
• May 20 - Propulsion: Past, Present and Future
• May 21 - Wind Tunnels and Their Use in Aerospace

National Air and Space Museum celebrates Space Day Celebrate Space Day at the National Air and Space Museum
Visitors of all ages are invited for a galactic adventure at the National Air and Space Museum’s annual Space Day Saturday, May 3, celebrating NASA’s 50th anniversary this year.
Washington DC
May 3, 2008
NASA future forum in San Jose, CA NASA Future Forum
NASA leadership, astronauts, scientists, and engineers along with local business, technology and academic leaders and local, state and federal officials discuss the role of space exploration in advancing science, engineering, technology, education and the economy that benefits your community and the nation. The program features an exciting preview of NASA's Constellation Program America's return to the Moon and beyond.
San Jose, CA
May 14, 2008
Glenn Research Center open house NASA Glenn Research Center Open House
Join us on to explore the frontiers of air and space, where scientific research becomes the foundation for everyday applications.
Cleveland, OH
May 17-18, 2008
Phoenix landing on Mars Phoenix Lander Arrives on Mars
Phoenix will dig to an ice-rich layer expected to lie within arm's reach of the surface. It will analyze the water and soil for evidence about climate cycles and investigate whether the environment there has been favorable for microbial life.
May 25, 2008
International Space Development Conference (ISDC) in Washington, DC International Space Development Conference (ISDC)
The theme for ISDC 2008 is "The New Pace of Space." With NASA fully engaged in building the next generation of space exploration vehicles, and the commercial space sector beginning to test fly their new personal spaceships, we have entered the next Space Age.
Washington, DC
May 29-June 1, 2008
STS-124 Launch STS-124 Launch
The STS-124 mission is the second of three flights that will launch components to complete the Kibo laboratory. The mission will include two spacewalks to install the new lab and its remote manipulator system. The lab's logistics module, which will have been installed in a temporary location during STS-123, will be attached to the new lab.
Kennedy Space Center, FL
May 31, 2008
Odyssey of the Mind finals in College Park, MD Odyssey of the Mind World Finals
For the 8th time, NASA's Science Mission Directorate and Earth Observing System Project Science Office are pleased to sponsor an Long Term Problem—The Eccentrics
College Park, MD
May 31-June 3, 2008
Preparing for the Year of International Astronomy in St. Louis, MO Preparing for the Year of International Astronomy
In 1609, Galileo first turned his telescope to the heavens and revolutionized humanity's understanding of its place in the universe. In honor of the 400th anniversary of the astronomical telescope, the IYA will feature hands-on workshops and a three-day symposium to help educators, scientists, and anyone working in astronomy and space science outreach to prepare for the 2009 International Year of Astronomy.
St. Louis, MO
May 31-June 4, 2008

April Archive

Interactive features. April is an exciting and productive month on the International Space Station!
› Visit ISS Site
Great moonbuggy race. Great Moonbuggy Race
NASA is looking for a fast set of wheels. The 15th annual Great Moonbuggy Race is set for April 4-5. During the race, dozens of high school and college teams careen around a track at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville. They pilot wheeled rovers of their own design, and perhaps launch their future as the next generation of lunar explorers.
Huntsville, AL
April 4-5, 2008
National Space Symposium. National Space Symposium
The National Space Symposium is the premier U.S. space policy and program forum, a "must attend" opportunity for information and interaction on all sectors of space -- civil, commercial, and national security. The push for space continues in all sectors, and "Our Expanding Universe...50 Years of Space Exploration" sets the tone for the event.
Colorado Springs, CO
April 7-10, 2008
National Teachers' Conference. Annual National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Conference
Astronaut Barbara Morgan will present at a session titled "Spaceflight Through a Teacher's Eyes." This session will take place on April 10, 2008, at 11:00 a.m.
Salt Lake City, UT
April 9-12, 2008
Yuri's day. Yuri's Night at NASA Ames Research Center
Simultaneously held in more than 25 countries and 80 locations worldwide, Yuri's Night World Space Parties celebrate humanity's first venture into space by Russian Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and the first Space Shuttle launch on the same day 20 years later.
Mountain View, CA
April 12, 2008
Astrobiology Science Conference. Astrobiology Science Conference
Astrobiology is the study of the origins, evolution, distribution and future of life in the universe. AbSciCon 2008 will convene the global community of scholars engaged in this interdisciplinary effort.  Interested scientists and educators are invited to participate.
Santa Clara, CA
April 14-17, 2008
Miami Future Forum. NASA Future Forum
NASA leadership, astronauts, scientists, and engineers along with local business, technology and academic leaders and local, state and federal officials discuss the role of space exploration in advancing science, engineering, technology, education and the economy that benefits your community and the nation. The program features an exciting preview of NASA's Constellation Program America's return to the Moon and beyond.
Miami, FL
April 18, 2008
Dr. Stephen Hawking NASA Lecture Series with Professor Stephen Hawking
Professor Hawking will discuss "Why We Should Go Into Space" including a segment on Science Education by Lucy Hawking. This event is by invitation only.
Washington, DC
April 21, 2008
Earth day. Earth Day
Earth Day is a time to celebrate gains we have made and create new visions to accelerate environmental progress. Earth Day is a time to unite around new actions. Earth Day and every day is a time to act to protect our planet.
April 22, 2008
NASA Spinoff Day on the Hill. NASA Spinoff Day on the Hill
The transfer, application and commercialization of NASA-funded technology, occurs in many ways - knowledge sharing, technical assistance, intellectual property licensing, cooperative research and technology projects and other forms of partnership. Learn how NASA technology has moved into the marketplace and contributed to the NASA Mission Directorates, and the nation's prosperity.
Washington, DC
April 30, 2008

March Archive

Rose Bowl Float. IEEE Aerospace Annual Conference
The 2008 conference will be the twenty-ninth in a series of annual weeklong winter engineering conferences designed for aerospace experts, academia, military personnel, and industry leaders in a stimulating and thought-provoking environment. The Conference promotes interdisciplinary understanding of aerospace systems, their underlying science and technology, and their applications to government and commercial endeavors.
Big Sky, MT
March 1-8, 2008
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Goddard Memorial Symposium
Exploration to Commercialization: Going to Work in Space
The 46th Robert H. Goddard Memorial Symposium will bring together leaders in government, industry, academia, and entrepreneurs to consider the history and current state of space exploration and commercialization, and collectively discuss new plans and prospects for the future of humanity in space.
Greenbelt, MD
March 5-7, 2008
Daytona 500. Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Launch
The International Space Station (ISS) depends on regular deliveries of experimental equipment and spare parts as well as food, air and water for its permanent crew. Europe's Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) will be one of the indispensable ISS supply spaceships.
Kourou, French Guiana
March 7, 2008
Google CEO and Chairman. STS-123 Launch
Space shuttle Endeavour’s next flight to the International Space Station will truly be an international endeavor as it requires every single partner actively participating to make everything work. Topping the list of milestones is the delivery of part of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s module, marking the beginning of the agency’s presence on the station.
Kennedy Space Center, FL
March 11, 2008
Seattle, WA. NASA Next Generation Airspace Systems Technical Interchange Meeting
We will examine long-term research issues for the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen). At the meeting, NASA researchers and their partners will share highlights of the first year work within the NextGen-Airspace and NextGen-Airportal Projects. The forum will provide the opportunity for open technical exchange, for presentation of new ideas and developments, and for gaining feedback that will enhance our Program.
Austin, TX
March 18-20, 2008
The 50th Anniversary of Explorer 1. NASA Future Forum
St. Louis, MO
March 25-26, 2008
Seattle, WA. World’s Best Technologies Showcase
The WBTshowcase is the nation's premier event showcasing the largest collection of undiscovered technologies emanating from top universities, labs and research institutions from across the country and around the globe.
Arlington, TX
March 26-27, 2008
Seattle, WA. National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) Conference
In addition to the NASA booth, Astronaut Barbara Morgan will give two presentations, "Exploring Space Through a Teacher's Eyes," and "The Sky is No Limit: A Spaceflight Conversation with Teacher and Astronaut Barbara Morgan."
Boston, MA
March 18-20, 2008

February Archive

Crew of STS-122. STS-122 Launch
February 7, 2008
Houston Hispanic Forum Houston Hispanic Forum's Career and Education Day
Education Outreach has coordinated nearly 20 volunteers to serve as career panel presenters for this event, taking place at the George R. Brown Convention Center. This annual event is for Houston-area students in grades 6-12 and gives them an opportunity to speak to professionals about career choices for their futures. An estimated 16000 students will participate in this event.
Houston, TX
February 9, 2008
Next generation conference. Next Generation Conference-2 (NGEC-2)
A gathering of emerging global space leaders to design the future of space exploration through direct input at NASA's highest levels. NGEC-2 will be focusing the energies and innovations of this group on "Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Lunar Development," and will be producing output documents for the NASA Exploration Systems Mission Directorate Commercial Development Policy group and Innovative Partnerships Program Office.
NASA Ames Research Center, CA
February 12-15, 2008
Daytona 500. Daytona 500
Daytona International Speedway will host the most anticipated event in racing history: The 50th Running of the Daytona 500. In addition to participating in the fan festival, NASA will fly three Daytona 500 flags aboard an upcoming space shuttle flight. Speedway officials plan to wave one of the flags to begin the 2008 installment of the Daytona 500, while another will be presented to the winning driver. NASA will keep the third.
Daytona, FL
February 16-17, 2008
Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King Celebration
Congressman Artur Davis (D-AL) will be the keynote speaker at the NASA Marshall Spaceflight Center (MSFC) Celebration of Martin Luther King Day.
Huntsville, AL
February 19, 2008
International Space University Symposium International Space University Symposium
The 12th Annual Symposium in early 2008, proclaimed by the United Nations as The International Year of Planet Earth, will emphasize the benefits of the space program for society. This time we are asking the question ‘How can space address Earth’s global challenges in the 21st century?’. In this context ‘space’ can be interpreted in a wide sense encompassing observations of our home planet and more distant worlds by human and robotic missions as well as the technologies developed in support of these programs.
Strasbourg, France
February 20-22, 2008
Future Forum in Columbus, OH. NASA Future Forum
NASA leadership, astronauts, scientists, and engineers along with local business, technology and academic leaders and local, state and federal officials discuss the role of space exploration in advancing science, engineering, technology, education and the economy that benefits your community and the nation. The program features an exciting preview of NASA's Constellation Program and America's return to the Moon and beyond.
Columbus, OH
February 21, 2008
International Technology Education Association (ITEA) Conference International Technology Education Association (ITEA) Conference
The space shuttle Endeavour blasted off August 7, carrying seven astronauts to orbit on a complex flight to continue the assembly of the International Space Station and fulfill a long-standing human spaceflight legacy. The 119th flight in space-shuttle history and the 22nd to the station is unique to ITEA because one of its crew is one of our own, ITEA member Barbara R. Morgan.
Salt Lake City, UT
February 21-23, 2008
Automated Transfer Vehicle. Automated Transfer Vehicle (ATV) Launch
The ATV will serve as an automated vessel, regularly launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) to work alongside the Russian Progress re-supply, carrying food, clothing, fuel and experiments to the International Space Station (ISS), as the station grows in size and crew compliments.
February 22, 2008
Space Exploration Conference Space Exploration Conference
Topics to be addressed include: Constellation Initial Capabilities: From ISS to Lunar Missions, Transition: A Look Ahead, Exploration Commercial Development, Human and Robotics Collaboration to Further Space Exploration, International Collaboration and Global Exploration, Exploration and Science Collaboration, Learning from Our Past, and Sustaining Space Exploration: A Generation Y Perspective. Associated with the conference will be Education Alley, featuring dynamic educational outreach activities and associated competitions that will inspire the next generation to continue the exploration of the Moon, Mars, and beyond.
Denver, CO
February 26-28, 2008

January Archive

Rose Bowl Float. JPL Rose Parade Float Salutes 50 Years of Exploration
Planets and spacecraft sprung forth from JPL's float in this year's Rose Parade. The float's theme highlighted the upcoming 50th anniversary of the JPL-designed and built Explorer 1, the first U.S. satellite to orbit Earth.
January 1, 2008
AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Annual AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting.
Reno, NV
January 7-10, 2008
Daytona 500. NASA Astronaut at Daytona Speedway Event for 50th Milestones
Daytona, FL
January 8, 2008
Google CEO and Chairman. Google CEO and Chairman Speaks at NASA 50th Anniversary Event
Washington, DC
January 17, 2008
Seattle, WA. Future Forum at the Museum of Flight
Seattle, Washington
January 25, 2008
The 50th Anniversary of Explorer 1. 50th Anniversary of Explorer I Educator Conference
Explorer 1, the United States' first artificial satellite, launched 50 years ago on January 31. To commemorate this historic milestone, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is hosting the 50th Anniversary of Explorer 1 Conference. This educator conference will feature a series of speakers describing the political, technical, educational and social context of the time. An Explorer 1 documentary produced for the anniversary by JPL Executive Council member and Emmy Award-winning producer Blaine Baggett will be screened.
Pasadena, CA
January 26-27, 2008
America in space. Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of America in Space/Davidson Center for Space Exploration Opening Event
Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC)
January 31, 2008
Explorer 1. Explorer 1 Recognition Event
Kennedy Space Center (KSC)
January 31, 2008
Explorer 1. Caltech Explorer 1 Celebration
Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL)
January 31, 2008